Understanding why the players are complaining - Discussion.

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IKEA - Northern Europe
Hello PERPHeads,

As you all know under the last year we've all been arguing with each other as of why the community is not consistent with it's playercount, sometimes (rarely now) the server is full, obviously we all want the server to be full and have a nice time when we join the server, not only is it frustrating for us players who have been here for a while and who consider themselves regulars to have a community that is arguing with each other all the time but it is also a turn-off for newer people who come to the server to see everyone arguing with each other,

PERP Is afterall something that most of us enjoy, as an ex-staff member I know exactly how it goes down from both ends, staff members always tried to understand the point that the players made to see why everyones complaining and obviously come to a solution that both parts would agree is the best for the community, sometimes we did the right things and sometimes we didn't, same on both parts.

Now as my time as a "member" of the community I've seen things from a different perspective and I'm not able to understand why people are upset about certain things, pretty interesting I must say, I guess I was blind as a staff member. We're in a position where players who play the server everyday and see the issues that we're facing everyday are starting threads, arguments in the shoutbox and complaining in OOC about this stuff, they're often silenced (sometimes very rightfully) and sometimes the arguments are just left un-answered, I myself believe that the staff team itself needs to engage in these conversation and answer as a team as sometimes the thing that holds the server together don't even share opinions (obviously opinions differ quite often) which means that I myself don't know what the staff team thinks about the issues the server is facing.

We can take an example of a game that is facing the exact same issues that PERPHeads as a server is, League of Legends is facing issues with their playercount where they have players who loose playercount quite a lot because of the fact that the game is completely unbalanced, the people who are in charge of the balancing in the game are saying stupid shit, other employees of Riot Games ( owners of League of Legends ) disagreeing with these said "balancers" this obviously means that the pot is stirred even more, now the same thing is happening on PERP but on Teamspeak and such.

One of the issues we have on PERPHeads at the moment is the PLPD, Please note that I do support the idea of a whitelisted Police Department just not how it's constructed at the moment, we currently have members in charge of a couple of things in the PD that obviously do a lot for how the PD works, which I like, you should obviously be awarded for work you put into things, however as much as I hated myself for being an inactive staff member I hate these people for being inactive PD members with a high influence.

As you can see here we have @Smily who holds this rank, please correct me if I'm wrong but I believe a rank with the name "Head of" is a high rank

Now obviously this is a player who you expect to be putting a lot of fucking work down in both the PLPD off the server but also in the server, however with a closer look at his logs of how he connects to the server we can quite clearly see that he's quite inactive

How can we expect someone with an inactivity like this come with changes within the PD that manage Patrol, RTU and TFU? Like seriously?

Then we have another member of these higher ranks who's in-charge of a lot, here is an example what he does; Manages PSD and IA command as well as keeping a record of all record accesses. He's also the main person responsible for hosting CC meetings and does a lot of interactions with the CoDs

I'm obviously then talking about @Momo who holds this rank;

Here's his connection log

How can we expect someone with a connection log like this to be in-charge of all of these things, how is this person supposed to be able to deliver good points to the CoDs who are left helpless where the PD is just stale? In my opinion someone else like @Super_ who's actually an active member of the community to hold this rank.

What's my solution on this? I don't know, I think that the staff team should step in and have conversations with the PD, or force the PD to have people in charge who are actually active.
People are complaining because the devs are lazy and need to put effort into fixing the content.
People are complaining because the devs are lazy and need to put effort into fixing the content.
Lazy I don't know, as someone who's been active in testing new content they aren't lazy, rather don't have time to go through suggestions as because of other things they're working on.
Lazy I don't know, as someone who's been active in testing new content they aren't lazy, rather don't have time to go through suggestions as because of other things they're working on.
They might be producing new content, if they are they need to speak to the community. Right now we are sat with lots of things that need work and we have no info but to assume nothing is happening.
I just wish there was more transparency you know, like I look at the old posts from time to time just because I get depressed as fuck when people post anything these days, and I dunno, it just felt like the community was more aware of what was going on. Sure I love surprise updates, but I'd much rather want to know what they are currently working on, and this isn't just about updates, it's about the PD, rule changes, everything.

Also might just throw in that I really disliked when they brought in the "higher ups dont need hour requirements", personally yes I think hour requirements are stupid, but removing them completely from the people at the top makes it some-what, I dunno, stupid? They can simply never go in-game and they will not lose their rank because well, how else will they lose it, please enlighten me. As a result we have people at the top who generally don't have a clue what is going on the server because they aren't very active on it themselves, now that isn't everyone I know, and I'm glad that some put the effort to at least check the server out on a daily basis. But it's like asking the senior administration to change the rules if they didn't play the server often, like what the fuck is the logic?

