What you guys think about school??

It's good because you can get GCSEs which are extremely useful if you want a good job rather than working at KFC.
To be honest, I think we should be happy we even can attend to school.

- You get friends.
- You get a girlfriend --> You get your first kiss. --> You get laid.
- You learn stuff to make money in the future.
- You get to know banter.
- You get a phone.
- Best time of your life, try to enjoy....

All those people screaming SCHOOL IS FUCKING STUPID AND SHIT are just some unmature scrublords.

As bad as it is turning up to lessons and mindlessly staring out of the window at school, the rest of it is brilliant. One of the best things is forming a group of friends that you'll be involved with for the rest of your education, that is what makes school a good time.
It's not that bad, if you didn't go you'd be bored uselessly in the day.
When you leave school, life becomes very boring.
Although my school was placed as 3rd best in Gloucestershire, I have still learnt more life lessons from PERPHeads alone... Sometimes they could takes months to teach us pointless shit, I'd ask them "why do we need this in life?" My maths teacher once replied with "If you wanna be a builder!" This pissed me right off, it's a true story as well.

I still take it for granted though; not everyone gets an education!
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Don't be part of an outcast squad, me and Lewis hated eachother because I destroyed his minecraft re project but now I can ask him in two years time if he wants to go down for a pint in a local boozer, if I could go back into 2005 and wear grommets throughout to year 11.
For me, school has always been something which I find "annoying" and it is something I particularly do not enjoy when the thought is in my head that I have to go but once I actually get there, it's just as enjoyable as being sat on my ass at home playing PERPHeads.
Im fine with school but i hate the things you don't need to learn. As @Senlin said you wonder why you need to learn something then you ask why then he says some job you don't wanna do when your older i mean i don't wanna be a builder.
Another thing was when my spanish/french teacher said you gotta get a GCSE in spanish to be a pilot. I mean i don't know why you need to be able to speak Spanish to fly a plane.
Having not been in school now for over a year, I can definitely say it gets taken for granted too often.
One of the funniest experiences of my life. The friends helped you through the day (when you had those awful 8am-3:15pm schooldays).
Not to mention the sick parties our class held along with the high school's own parties, in which everyone was wasted and just had a good time
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I'm fine with school since it's required to get not a street wiper job.
Yeah I get new friends but some stuff that we are being taught in school is useless in life.
School is amazing, without school I would never know how things worked and honestly if you say "I can learn that on the tv" then you're more than retarded as of how would they know if they didnt go to school? I mean no one would understand how the world works. And don't say maths is boring or to hard... Math is only hard when you don't try