why can we not post "offensive " jokes in SB

I don't take any side on this, but here's what I think at least. If somebody were to say these things in the OOC chat in-game, you expect the message to be removed, if they persist then they get OOC gagged/banned whatever because it is violating the rules.

Suddenly the moment staff members start enforcing the forum rules in the shoutbox everyone decides to flip and start acting like it's the end of the world. If you want the rules to be looser then you can make a thread to change them in the rules discussion section, I don't see how making posts pointing out staff members makes a difference to this, instead it makes you look really pathetic as you are just looking at things to blame and say "If he did it, why can't I?".

Sure some things that are being deleted are a bit debatable about whether or not they should be, but at the end of the day, it's up to the staff member who gives out the punishment.
In my personal opinion, the use of offensive words for the intentions to offend other shouldn't be tollerated. The thing is being "offensive" is generallized and you can get banned by just saying words people scream IC. It's almost like shoutbox is being treated like it's a proffesional environment, cause you know it's totally not a gaming community.

The thing is that sometimes things are funny and offensive, and making a nazi moderator joke is now a bannable offense. Hense why I'm banned from the shoutbox by saying the shoutbox for saying the shoutbox is my safe space and if you offend me I'll have a nazi moderator ban you.

Rate it dumb you agree the shoutbox is a safe space and you're the problem
@Sneaky and @Adrish stop being fucking retarded smh fuck outta here with ur nonsense

All of you should learn how to read for fucks sake. I'm not talking about people saying nigga. I'm talking about sending memes that contains the word "nigga".
Offense is taken, not given
If people are offended by what other people say on the internet they should consider shutting off their computer and coming back when they are ready for the mean words that will hurt their "wittle feelings :(" no matter the context
@Adrish too long for comment"
  1. 'Calling someone an idiot would be completely fine' - As far as I'm concerned, being disrespectful to anyone has been disallowed. Refer to rule 1.1

you still dont understand;

IF I CALL YOU STUPIF, IF, that means im calling you "


retard gets me banned, stupid doesn't. THEY MEAN THE SAME THING.

the point im trying to make is why ban someone for saying nigger when nigga is allowed, they mean the same fucking thing. im just comparing it at this point

Just read 2 words of it, can see you've still got your panties in a twist. I mean, I recommend you to refer to @Puma123's post:
@Sneaky and @Adrish stop being fucking retarded smh fuck outta here with ur nonsense

So unless you want to stop crying and be constructive. Thanks
You're all idiots, stop being social justice warriors and grow some balls. If someone something says offends you:

1. Ignore it.
2. Leave the shoutbox.
3. Ask them respectfully to not say that.

Its the internet, it's not your personal safe zone.
Hello everyone! Sagittarius McSafeSpace here!

I do believe I have a solution to the problem at hand, friends!

How about we stop being offended on behalf of others, and we just ban people if they get reported? So when a person gets offended, because they were called a "dumb nigger faggot", then they use the report function. I know, you moderators can also get offended, no surprise there, but I really think it's gotten to a point, where you guys get offended on behalf of others.
To be fair, The shoutbox is the first thing people see when they go onto the site. Imagine what they'd think of the community if the first thing they read was "420 all women are gay jews xd"
This is just plain retarded. The strict shoutbox rules were made to evade complicated situations like this but its only creating more.

We have come to a time where people get banned for saying "retard" in the shoutbox.
What the fuck?

People get banned because of the interpretation of words as an example the word "nogger".
What the fuck?

Really, if this is what perpheads has become i honestly dont want to be part of this community anymore

im loosing an arguement

You want a fucking argument? Have one:


The community has many good features, yet also many bad features. However, for now I will speak to the common issue of the 'Shoutbox Rules.' These rules were added in to ensure that people weren't offended as well as a few rules being cleared up due to this. Unfortunately, many people saw this as an attack on their freedom and attempted to strike back. Throughout this, I will be addressing some points that have been brought up.

First of all, the issue of 'this being the internet' - Yes, I'm sure we're aware. However this doesn't mean someone can't be offended. Often people say 'just close the screen' or 'just turn it off'. But is it really that simple? We all know of Amanda Todd (it may seem a far fetched comparison, but hold on). A young-adult who was 'cyberbullied' so much that she had commit suicide. She received one message which had spun out into a large commotion which had unfortunately led to her ending her life. Why don't you go to her parent and say 'why didn't she just close the laptop?' or 'why didn't she just turn off the phone'. It's not that simple. You can not know anything about someones life, the slightest word could spin someone out of control. I'm also thinking of a particular person within this community who was outraged by actions taken against him in the community, even me. I was violated throughout the shout box, server and my profile.

