Budget/knockoff staff increase (Rulebreak anxiety)

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Metagaming in discord with the boys
Lately I've been noticing an increase of players who I have roleplayed with or around that have become increasing painful to RP with. I have noticed an issue that certain people not going to name names, have increasingly become annoying when roleplaying with. In RP these people always are concerned with everything they are doing, asking questions in RP like " Are you sure we can do this maybe it's against the rules" or "We are probably breaking the rules doing this" when we could be farther from ever doing so. I might be the only one experiencing these type of people in RP, but could we maybe lay off being so anxious all the time? I never see actual staff do this in RP, and it's quite frustrating to be around these type of people. I'm not saying it's bad to be careful, but I have seen increasing amounts of players making it half their focus to just be anxious about breaking rules in roleplay and it's getting kind of old.

Anyone else experiencing this?

TLDR for subway surfer enjoyers-
People breaking RP constantly to mini mod cuz their afraid of breaking rules all the time.
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If a player breaks a rule that doesn't negatively impact other players' experience, I prefer communicating with them in the report and issuing a less severe punishment, serving as more of a corrective action.

We're not authoritarian opressors in a game server on the internet, these things happen, rule break is a natural part of learning how to play on the server so no one should feel that it is the end of the world, I have had many many punishments myself priorly. Per contra, this should not be taken as an invitation to break the rules.

So comprehend the rules to the best of your ability, staff knows when someone intends to deliberately break them or not, you'll be corrected, and after that, hopefully you won't fall into the same mistake and be able to adhere to the rules better
Some peeps have ban records so extensive that theyd get the deathpenalty irl. Maybe they dont want to get banned again. Or maybe they just pussies.
If a player breaks a rule that doesn't negatively impact other players' experience, I prefer communicating with them in the report and issuing a less severe punishment, serving as more of a corrective action.

We're not authoritarian opressors in a game server on the internet, these things happen, rule break is a natural part of learning how to play on the server so no one should feel that it is the end of the world, I have had many many punishments myself priorly. Per contra, this should not be taken as an invitation to break the rules.

So comprehend the rules to the best of your ability, staff knows when someone intends to deliberately break them or not, you'll be corrected, and after that, hopefully you won't fall into the same mistake and be able to adhere to the rules better
that’s what I’m saying, I’ve broken rules on accident before and I’ve been let off with verbal warnings. I swear everyone thinks their gonna get grilled for everything recently
I find this thread a little odd, your title makes it seem as if you're suggesting these people are backseat staff or trying to become staff, but your actual message suggests nothing of the sort.

I never see actual staff do this in RP, and it's quite frustrating to be around these type of people.
We don't do this because we already know the rules to the point where we don't have to take the time to stop and think about whether our actions might be breaking the rules except maybe in extremely rare situations.

It makes sense that if people are newer to the game, less experienced, or simply find that they end up getting banned often they might make a more conscious effort to avoid getting banned and if any of these things are true I don't think it's exactly a bad thing and taking the time to be more careful should even be encouraged.

If these people are trying to become staff, I would suggest that they're not ready if they still have to take the time to question every decision's legitimacy with the rules.
simply find that they end up getting banned often they might make a more conscious effort to avoid getting banned and if any of these things are true I don't think it's exactly a bad thing and taking the time to be more careful should even be encouraged.
this helped me a lot when I was in this situation.

On the other hand though, it is really obnoxious when people break character to ask about rules mid RP or break character to mini-mod.

It's so easy for such people to just make an F6 and avoid what they're doubtful of, Staff will guide these people on the rules.
I find this thread a little odd, your title makes it seem as if you're suggesting these people are backseat staff or trying to become staff, but your actual message suggests nothing of the sort.

We don't do this because we already know the rules to the point where we don't have to take the time to stop and think about whether our actions might be breaking the rules except maybe in extremely rare situations.

It makes sense that if people are newer to the game, less experienced, or simply find that they end up getting banned often they might make a more conscious effort to avoid getting banned and if any of these things are true I don't think it's exactly a bad thing and taking the time to be more careful should even be encouraged.

If these people are trying to become staff, I would suggest that they're not ready if they still have to take the time to question every decision's legitimacy with the rules.
I worded it a bit badly, but tldr is people are constantly talking out of RP recently saying we shouldn’t do things because they might be against rules when they aren’t. It’s not new players either.
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this helped me a lot when I was in this situation.

On the other hand though, it is really obnoxious when people break character to ask about rules mid RP or break character to mini-mod.

It's so easy for such people to just make an F6 and avoid what they're doubtful of, Staff will guide these people on the rules.
This is basically my view and experience on it, I’m glad to see other people have taken notice to the issue because it’s been a serious turn off for me lately
remember you got banned because you started a shootout and since I killed like 7 cops they had to ban you .View attachment 20339
This don’t even make me anxious this was just shitty luck and I wear that on my record with pride because it was so long, sindarin was completely in the right for punishing me for that, even though I was pissed at the time it never made me have some rule PTSD
I have noticed an issue that certain people not going to name names, have increasingly become annoying when roleplaying with. In RP these people always are concerned with everything they are doing, asking questions in RP like " Are you sure we can do this maybe it's against the rules" or "We are probably breaking the rules doing this" when we could be farther from ever doing so. I might be the only one experiencing these type of people in RP, but could we maybe lay off being so anxious all the time?

Anyone else experiencing this?

TLDR for subway surfer enjoyers-
People breaking RP constantly to mini mod cuz their afraid of breaking rules all the time.
This is purely because people petty-report all the time in this community.

Most people don't enjoy having to deal with a ticket that has been opened against them, and having to defend yourself in a situation where you didn't break the rules can be annoying and tiring. People would rather, for the most part, play it safe and play the game than having to be interrogated, explain themselves and pull DEMOs or clips to justify their actions after someone gets handed the bad card in an RP situation and decides to report it instead of taking it on the chin for not being smarter.