Any PLPD related suggestions -> "submit it on plpd.online" like why?? First of all it means that these types of posts are secluded from people that don't use plpd.online or quite simply don't have an account, so a fair discussion is not achieved. Secondly it's the literal equivalent of me whitelisting a bunch of cool criminal people and making our own forum where we post our suggestions and directly send them to the developers afterwards. The whole point of a forum is so that everybody who is registered can access to it, and anybody can give their opinion on anything. Why is suddenly the PD feeling like they are above everyone and that people who aren't in the PD shouldn't have a say in any suggestions surrounding it. I think that is stupidly ignorant and a bad choice. Like honestly I went on PLPD.Online the other day and didn't even know that part of it existed, I was wondering why nobody was making fucking PD suggestions on the forums.

I think yet another thing is the player division (ingame) right now, there is just simply too many people that either play only criminal or only cop and hardly any overlap. "Back in the day" I don't remember that many people being "hardcore devoted" cop players, maybe a select few, but they would still hop off duty and involve themselves. But these days something is clearly wrong when I only see someone's name in blue colors in-game. I wish those people would maybe voice their opinion about why they don't play as civilian much, but it seems like any time they are asked something like this it is seen as "poking" at them.

I'm still optimistic and believe that things will get better, eventually...

oh and pls dont say "gMoD iS dYiNg", its not true lmao its not true lmao, sure it may not be at its peak but its fairly stable
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I just feel like there is a real lack of communication between everyone, it's like an all-out war between the PD, Criminals, and staff. I feel like the way this can be solved is communication between the staff that plays police and between the staff that plays criminals as concerns on both parts can be discussed as I feel this is much more productive than two halves of the player base arguing and resolving nothing. Any point brought up is completely censored at the moment because people are not open-minded and not mature enough to consider each others argument and that is what is currently wrong with the server.
you can't expect me and @Fredy to gas the gypsies, burn down Israel, destroy feminism and uphold a garrys mod server at the same time :angery:
I just wish there was more transparency you know, like I look at the old posts from time to time just because I get depressed as fuck when people post anything these days, and I dunno, it just felt like the community was more aware of what was going on. Sure I love surprise updates, but I'd much rather want to know what they are currently working on, and this isn't just about updates, it's about the PD, rule changes, everything.

Also might just throw in that I really disliked when they brought in the "higher ups dont need hour requirements", personally yes I think hour requirements are stupid, but removing them completely from the people at the top makes it some-what, I dunno, stupid? They can simply never go in-game and they will not lose their rank because well, how else will they lose it, please enlighten me. As a result we have people at the top who generally don't have a clue what is going on the server because they aren't very active on it themselves, now that isn't everyone I know, and I'm glad that some put the effort to at least check the server out on a daily basis. But it's like asking the senior administration to change the rules if they didn't play the server often, like what the fuck is the logic?

I think yet another thing is the player division right now, there is just simply too many people that either play only criminal or only cop and hardly any overlap. "Back in the day" I don't remember that many people being "hardcore devoted" cop players, maybe a select few, but they would still hop off duty and involve themselves. But these days something is clearly wrong when I only see someone's name in blue colors in-game. I wish those people would maybe voice their opinion about why they don't play as civilian much, but it seems like any time they are asked something like this it is seen as "poking" at them.

I'm still optimistic and believe that things will get better, eventually...

oh and pls dont say "gMoD iS dYiNg", its not true lmao its not true lmao, sure it may not be at its peak but its fairly stable
I'm also optimistic about this, but this is one of the main factors of this "war" that is going on, we have players obviously that are whiny as fuck which I disgust but the one thing I disgust more is the fact that none of these two inactive players who hold important roles within the PD communicate with the community about anything nor do they ever respond to the criticism that they recieve, like seriously I've never even see @Smily defend himself on the forums when people have complained about his inactivity, which is a fucking joke to me.

Rather have him explain his point of view about things and then we can argue about the views and MAYBE come to a change?

I don't know... maybe I'm just an idiot who thinks things change after discussions between the two parts, because obviously where we stand at the moment is bringing the community together!!! /s

