tfu limet

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Description of the idea:
put limet for tfu
like the cops when thear is 10 or less on server maximum 4 slot

maximum tfu slot is 6 and maximum officers slot is 16 (as i remmber if the server get 70) lets say there is 4 slot 1 of thise slots can go tfu 16/6 = 3 so for every 4 1 of thise slots can go tfu

Why should this be added? (pros):less zerging sometime there be 5 slots 3 of them be tfu ( 1 tfu have 2 people health )

What negatives could this have? (cons):
if there was 10 people on server 6 of them are friends and they raided bank it Probably be hard bc it will be 3 cops and 1 tfu
As it stands, 1 TFU can go on-duty for every 2 cop slots. This applies up until the 12th cop slot. Beyond 12 cops, the limit is still 6. If I read your post correctly, you're proposing the ratio be changed to 1 TFU per 4 cop slots which seems far too low considering the fact that there are also policies in place that restrict TFU deployment as well as the fact that 2 major nerfs have already hit TFU. Those being the pretty low SWAT Van health and removal of TFU Head Armour.

Also, before anyone says it, by no means am I a cop main, recently I have been trying to be a more active criminal as well. I used to play criminal all the time, even during periods where restrictions were similar to now and never had an issue with it
i mean for 3 tfu 1 tfu
Just implement this and give us back the head armour and it's balanced for another week until people find yet another reason to complain
As it stands, 1 TFU can go on-duty for every 2 cop slots. This applies up until the 12th cop slot. Beyond 12 cops, the limit is still 6. If I read your post correctly, you're proposing the ratio be changed to 1 TFU per 4 cop slots which seems far too low considering the fact that there are also policies in place that restrict TFU deployment as well as the fact that 2 major nerfs have already hit TFU. Those being the pretty low SWAT Van health and removal of TFU Head Armour.

Also, before anyone says it, by no means am I a cop main, recently I have been trying to be a more active criminal as well. I used to play criminal all the time, even during periods where restrictions were similar to now and never had an issue with it
by no means am I a cop main,
not something you'd wanna hear from the dcod tbh
Just implement this and give us back the head armour and it's balanced for another week until people find yet another reason to complain
"ReE tHeY ARe T0O Op! THey 1 TaPpEd me LasT NiGhT WiTh A M4! REeEeEeEeeeE!"
Dont know if someone already has said something but its already limited. Meaning if there is 4 cop slots max, only 2 of them are TFU. same goes at 6, its 3 slots for tfu, then 4 at 8, 5 at 10 and then 6 at 12.
This is already put in place with hard limits and policies. There is no need for this as it wouldnt actually change anything if im correct. Im not quite sure what you write sometimes, so correct me if im wrong.
This litteraly has a bad effect on players that aren't in a big org, you can basicaly do nothing when there is 12+ cops. Because if you decide to raid or do any criminal activity, you will have to compete with a whole army of 12+ cops including tfu's...

If you think about it, it really is a vicious circle, I'll explain.

Big orgs --> 'raise the tfu slots' --> Big orgs get bigger because you have to compete against more cops --> More cops needed --> ....

Also if you decide to raid someone with 3 people at 12 cop slots, you will have to fight against the defenders + 6 tfu's + 6 normal officers. Not fair at all.

It will be very hard to solve this issue.

One way to solve it is to bring back max org slots.
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This litteraly has a bad effect on players that aren't in a big org, you can basicaly do nothing when there is 12+ cops. Because if you decide to raid or do any criminal activity, you will have to compete with a whole army of 12+ cops including tfu's...

If you think about it, it really is a vicious circle, I'll explain.

Big orgs --> 'raise the tfu slots' --> Big orgs get bigger because you have to compete against more cops --> More cops needed --> ....

Also if you decide to raid someone with 3 people at 12 cop slots, you will have to fight against the defenders + 6 tfu's + 6 normal officers. Not fair at all.

It will be very hard to solve this issue.

One way to solve it is to bring back max org slots.
what is easier, to rob a bank in a small village with a few people or a big city with a lot of people? the bigger the city the bigger the police force and indeed they are concentrated. If you want to be a real criminal, do it at night (low server pop) and an organisation will do things at high pop, thats how the world works?
what is easier, to rob a bank in a small village with a few people or a big city with a lot of people? the bigger the city the bigger the police force and indeed they are concentrated. If you want to be a real criminal, do it at night (low server pop) and an organisation will do things at high pop, thats how the world works?
Again I hear the 'in real life' argument. This shouldn't be based of real life. Have u ever seen a group of 10 people shoot at officers on the streets? I haven't.

Also I cba waiting till 1 am for the cop slots to go down lol.

Just reduce the slots to 4 like it used to be. And add max org slots again, so it will reduce the impact on players that aren't in a zerg org.
Again I hear the 'in real life' argument. This shouldn't be based of real life. Have u ever seen a group of 10 people shoot at officers on the streets? I haven't.

Also I cba waiting till 1 am for the cop slots to go down lol.

Just reduce the slots to 4 like it used to be. And add max org slots again, so it will reduce the impact on players that aren't in a zerg org.
yeah real life isnt real, indeed, totally forgot that, my bad, perp is based on some country which doesn't have a police force and only like 2 officers in the whole world.
Absolutely, just depends on your country, whole middle east, parts of Asia, USA, Mexico, Latin America, All countries where this happens. One more than the other.

To be honest, at this point you can't properly win with firepower so you either hold, get friends to help you or get better in shooting. Max org slots don't do shit as you will just Ally them and still base the same way just calling it ORG #1 and ORG #2, just leave it how it is now, the max 6 slots almost never get used anyway except for planned raids or new cops coming on duty, people are too raid hungry to go fight and expecting it to last way smaller than gearing up etc.
As it stands, 1 TFU can go on-duty for every 2 cop slots. This applies up until the 12th cop slot. Beyond 12 cops, the limit is still 6. If I read your post correctly, you're proposing the ratio be changed to 1 TFU per 4 cop slots which seems far too low considering the fact that there are also policies in place that restrict TFU deployment as well as the fact that 2 major nerfs have already hit TFU. Those being the pretty low SWAT Van health and removal of TFU Head Armour.

Also, before anyone says it, by no means am I a cop main, recently I have been trying to be a more active criminal as well. I used to play criminal all the time, even during periods where restrictions were similar to now and never had an issue with it
I had a very hard understanding this suggestion. I’m still a bit unsure if I understand it correctly.
But what Collier says is absolutely correct. Something like this would be ridiculous to implement. “less zerging”, won’t be as many TFU on if people don’t start shootouts over small stuff like who is spending the most money on some random girl ingame.
6 TFU is not an issue if you play in a smart way...
I agree with forcing a ratio of police to TFU based on the server population. The amount of TFO slots should raise and lower as the server population does.
However, I do not agree with lowering from 6 to 4 as a max, rather make it scale in relation to the number of players from 2 to 6.
The system is currently implemented as so:
  • if 6 cop slots then 3 TFU slots
  • if 7 or 8 cop slots then 4 TFU slots
  • if 9 or more cop slots then 6 TFU slots

I'm going to deny this suggestion, but feel free to make another one if you want to change these numbers.
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