Update Log - 22/08/2018

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Update Log - 22/08/2018

We have another small quality of life update today bundled together with a whole bunch of things @TinySlayer fixed.
  • Added a visible timer when in jail
  • The backdoor of the PD now opens automatically (like the front door)
  • Added cool down to stim packs and slightly rebalanced them
  • Stolen vehicles can now be entered by the person who broke into them even after leaving the car (until the owner re-locks the car)
  • There is now a column in the org menu showing whether or not a member is online
  • Fixed crafting not giving experience towards the crafting skill level
Changes/Bugfixes by @TinySlayer:
  • Changed default ticket amount to $1000
  • Fixed couriers getting into police cars
  • Fixed phone messenger noise when holding a phone
  • Fixed getting stuck zoomed in with binoculars
  • Fixed police warrants/property lists sometimes not appearing correctly
  • Removed construction booklet tab
  • Fixed items getting stuck in invisible trunk slots
  • Fixed withdrawing police barricades from trunks
  • Fixed windows not respawning
  • Fixed vehicle trim preview
  • Only citizens and police can interact with drug planters
  • Stopped temporary items being able to be sent to storage
  • Fixed DNA disappearing in some cases
  • Fixed bug where dispatcher couldn't pick up the phone
  • Fixed console spam from TVs
  • Fixed clients and the server getting out of sync when reloading
  • Fixed fire hose not being able to reach everywhere in the map
  • Fixed smoke detectors not being removed when disconnecting
Thanks @Sossa for compiling a list of suggestions
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Highlights for me:
- Stolen vehicles can now be entered by the person who broke into them even after leaving the car (until the owner re-locks the car)
- The backdoor of the PD now opens automatically (like the front door)
- Fixed items getting stuck in invisible trunk slots

Thanks again for another great update.
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