Would you leave the server if they removed the white-list?

How would removing the white-list affect you?

  • I'd be more likely to play as I can now become TFU and Dispatch

    Votes: 61 70.1%
  • I'd leave as all my hard-work and time dedicated to the P.D is now lost

    Votes: 26 29.9%

  • Total voters


Professional Stripper
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A good suggestion and great test to see how removing the white-list temporarily would change the PD is going to happen soon. In previous posts a lot of people said they wouldnt play anymore if this happen so In just wondering how many people would leave and how many people think this would make them more likely to play more.
It is going to be horrific I can tell you that for free, we didn't put all this work in for it to just be reverted? I do believe Major, Staff Sergeant, Assistant Chief of Department and possibly Senior Officer could be removed as these seem like mostly useless ranks to me.
I will likely play to see how it goes, but permanently removing everything that has been developed over the last many years is a major step back if you ask me. The PD has some serious issues, but the solution isn't to remove the entire thing if you ask me.
what if i vomit in the soup and my guests piss on the kitchen table?
It's going to be a fun, nostalgic event, but overall permanently removing the PD and reverting it is going to harm the long term growth imo. Many years of work gone down the drain for a nostalgia trip for the older players
To be honest, I picked the second option but there’s no in between option.

right now I wouldn’t care since I’ve been re-in stated to everything I’ve been before. But at the same time it won’t really waste my time since what do we all do when we go on our computers, kill time and not have fun anymore.

Wasted time doing the whole PD system for a few people who haven’t played for years nostalgia or something else?

I’d like to see actual players who play and who’ve tried playing in the recent months comment and vote because this poll has more responses then players on the server.
It is actually a very good point regardless, I bet you quite a few of the players that voted they would stay are people that haven't played in months or probably will never play again. It's probably the same for the opposite vote, but still something to consider.
The issue with the PD has always been there and will always be there, the whitelist was great when the people who got it running were in charge, the playerbase trusted them and they listened to what the playerbase had to say, whenever we've had new chiefs you get to hear that they'll do this and that for the PD, however I haven't seen any changes from the new chief nor do I know if he's even done anything for the PD lol, one of the biggest issue with having Collier as the Chief is the fact that he also has to run the staff team, if you're the chief you shouldn't be a senior admin, it just makes you one sided for the PD and/or focused on one thing only which means that either the staff team or the PD has to suffer for your inactivity within it.

One thing that I've hated throughout my latest months on the server is the fact that if you got a complaint on you for something you'd get suspended, which makes me forced to do illegal activities on the server because... literally there are no other fun stuff to do on the server, passiverp? Nope, you'll get fucked by some shooters who don't run from the police but look for more shootouts. Delivery? Doesn't pay enough. Taxi driver? Who the fuck even uses this service? Road Crew? You'll get fucked because you have to ask the police if you can tow a vehicle every single second, if you tow a vehicle without asking you'll get shot down @Hazza
Just to touch on the point about being suspended for Internal Affairs Complaints, depending on the complaint itself, if it's gross misconduct, etc where you might get demoted/dismissed/blacklisted, you may be suspended by Internal Affairs for it until the Final Report/Final Decision is done basically.
The poll itself is stupid as it either assumes you're butthurt about losing rank/status or don't have a rank/status at all and would want to play. Releasing dispatch to everyone would be a nightmare though. Dispatch should be removed in its entirety, it slows down the flow of information and is a huge hindrance for everyone on duty. Atleast in my opinion
@John Daymon You're right, that's if CC Members even turn up to the Meeting to do the suspensions/final reports, they're prioritised more, and there is now 3 Senior CC Members so they're able to handle them and host CC if the people from PSD isn't able to host the meeting which is a lot more better now.

What do you mean a suspension goes against the laws of the server?
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