Where are the devs

Alrighty thanks for the awnsers. And I know the mouths problem doesn't have anything to do with you but I figured that you would know more about it than me as you got that shiny purple name and I do not ;)
Stop complaining and suggest good changes rather than "TFU DUMB PLS NERF" "JUST MAKE GUNS CHEAPER LMAO". If you give them good ideas that aren't thought out within 5 seconds of you dying due to you just not being able to aim then post them and they'll be worked on. Good quality suggestions also need to have the cons thought out just as much as the pros if not more so which is a trend I've yet to see.

I want a shop where i can buy power ups like boost drugs!
there's so many good suggestions people don't even bother posting alot of them anymore because they'll never be implimented.