We need active staff

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considering me and creepis are evocity boomers, we volunteer as tributes :))))))))))))))))))
Staff came on and changed my name because it was "Furry Hunter". That's the closest thing to a report being handled I've experienced in 3 days...
I’ve not had near as much time as I would like to roleplay recently, not many staff members seem to come on at the moment. I’ve often come on to 7-8 reports, I understand people’s pain and frustration when they aren’t dealt with quickly or even at all.
Idk why they don't just get rid off staff that can't meet the basic requirement of just logging on
I can literally make a f6 report and have it answered 6 hours later
80% of the staff members shouldn't even be here anymore
if only I wasn't perma banned twice I might also consider it
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