Small Update - 24/04/2020

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Update - 24/04/2020
The following changes will go live shortly.​

Change back to Paralake_v4 due to many community requests.

Listen to this while you read because @Dom_ demands it

Bug fixes/Changes @TinySlayer @Samuel and @Bolli have worked on include:

  • Fixed broken radio stations, with the addition of Area 61 Radio and Venice Classical Radio
  • Changes to the vehicle lights
  • Players can now enter civilian cars when they're on a job.
  • Players can now edit prices of store item they have placed down via the cash register without actually picking it up
  • Store item labels will no longer cause major FPS issues.
  • Spawns for both Roadcrew vehicles and impounded vehicles fixed.
  • Restrained players can no longer test drive cars...
  • Fixed medics not being able to remove some bodies.
  • Players can now enter the monorail whilst restrained.
  • Voice chat timeout no longer mutes all other players for the user with the timeout.
  • MKII Grenade no longer creates an earthquake when the player who threw it disconnects before the explosion.
  • Roadspikes get removed if the officer strays too far away from them.

New GUI for items placed with the cash register.

Found a bug? Report it at

Big thanks to the following people,

@Samuel - Testing, Ideas, Implementations
@TinySlayer - Testing, Ideas, Implementations
@Lelios1 - Testing, Implementations
@Collier - Map, Testing
@Husky - Test Lead
@Alyt - Testing
@Dom_ - Testing
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I don't know if you've read this very wrong or not. Police officers can get in other civs cars, not get their own ones out..
Meaning, any JOB, I was using Police as an example.
MKII Grenade no longer creates an earthquake when the player who threw it disconnects before the explosion.
i feel like we're missing some context here

cool quality of life update for salesmen, might start producing and selling stuff again
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