@Fredy What makes you the expert on Brexit then? Also political science is the theory behind politics, whilst the one I'm studying focuses on the real world aspect, you know, like the very thing we're talking about?
Thanks for the Jeremy Corbyn video, it even says in the description "Labour are back as the party of the working class". Literally proves my point that labour had abandoned the working class because, or why else would they be 'back".
You don't know everything, again all of your knowledge on the UK and Brexit has been taken from news and media. You're no better than me claiming to be a historian because I watch the History Channel and play Call of Duty. Quite pathetic and a bit sad really.
Oh and btw if you want to start pointing out the flaws in the working week, perhaps start with your comrades idea of a 4 day week
Anyone who lived or has family members that lived in the UK in the 70s will know the state Britain was in under Labour. But hey free internet am I right guys.
Literally half of the Shadow cabinet have said ridiculous things, from Thornberry mocking a white van man and his flag, to Dianne Abbot who claims west Indie mums love their kids more than white mums and thinks Mao did more good than harm. Or what about McDonald signing the letter to abolish MI5?
Not gonna debate someone who clearly doesn't know their stuff. Go out into the real world, do some academic studies relating to it then come back