What do you do?

Certain stuff has changed since I made this thread;

Still a ref, still study law however today I started maths in uni, passed my exam for it so I'm pretty damn happy, I'm the youngest person in that course, the oldest one is 35 LUL

Now I'm also going to keep studying law cus obviously I want to be a lawyer in the end but gained a lot of intrest in maths and will keep on going with that for as long as I can, work at NetOnNet responsible for the logistics, pretty ez

Also leach of my dads company c;
All of you do loads of cool shit i swear lmao. Anyway just finished by GCSE(didnt go to well but also wasnt to bad), and on monday i start College and i will be studying Public Services, Also am a SGT in the Army Cadets but barley ever turn up now.

Use to go boxing i was very good at it and was even in the squad but i just hated it lol. Apart from that i just go over to city and just get up to some shit. @Scrabuz :) lol
All day everyday in my kitchen non stop.

I wouldn't really conciser any of it hobbies but my usual day without perp...

Wake up... Try as hard as I can to get out of school for the day... (usually) fail and go to school... get back from school... Troll darkrp servers... eat food.. more trolling darkrp servers... Go to sleep at about 5am
Well..... I swim 7 times a week variating 1 or 2 hours. I go gym twice a week and i play rugby 2 times a week. Apart from that nothing really xD
Full time student ... no part time job :)

Play Rugby for 80 minutes on the weekend and train on the tuesday

Play football for 220 minutes on the weekend train on Thursday. Started the season as a goalkeeper for 1sts, now i'm 2nds and youth's striker. We played Cardiff's Academy were 4-2 up thanks to me after 70 minutes ... last 20 their striker scored 5.

Gym every other day ... and eat.

Technical information engineering student at the University of applied sciences in Amsterdam.

Competitive powerlifter

Eat all day, my daily calorie intake is about 5000-8000, depending on the week.

Ride, I'm in a motorcycle club.
Labourer on week days on my dads building site, 10 hours a day.

College 3 days a week.

Saturdays - Football (Southampton fc)

spare time hanging with my mates playing football and buying clothes.
sjeez, old thread.

i used to do alot of work on pcs and making sites but i kinda got bored of doing that at home, so i now deliver pizza's for domino's, on a scooter :D

the amount of money you make from tips is seriously good
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In my free time I develop GMod Shit and some apps if im in the mood, play rugby and hit the gym 4 days a week. Further I work at a big software company where I develop mobile apps and help with their webprogram sometimes
School studying Social Science, playing rugby and watching Malmö FF win the Europa League.
In my free time I develop GMod Shit and some apps if im in the mood, play rugby and hit the gym 4 days a week. Further I work at a big software company where I develop mobile apps and help with their webprogram sometimes
Rugby.... fucking egg chasers