Secondly, members of the community using such words after it being strictly prohibited. It has been said in the past, yes of course it has. But back then rules weren't enforced as much as they are now. Staff members were more lenient and friendly towards players. As more players joined the community, more things had to be changed. People began to bend rules to their advantage, exploited them. Thus, the rules had to be changed or fixed. New staff members were told to be more strict. I, for example, was told that I am to be stern with the rules, as if I let someone off with a warning. They would take advantage of that. Take @Matt for example, 17 bans and countless warnings. Do you think after the 10th ban he would learn? Or would we have had to have been more strict? All I'm trying to say here is that the rules HAD to be changed to ensure that no rules were being exploited as well as creating a friendly atmosphere for newcomers and make this a truly 'AMAZING' community as we say it is.

Thirdly, another issue that had been raised is that there are countless messages where an offensive slur or a derogatory term has been used. We aren't robots. We can't go through ALL the comments and posts where an offensive word has been used and change them. YES! They have been used in the PAST, but we are talking about the FUTURE. I'm sure you've seen in many ban appeals 'Oh, I've seen this guy do this and that, why can't I?' Well, it's for the same reason why you can't post an offensive slur or an offensive meme in the shout box. It's against the rules. If you don't agree with it, there are places you can go, try and get your word out. But a pointless argument between 2 individuals is imbecilic and definitely not helping.

Another issue I have encountered is when you say something such as 'retard' but mean 'idiot'. Simple solution, say idiot. I don't understand why you have decided to say things such as "Why can't I call someone an AUTISTIC FUCKING RETARD (no offence to anyone who is either 'autistic', 'fucking' or a 'retard') when I mean 'idiot'." Why do you think? Listen to yourself. It's not fair for anyone else that takes offence. You don't know who will take offence and who won't, so don't be so self-centred. Whereas, you could now say that 'oh, you used those words with a disclaimer, does that mean I can use them in the shout box with a disclaimer?' I only used them to recreate a scene that would often been seen. Please don't try and twist my words or exploit them.

Furthermore, onto the subject issue. Offensive memes. (@Puma123 this part is for you). The reason offensive memes have been disallowed are due to them being offensive. Pretty self explanatory. Yet, I myself enjoy memes that are often posted within the shout box, nor do I totally agree with the rules put in place. Yet they are sufficient, as in they do what they need to do to allow people to roam this community 'freely' and in a friendly environment. Now, offensive memes. There have been memes created in this community including staff members, and I'm sure @ShadowJoey enjoyed a particular 'master piece' (as he said it). Unfortunately, these memes were offensive and the posters were banned. But on the other hand, there are memes that are slightly offensive but don't do much damage. I reckon something should be put in place with a staff's discretion (which will most likely be abused to its maximum). By this I mean that when a staff member deems something as being too offensive, it can easily be removed. I'm sure we all know the boundaries between something being extremely offensive, to something being nothing but a scratch on someone's feelings.

My opinion, I doubt anyone has read this far into this, and if you have then congratulations. You are probably one of the people that want to actually help this 'issue' rather than discard it and argue some more about the things you can't post. Thus, I shall conclude with my opinion. I believe that rules put in place have caused major issues within the community, and instead of bringing us together. It parts us. It's no good putting a rule in place when most of the community feel it's unjust and not necessary. However, I do understand that something should be put in place, for occasions where these slurs are being used in a malicious manner. As I had mentioned before, staff discretion. I think it would be great for us staff to be able to deem memes either offensive, or okay for the shout box. If you come to me and say 'there's not always going to be a staff member in the shout box,' as I'll just respond 'we should be active'. But maybe we could input some sort of rank where a group of people have the power to deem offensive memes and non-offensive memes. Just my opinion.