I just feel like there is a real lack of communication between everyone, it's like an all-out war between the PD, Criminals, and staff. I feel like the way this can be solved is communication between the staff that plays police and between the staff that plays criminals as concerns on both parts can be discussed as I feel this is much more productive than two halves of the player base arguing and resolving nothing. Any point brought up is completely censored at the moment because people are not open-minded and not mature enough to consider each others argument and that is what is currently wrong with the server.
I agree, I believe that the staff team should work as a third part where they go in between the two "factions" of the server and make it balanced and make sure that everything is going the way it should where no one is left on it's own.
I think we also need to look at lower ranks, such as Sergeants, especially those who hold section administration roles. They play a vital role in the progression of the officers in their section, yet half of them haven't been seen in a while. As a section supervisor, you should be extremely active on the server, patrolling with your section members. Why would officers stay in the pd/on the server if they can't get promoted due to their section supervisor's inactivity?
Now, please note that I am not on all the time and I don't have logs to check their activity, but these are the players that I rarely/never see on:
Chase (I never see him on duty, when I do rarely see him, he's civ)
nutrient10 (I used to see him in early January but haven't in a couple weeks)
Here we have some stuff regarding the inactivity of these members
Their activity has been reported numerous times but the chiefs never sorted this, and when they've been told about these inactive members, they have always had excuses regarding their inactivity.

These members are Momo and Smily.

Here we have a list from @Illusion™ of inactive Section Supervisors (no logs of these so they might not be correct)
Now, please note that I am not on all the time and I don't have logs to check their activity, but these are the players that I rarely/never see on:
Chase (I never see him on duty, when I do rarely see him, he's civ)
nutrient10 (I used to see him in early January but haven't in a couple weeks)
Hello PERPHeads,

As you all know under the last year we've all been arguing with each other as of why the community is not consistent with it's playercount, sometimes (rarely now) the server is full, obviously we all want the server to be full and have a nice time when we join the server, not only is it frustrating for us players who have been here for a while and who consider themselves regulars to have a community that is arguing with each other all the time but it is also a turn-off for newer people who come to the server to see everyone arguing with each other,

PERP Is afterall something that most of us enjoy, as an ex-staff member I know exactly how it goes down from both ends, staff members always tried to understand the point that the players made to see why everyones complaining and obviously come to a solution that both parts would agree is the best for the community, sometimes we did the right things and sometimes we didn't, same on both parts.

Now as my time as a "member" of the community I've seen things from a different perspective and I'm not able to understand why people are upset about certain things, pretty interesting I must say, I guess I was blind as a staff member. We're in a position where players who play the server everyday and see the issues that we're facing everyday are starting threads, arguments in the shoutbox and complaining in OOC about this stuff, they're often silenced (sometimes very rightfully) and sometimes the arguments are just left un-answered, I myself believe that the staff team itself needs to engage in these conversation and answer as a team as sometimes the thing that holds the server together don't even share opinions (obviously opinions differ quite often) which means that I myself don't know what the staff team thinks about the issues the server is facing.

We can take an example of a game that is facing the exact same issues that PERPHeads as a server is, League of Legends is facing issues with their playercount where they have players who loose playercount quite a lot because of the fact that the game is completely unbalanced, the people who are in charge of the balancing in the game are saying stupid shit, other employees of Riot Games ( owners of League of Legends ) disagreeing with these said "balancers" this obviously means that the pot is stirred even more, now the same thing is happening on PERP but on Teamspeak and such.

One of the issues we have on PERPHeads at the moment is the PLPD, Please note that I do support the idea of a whitelisted Police Department just not how it's constructed at the moment, we currently have members in charge of a couple of things in the PD that obviously do a lot for how the PD works, which I like, you should obviously be awarded for work you put into things, however as much as I hated myself for being an inactive staff member I hate these people for being inactive PD members with a high influence.

As you can see here we have @Smily who holds this rank, please correct me if I'm wrong but I believe a rank with the name "Head of" is a high rank

Now obviously this is a player who you expect to be putting a lot of fucking work down in both the PLPD off the server but also in the server, however with a closer look at his logs of how he connects to the server we can quite clearly see that he's quite inactive

How can we expect someone with an inactivity like this come with changes within the PD that manage Patrol, RTU and TFU? Like seriously?

Then we have another member of these higher ranks who's in-charge of a lot, here is an example what he does; Manages PSD and IA command as well as keeping a record of all record accesses. He's also the main person responsible for hosting CC meetings and does a lot of interactions with the CoDs

I'm obviously then talking about @Momo who holds this rank;

Here's his connection log

How can we expect someone with a connection log like this to be in-charge of all of these things, how is this person supposed to be able to deliver good points to the CoDs who are left helpless where the PD is just stale? In my opinion someone else like @Super_ who's actually an active member of the community to hold this rank.

What's my solution on this? I don't know, I think that the staff team should step in and have conversations with the PD, or force the PD to have people in charge who are actually active.

