Crazy shit that happened at your school

A kid shat himself and wrote things on the wall with it using his hands
Now before you all say "British schools hardly have lock downs" you are wrong.
My school had 2 lock downs in 1 day as there was some guy around the area with a 6 inch blade (that's what we were told). Was not scared one bit either.

I was knocked out by some kid 1 year higher than me as he felt "threatened" by me walking in the gates.

Whilst fixing a computer, some kid thought it would be a great idea to turn the power on and give me a electric shock, hurt alot after.

Loads of fights.

The speakers in our main hall are Bluetooth and someone connected their phone and played some strange shit on there

During P.E one of the glass windows in the sports hall smashed above my heard, managed to move out the way before getting hit by loads of glass shards.

Some kid tried to finger a girl in my English class, he got put on the sex offender register.

And today, some kid nicked my phone and tried to unlock it, and run off with it, what he didn't know was I installed find my phone and my providers tracker, I found him with the behaviour teacher and the community support officer behind the sports hall trying to destroy it,

Yeah, not as bad as some but still.
almost forgot, in year 11 some mentally ill lady somehow got onto our field and was walking around naked for about 20 minutes until the PE teachers took her into the office to phone an ambulance
Me and my friends got onto the speakers in my school and started playing big iron through them
I was standing in the smoking area with a few friends at college it was just after lunch when some guy walked up to us and was like can you call the ambulance I’ve been stabbed he then just walked away to his friends laughing and joking whilst blood was pouring from his ass. Yes he was stabbed in his bum. He had to be air lifted to hospital since he lost a lot of blood

At the same college 2 guys was coming back from lunch when a group of boys pulled them into this alley right outside my college and started to rob them whilst beating them both guys lost really expensive coats and shoes one also lost his wallet with supposedly a couple hundred inside.

All 3 students never came back

PG I live in London and this is normal.
Maddest thing that happened at school for me was:
A girl taking a Paracetemol Overdose in Bioligy. Some girl took a whole pack then bragged about it (people didnt think she was being serious) before collapsing in Year 9