Update Log 26/05/2020

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Update Log - 26/05/2020

A small update will go live tomorrow morning at the restart. There are a range of changes, but big changes are to do with weapon fire rates and added blacklists to SCAM. There have also been a range of changes to the event system since the last update log, most of which are detailed in this thread.
  • Reworked the way that the server calculates a weapon can next be fired. When firing on automatic, is now based on the last time the weapon should have been fired, rather than the time of the current frame. You can find a full explanation of this change in my discussion thread.
  • Added Blacklists to SCAM
    • Your blacklists are now visible in SCAM when you are logged in
    • Staff members are able to view all of them, and add and remove them like they would bans
    • Blacklists are now applicable for chat channels as well as teams
    • Blacklists can now easily be added for any range of time
  • Removed the old OOC Timeout system
  • Improved various other SCAM functionality
  • Cookers no longer cause chemical tables to explode
  • Fixed the KPH option
  • Fixed the snowman not being freezeable
  • Fixed Organisation Invites appearing behind the scorebaord
  • Fixed dispatcher appearing upside down
Thanks to @Zharkan16, @ICEKILLER_99, @Tinky, @Creepis and @A1L for reporting bugs. Thanks to @Creepis and @Dom_ for their help with the fire rate changes.
FPS shooting mechanics in most games aren't accurate at that distance for pistols visa vi get better gun or better positioning
@ALOO89 would you say he was around 20-30m away maybe? pistols are accurate to hit an entire body at a distance of around 45-50 yards (40-45M ish) so for headshot accuracy, this is clearly a massive difference. It's realistic and also common in most non-autoaim FPS games. I guarantee you if you had server/clientside hit reg none of them would've hit due to realistic base inaccuracy. @JRW that's how I am arguing you pleb

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but most pistols would be zero'd at like 10-25yards by default so it'd likely be you having dropoff
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