What do you do?

Kronan orginal kostar typ 27 där jag bor
kronan tycker jag är gott, alla har ju sin åsikt, jag tycker till exempel att lundgrens bara smakar kemikalier o skaver i läppen, så jag tycker de är piss
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Doing Level 3 Public Services atm. It is A-Level grade type work so if I complete the two-year course I get 60 UCAS Credits which I will hopefully use or put towards studying Law at University. Then I intend to join Royal Airforce Police then join Civilian Police after a few years in that and then after a few years in Civ Police I wish to become an AFO (Authorised Firearms Officer) The Officers with guns who stand outside landmarks/important places (Targets for Terrorists)
I also play Counter Strike lads come 1v1 me
eeeh you are silver.
how did the 1v1 go for you


ez af
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Outside of perp? I'm planning to study biology at university other than that I just walk my skinny Golden Retriever.
I know this is old thread pls no rate old.
I'm currently high school year2 as a healthcare worker.

Next year i am going Ambulance class, since i didn't get in this year.

I have no hobbies im a massive idiot (failure)