Why else would they be so in favour of the uncontrolled immigration? It was one of the biggest factors in the EU referendum for many, where labour heartlands had voted to leave
On a none jokingly insulting note: I cannot vote Greens like I want to because the conservatives will cause more damage than labour would to me and inclusive of my opinions on brexit. We should hand power back to the queen because GODSAVETHEQUEEN
So clearly caring about EU immigrants is caring about the working class. And it's not like you can't do both.
But I bet you didn't know that EU immigrants are actually less lazy than the UK population.
@Fredy Not meant to be a insult but do you understand the class structure in the UK works? I'm not saying EU workers or any immigrants don't work hard or well. Why else would you explain labour loosing traditional voters then?
Conservatives implemented austerity because of the way Labour spent money like they had an endless supply. Implemented in 2010, right after Labour got out of power
@Duffy Nice pivoting my friend. Maybe you should just admit that you are full of shit on this rather than changing the topic to class structure. Labour is losing votes because you have the worst media anywhere in the world (worse than the US), with too much clearly false propaganda being spread about Labour trying to manipulate people to vote Conservative.
@Fredy Of course how could I be so dumb, it's clearly all fake news! That's honestly the stupidest reasoning I've ever heard. Do you have a actual answer as to why they're loosing votes, or is that the best you can come up with?
Conservatives implemented austerity as a response to the financial crisis and your country wasting a trillion pounds bailing out the banks. While that package was passed during a labour government, the conservatives would've done the same.
Labour sold gold reserves because the country was in a fucking fab place, then the American banks caused the crash. Then we were in debt. Then the tories just drove it into the ground rather than saving it
@Duffy You are the one who pivoted away from Labour being anti worker and pro immigrant to now asking why Labour is losing votes (as if it is at all relevant to this discussion, everyone can vote for shit parties because they are idiots while Labour are still the best choice).
And you can't possibly deny your media being absolute garbage (mainly Daily Mail and The Sun, both of which are pure propaganda and lies)