A lot of this I can agree with. I don't understand why peoplr would want to have command positions for a server they dont even play on. When I've spoken to @TinySlayer or @Samuel the argument is that they don't need to be on the server to carry out administrative work. To am extent I can agree with @Momo his role is to manage PSD, an imaginary division @Aquaa, where they vote outcomes and give out punishments for IA complaints. He has the role due to the administrative work he's done in IA with investigations while off the server. He has the role due to his dedication and experience. This means he's fully capable of carrying out his responsibilities without playing unless there are policy or law changes which he wouldnt be able to see in-game. However, like I said I don't understand why anyone would want to hold a position where you make decisions for a server you don't even play on. PSD is becoming a joke.

LTs recieve no infractions for authorising officers to execute cuffed suspects and get a lets talk. Gets promoted to Captain the next day.
A CPL recieves a Permenant Written Warning unless appealed for assuming someone armed shot police.
A CPL recieves a reprimand for saying PLPD Coming through meme in Shoutbox

There's 3 instances with clear inconsistency with the judgment of PSD and the complaint committee. Me and @Adrish also dismissed a Captain for telling an officer to shoot someone for having a gun on their back over radio which is nothing like witnessing the person in cuffs and doing it.

For Smily's case, TFU for instance, everyone has enough to say about pros and cons of TFU the past year. The playerbase decreased and this was dealt with by lowering the TFU patrol count to only 2 TFU unless in situations where they feel more TFU would be needed due to pottential raids or firearms situations. This has lead to more than 2 TFU patrolling because 1 person is warranted which i completely dissagree with. Some TFU think they can patrol with regular officers. For the HOOPS role I really do think you need to be active to make decisions for your divisions, patrol, rtu, tfu and dispach ect How else would you see how they're running in-game? For someone like Smily that has the discourtesy to ask @Dom_ is he interested in the HOOPS role and disagree that Dom would do a better job than him when he doesnt play shows to me this isnt someone I want making decisions for me or anyone else. I dont understand how someone can be so arrogant and how anyone could think thats fine baffles me when Dom does his work for him with everything in sections.

Dispatch, IA and PSD are thought of as finished products that just need to be maintained by command.

Before Im told why dont I make help desk tickets by a PD representative. I have you just havent responded to them in a week.

I have no interest to be in a PD where people like this make decisions for me.
When I found out that all commands activity were set to satisfactory I went straight to moan to Tiny and Samuel. Its a joke saying they dont need to play to carry out their roles.
A lot of this I can agree with. I don't understand why peoplr would want to have command positions for a server they dont even play on. When I've spoken to @TinySlayer or @Samuel the argument is that they don't need to be on the server to carry out administrative work. To am extent I can agree with @Momo his role is to manage PSD, an imaginary division @Aquaa, where they vote outcomes and give out punishments for IA complaints. He has the role due to the administrative work he's done in IA with investigations while off the server. He has the role due to his dedication and experience. This means he's fully capable of carrying out his responsibilities without playing unless there are policy or law changes which he wouldnt be able to see in-game. However, like I said I don't understand why anyone would want to hold a position where you make decisions for a server you don't even play on. PSD is becoming a joke.

LTs recieve no infractions for authorising officers to execute cuffed suspects and get a lets talk. Gets promoted to Captain the next day.
A CPL recieves a Permenant Written Warning unless appealed for assuming someone armed shot police.
A CPL recieves a reprimand for saying PLPD Coming through meme in Shoutbox

There's 3 instances with clear inconsistency with the judgment of PSD and the complaint committee. Me and @Adrish also dismissed a Captain for telling an officer to shoot someone for having a gun on their back over radio which is nothing like witnessing the person in cuffs and doing it.

For Smily's case, TFU for instance, everyone has enough to say about pros and cons of TFU the past year. The playerbase decreased and this was dealt with by lowering the TFU patrol count to only 2 TFU unless in situations where they feel more TFU would be needed due to pottential raids or firearms situations. This has lead to more than 2 TFU patrolling because 1 person is warranted which i completely dissagree with. Some TFU think they can patrol with regular officers. For the HOOPS role I really do think you need to be active to make decisions for your divisions, patrol, rtu, tfu and dispach ect How else would you see how they're running in-game? For someone like Smily that has the discourtesy to ask @Dom_ is he interested in the HOOPS role and disagree that Dom would do a better job than him when he doesnt play shows to me this isnt someone I want making decisions for me or anyone else. I dont understand how someone can be so arrogant and how anyone could think thats fine baffles me when Dom does his work for him with everything in sections.

Dispatch, IA and PSD are thought of as finished products that just need to be maintained by command.

Before Im told why dont I make help desk tickets by a PD representative. I have you just havent responded to them in a week.

I have no interest to be in a PD where people like this make decisions for me.
I disagree with them holding ranks because they have an administrative role within the PD, Momo is someone who sure enough does a lot of administrative works but that in my opinion does not mean that he should be holding such a high up rank which makes decisions that effects the PD directly.