Melonstick Roleplay

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Hey everyone,

Recently we've been seeing a lot of PH users going over to the Melonstick forum page and harassing them. I'm not going to go into full detail as to who's been doing what, cause it's a minority of the users here and we don't want to have to single any of them out for 'having a laugh'.

The reason why we're creating this post is because it's getting beyond a joke now, and breaches simple respect. It is never acceptable for any user's to harass other communities, and as such we expect all users on PH to abide by this. PH has come a long way, and we don't want to shine a bad light on this community, therefore such behaviour will not be tolerated.


Senior administration​
I cant even make an account because their bots cant send a propper confirmation e-mail. How would I harrass them, except shooting up all the people who disrupt my rp there ofc
I get where you're comming from but it's still a whole different community and a different server so I don't quite get why you can get repercussions from going there to troll/minge around.
Initially I thought this post was an announcement that we were going to merge with Melonstick. :(
its a shitty copy of perp obviously we gonna go and minge the fuck out of them
+ comments on this post.

I get where you're comming from but it's still a whole different community and a different server so I don't quite get why you can get repercussions from going there to troll/minge around.

Think about the moral implications rather than whether or not your actions will directly breach any of PERPHeads' rules. Melonstick clearly worked to build the community they have, even if they are similar to PERPHeads. People who are dedicated to our community are participating in un-called-for bad behavior without thinking about the impact it has on our community.

We need to prove we are better than Melonstick, but lowering ourselves to where we openly harass others won't do that, it will just cause people to move to/choose Melonstick, believing that they are a better behaved community...

Do not ruin our reputation for your own benefits.
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