Furthermore, onto the subject issue. Offensive memes. (@Puma123 this part is for you). The reason offensive memes have been disallowed are due to them being offensive. Pretty self explanatory. Yet, I myself enjoy memes that are often posted within the shout box, nor do I totally agree with the rules put in place. Yet they are sufficient, as in they do what they need to do to allow people to roam this community 'freely' and in a friendly environment. Now, offensive memes. There have been memes created in this community including staff members, and I'm sure @ShadowJoey enjoyed a particular 'master piece' (as he said it). Unfortunately, these memes were offensive and the posters were banned. But on the other hand, there are memes that are slightly offensive but don't do much damage. I reckon something should be put in place with a staff's discretion (which will most likely be abused to its maximum). By this I mean that when a staff member deems something as being too offensive, it can easily be removed. I'm sure we all know the boundaries between something being extremely offensive, to something being nothing but a scratch on someone's feelings.

I think we have a different perspective of what "offensive" is. My meaning of "offensive" is not blatant racism, it's "over exaggerating". As In black people and KFC jokes, jews and holocaust. You said that the rules are "sufficient", ye that's a blatant lie. The rule is not sufficient. the SB was a dead pool ever since the rule was placed. We used to post funny jokes and now you can get banned for it.

The jokes I am talking about is not "noggers should die LUL", the jokes I am on about are much more harmless, but some of the mods don't really care init? I posted memes to make it alive, but it seemed like I was the only one. No one cared about the "turkish roaches", but when I posted a meme about jaws and hitler as the shark, I got banned. This is not sufficient, it's fucking retarded. The people who made this rule are the people who don't even use the shoutbox.
Everyone assumes that we're doing this to be more 'strict' and such, when realistically our simple reason is that we just want the server to appear more welcoming. In all honesty if I was a new player checking out the forums and all I seen where people calling each other "Ni*****" and posting things like memes and liveleak videos that were extremely disrespectful I would never sign up and become a full time member.

In terms of the staff members posting offensive things - do something obvious, make a staff complaint. The section is there specifically for this reason, it's pointless complaining about it without attempting to inform either me or Bolli about it.

You all need to realise that you can be funny without being offensive, it isn't difficult.

just wanna point out that you can still say stuff like "fuck", it just needs to be used in a context which isn't intended for disrespect (don't try and bend this to your own aid, we all know whether you mean to be disrespectful or not).
Everyone assumes that we're doing this to be more 'strict' and such, when realistically our simple reason is that we just want the server to appear more welcoming. In all honesty if I was a new player checking out the forums and all I seen where people calling each other "Ni*****" and posting things like memes and liveleak videos that were extremely disrespectful I would never sign up and become a full time member.

In terms of the staff members posting offensive things - do something obvious, make a staff complaint. The section is there specifically for this reason, it's pointless complaining about it without attempting to inform either me or Bolli about it.

You all need to realise that you can be funny without being offensive, it isn't difficult.

just wanna point out that you can still say stuff like "fuck", it just needs to be used in a context which isn't intended for disrespect (don't try and bend this to your own aid, we all know whether you mean to be disrespectful or not).

bro im talking about posting memes, not calling others nigers. say something about that
This is not pewdiepies chatbox lmao

(EDITED: Constructive feedback)

I like this rule it keeps cancer off SB. -support
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Maybe this is an idea? Maybe make a thread or something or a category on the forum and call it "nsfw", or something. Or offensive meme's. because than is it your own risk to click on it so own risk if you get offended
Everyone assumes that we're doing this to be more 'strict' and such, when realistically our simple reason is that we just want the server to appear more welcoming. In all honesty if I was a new player checking out the forums and all I seen where people calling each other "Ni*****" and posting things like memes and liveleak videos that were extremely disrespectful I would never sign up and become a full time member.

In terms of the staff members posting offensive things - do something obvious, make a staff complaint. The section is there specifically for this reason, it's pointless complaining about it without attempting to inform either me or Bolli about it.

You all need to realise that you can be funny without being offensive, it isn't difficult.

just wanna point out that you can still say stuff like "fuck", it just needs to be used in a context which isn't intended for disrespect (don't try and bend this to your own aid, we all know whether you mean to be disrespectful or not).
Staff complaints are pretty useless though when you dont get a reply or have to wait 3 months for one, also you say the rules are there to make the community friendly towards newcomers
When i still played here new people posted questions cause they were new to the game or the gamemode, or even posting in the wrong sections. People just rate them dumb instead of helping them so if u want a more friendly community remove the negative ratings aswell.

I got SB banned for making, and confirming, a hypothesis on extra chromosomes within the staff team. Someone explain why this is bad? @John Daymon looking at you