Weapon Update Announcement

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Ok so first off let me say, thank you all for being patient about letting this update take its time. It has been an adventure for all of us trying to get it to work in every way: from first person models, to third person models, to items dropped, to inventory displays. Source Engine wasn't fully set up with this kind of thing in mind. But here at PH we tend to get around some of the limits that otherwise stop us from being unique.

We plan to release all of this ideally on PerpHead's 3rd year anniversary!!! For those of you who do not know when that is it is the 5th of July. Additional events and stuff may be scheduled for the same day in order to commemorate the day.

This update includes a number of other features as well that have been worked on in conjunction with weapons. So hopefully everything goes as planned and with as few errors as possible.

Here's where some "bad" news happens though. As you may be aware some items currently crafted either are or contain parts of the gun which will be optional after this update. So this requires new components to craft. We have decided that all components upon release will be deleted. Be sure you use up all the ones you have or they will be removed and no cash value given. I regret having to do it this way but it is by far the easiest and best solution. Although I imagine most people that are crafting guns will have already made most parts into the weapons they intended them to become.

We are working frantically to be sure everything is set up and all other fixes are balanced and ready to go. I know this announcement may be a bit delayed but there have been a number of RL set backs for me recently. Either way, if you have any questions that I can answer for you at this time feel free to ask (keep it reasonable).
- Can't read, nevermind @Creepis -
So just to clarify, weapon components will be deleted and full crafted weapons will be kept in our storage?
If this is the case, how are suppressed Berettas going to work? Will it get separated into attachments or will it just stay as one weapon?
I wish I could use my silenced beretta.
But I can't.
Because I'm banned for two months.
And when my ban's over the update will have been.
RIP Silenced Beretta
This update includes a number of other features as well that have been worked on in conjunction with weapons.

Perhaps we could have a few hints to what these features are, or are all of these features from 'accepted'/'done' suggestions?
From what I have been seen so far, all is sound.
I got a bunch of weapon components in storage, but honestly don't care.
As long as this update gets through successfully I'm happy.
Looking forward to it.
Firearms update will certainly be great and will definitely be another unique feature. But the other stuff on the update is cooleeerrrrr :shamefullyembarrased::shamefullyembarrased::shamefullyembarrased::shamefullyembarrased::shamefullyembarrased:
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Gonna have gun shows going on around here screw them P1's bring us some beauties of guns. Looking forward to this update only thing I have been slightly worried about is if you are trying to sell these weapons do attachments show on weapons being sold?
I am probably a tard for asking this, but in the coming update will 1) there still be a firearms level and 2) we keep our current firearms level?
Im gonna be so pissed if we don't keep it, since I spent a shitload of cash in such a short time for it...but then again, it could increase demand in guns so that people don't get bored of being overpowered.
Firearms update will certainly be great and will definitely be another unique feature. But the other stuff on the update is cooleeerrrrr :shamefullyembarrased::shamefullyembarrased::shamefullyembarrased::shamefullyembarrased::shamefullyembarrased:

Jordan's referring to the giant statue of himself outside the PD with a tagline saying "this is my life now"

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