What you guys think about school??

Bit of a revive here but, ye ^^

I think school is really important for you and that we should all be happy that where we live, we actually have the ability to go to school. I do agree tho, we learn alot of stuff where i almost fall asleep, but then again, all these tiny things that you learn. At some point you are gonna be able to put all those tiny things together and that way, you will have a much easier time further on in life.

Im now starting in 8th grade, and this is kinda my last chance to get myself together(After being all shit and not paying attention in the entire 7th grade + showing up 20 minutes late 90% of all days). Usually everything you learn will be kinda repeated and refreshed every single grade up to 8th grade. This means that this is my last chance to catch up on everything that we learnt in 7th grade.

Oh yeah, there are also the freinds. Ive met so many different people on the 2 schools i have been on. And even tho my teacher says "When you finish 9th grade, you are probably not gonna speak to most of your freinds again, since you all choose different life choices and lifestyles" there are still a couple of dawgs that i wanna hang on to, as good as i can.

Oh well, just felt like leaving my opinion on here;)
School, is jail. The windows and building is like it, the play grounds are jail, the teachers are just, AIDS.
Force yourself to learn. I got some of the worst grades in 6th grade. My parents forced me to read up and do extra homework in my entire summer holiday from 7th grade to 8th grade. I changed from being a bad student to be a good student. And I tell you; that made my school time a lot more easier and fun.

I'm lucky that my parents actually forced me to do this, but I definitely suggest you try yourself if your parents doesn't have the authority to do so.
Secondary school is ok, but try going to a primary school that is completely based around Christianity and you're the only atheist there. Doesn't bode well, really. I got bullied because I never spoke prayers in assembly :laughcry:
My school is classed as the school with most destruction in my whole city but i still like it, i have changed 7 of my grades in just one year from really fucking bad to almost best and middlegood.
Enjoy school while you can, don't mess up and make the right decisions. Going to business college at the moment which isn't very hard really, doing my Fach-Abitur in Metal Technology (Vocational Baccalaureate Diploma) for a year and then switching over to IT as it was full last time I asked, it's fun.
Well I was a little shit in Year 7,8,9 now I have to see how year 10 goes :facepalm: but I don't enjoy school at all.
Got extremely bored over the holiday, so glad I'm heading back to school.
(listen to the wise words of Standish)
Not looking forward to being in year 10 though.
School is important for you to get a job and have a nice life but hard for people when they have class mates who mess about all the time and I would have to say people ask what I want to be and laugh but when I will be successful and they would be working in a shop or taking money off the government so school in a nutshell may be boring but can be fun also very important for you and you only have one chance at it so make the most and achieve what you want to achieve and listen otherwise you will end up as one of the idiots when I leave school I want to be a Police Officer but that can only be achieved by working hard so guys best work hard and not mess in school.