What forums do you check when you wake up in the morning?

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I personally check perp, Reddit, vlr (val esports) and hltv!
Im checking perp and reddit histories aswell,and then just playing perp whole day and watching youtube.
(while banned on perp im playing raft and mafia 2)

sometimes perp, reddit frontpage, twitter if I hate myself extra for today
download tiktok please it’s much better then yt shorts
Are you and icekiller twins? I keep sending him yt shorts and he tells me I might as well download tiktok at this point but tickytock is sobad
>1 mile walk
>3 hefty scoops greek yogurt with blueberries and granola (approx. 20g protein)
>active stretching
>shit shave shower
>log into the battle station and get the bad guys.

All jokes aside if you are waking up and immediately scrolling thru shit on your phone you should make attempts to fix that behavior as it's extremely unhealthy.
>1 mile walk
>3 hefty scoops greek yogurt with blueberries and granola (approx. 20g protein)
>active stretching
>shit shave shower
>log into the battle station and get the bad guys.

All jokes aside if you are waking up and immediately scrolling thru shit on your phone you should make attempts to fix that behavior as it's extremely unhealthy.
perp mod speaking
> perp
> my horse bets from the night before
> gamstop because I lost
> emails, WhatsApp and telegram
> snapchat
> twitter
> ig
> emails
> servers backup dashboard
> news
> perp when I get to my pc