Your Career Aspirations!

I'm currently doing Level 3 Public Services Extended Diploma in college atm, I would love to go into the police or possibly be a paramedic. Haven't decided
I'm currently doing a course at college to become a sparky. Once I'm certified I can take the trade anywhere, and possibly add further emergency medical skills in future, with the possibility of becoming a volunteer paramedic if I find electronics doesn't fully satisfy me.
fat cunts play perp tfu and think they hot shit irl lmao (me too but army reserve rejected me cos I went to a counselor a few months prior ;_; )
Im gonna be a cop and then become a IT version of cole phelps and hack neckbeards who hacked my paypal.
Basically, I want to become a paramedic and hopefully later on study medicine. I planned on studiyng directly after finishing with school but to get into university and study medicine I'd have to have a 1.0 in my Abitur however I'll get a 2.5 max.

If everything goes to plan, I'll be done with the apprenticeship in 2022 and then drive this (this is the ambulance we're using when we've got bigger events/disaster control incidents. Unfortunately it's not being used to respond to emergency calls) or a similar one, depending on where I'll get a job later on:

ah yes chinese laws such as "if you disobey the chairman your whole family will disappear."
@blobvis 2.0 Nope! That's actually one of Paul Broca's patients who had an injury in what is now called "Broca's area" in the frontal lobe. He was a case of "Broca's aphasia" where speech production is negatively altered (him for example could only say tan, but he could say it in different intonations according to what he intended to say) but speech comprehension still works fine
Currently finishing a Bachelors Honours degree in History and Politics at Westminster University, hoping to move into the Civil Service and work within the FCO.

After 4 years, they can transfer me to either another English speaking country, or Germany/Southern African Countries.

When you see on the news that an Aide has accidentally left invasion plans or Britain nuclear codes on a train, that's me.