In order to think and say your opinion you risk being offensive, it does not automatically constitute as hate speech or discrimination.
If you understood the context to the situation, it would be far different and many Muslims would disagree with your point on the basis that again... context is key in this situation. I'm not going to sit here and explain it but it's just one of those.
not be doing is introducing a ban escalation process e.g. telling staff what they should be punishing and for how long.
I do completely agree, it is not how the team runs and how trust is created, allowing them to manage their own cases how they see fit, of course, but this point is specifically in ensuring that there are fair and just punishments for those who are Islamophobic.
I do feel that the majority of the comments do not understand Islam and many of the comments you bring are either a. lacking context or b. off-topic.
I'm by no means asking the staff team to automatically triple the punishment, but if we punish people and ban them for a year for saying racial slurs we can do the same for Islamophobic comments.
Whilst there are debates and questions about Islam and other faiths, which is completely acceptable there are also comments which are just made to offend and cause harm to a population and I do feel this should not be muddled up.
It's also important to note that our staff come from so many different countries and cultures so the severity may be perceived differently.
Part of a point I raised but didn't write, however, if I went to a Muslim staff member with that report there would definitely be a higher consequence for that person than if I went to a non-Muslim staff member which, to an extent, highlight the lack of clear and consistent punishments for discrimination.
I would find it beneficial if staff members were able to actively see community resolutions on SCAM as this was not something we were able to view nor was/is a feature, I do feel this would contribute to more consistent punishments for similar situations/issues that arise as well as informing the staff member of the resolution rather than the Discord threads.