28-08-2015 Update log

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Ok first off let me start by saying the largest feature of this update will be released for testing by a select few as we are looking at ways to improve it before allowing others.

So let's hop to it shall we?

Police dispatcher!!!
They will have the dedicated task to organize, manage, and maintain a proper coordination among all emergency services. This includes setting of patrol areas, assigning incidents, and grouping people into units. This addition will be opened more to the public but on a separate whitelist system than the sergeant/lieutenant as it requires far more skills and training. While we tried to take some care as to make it easy to use, the current control is a bit complex and may need improvements based on what we discover with it. If you're interested in what the current control is like... Here is a preview image.
This is subject to change but as you can see, there is a lot to be had and controlled. This change introduces a new key that you are able to rebind in the F1 menu that will be important for talking directly to dispatch (default is the N key). (This addition was coded mostly by @Fredy with only a few changes that I did as well)

Besides that though there are a number of other changes to be found.
  • Weather effects got a massive change and overhaul to look far better and be set up in a way we can do changes easier for it.
  • Weather/time system now reacts better to the time of year it is, so the in game date now matters more. Some very minor things included but good for the detail of realism.
  • The time/date of the in game time are now persistent and kept between sessions, so when the server restarts it will pick up where it realistically should be at. Instead of resetting to a certain date and at noon each time. This means you'll get a different experience in a sense if you regularly join the server at set times which otherwise would only happen if the server was experiencing problems.
  • Temperatures shown will no doubt be a bit off for now as I couldn't think of a proper way to do these but they aren't too bad.
  • When in a job you are now unable to craft, to help prevent jobs obtaining weapons that should not have.
  • Secret update that I have plans for but currently do not work, up to you guys/gals to find it.
  • The Nexus Fredy on screen received several changes to help keep a more consistent color scheme.
  • A weather app has been added to the phone (yes the icon is pixely until we can update content with a better icon) currently this shows you to the minute when weather will change and what to. This may receive a bit of a redo at a later date as that precision is unrealistic.
  • Emergency app no longer requires you to enter a location for quick use.
  • When your character is breathing heavily, the volume has been reduced so it isn't nearly as annoying, but people can still hear around you that you are tired.
  • Mayoral elections now show the results of all candidates of what vote count they received. There are times when two people can have the same vote count yet one is selected as mayor, this probably will be addressed when we redo the whole system around voting.
  • Jobs renamed: Fireman to firefighter, delivery man to courier, speed enforcement to traffic officer.
  • Both courier vans are improved top speeds to deliver goods faster
Unlike other update logs I will be leaving this one open for replies, if you have a question feel free to ask, and if possible I will answer you. If you're wondering how to become dispatch, you will need to wait until we finish our current testing phase and open it up for applications, which you will first be required to have the sergeant/lieutenant whitelist first.

Amendments 29/08/2015:
  • Sky colors are now corrected no more insane blue/orange colors
  • Time of year controls how long the sun is up for, so in winter months the sun will be up less than in summer months (since we go by northern hemisphere schedules). This variance is up to 6 hours for total daylight time between January than July.
  • FIX - Mayor setting jobs
  • FIX - S.W.A.T. joining
  • FIX - Government radio bugging out where people would transmit while talking in local from errors caused by dispatcher
  • New color schemes on the forums Core - Orange Dark and Core - Blue Dark. We are still working on trying to perfect these as some texts may be too dark or other colors not quite right.
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This is a very interesting update.

These updates seem as though they will have a large impact on the roleplay experience for most PEPRHeads users.
I do have two questions, first of which regard the Police Dispatcher. I never looked into the suggestion nor did I pay any attention to it to begin with, but the button which says "CCTV Cameras", will clicking this lead to a separate menu with a display of all CCTV Camera's around the map such as by the bank and/or by the delivery warehouse?

Secondly, point #4 which you made regarding "temperatures", what will the effects of temperatures be? I have attempted to search the suggestions section but was unable to find what I was looking for.

Other than that, I do not see much that needs questioning. I do like the addition of the Mayoral elections now showing the results of all candidates, a problem which I always found very annoying- being unable to see where I came on the election list, this is great.

City of Paralake Police Department

Dispatcher FAQ


What is the job of a dispatcher?

A dispatcher will take 911 calls, log them on the system if needed, assign officers to calls, assign officers areas to patrol, group people into units, control the flow of radio traffic by linking or unlinking units so they can talk to each other and log units as busy if they are undertaking a task such as prisoner transport.

Wow, sounds great! How does the government radio work now?

Well, the developers have now introduced a new key! Your N key will now function as a direct line to the dispatcher, only the dispatcher and those in your unit and radio channel will be able to hear what you're saying to the dispatcher however every message the dispatcher transmits will be transmitted to every LEO, medic and firefighter so keep your messages short!

This radio channel thing sounds complicated, how does it work?
Basically, each officer is assigned a unit as shown by the below image.
More than one officer can be in each unit. Best practice as a dispatcher is to set each vehicle or foot patrol as a separate unit. The dispatcher can then link these units together in the radio channels as shown below so they can communicate with not only their channel, but those also linked to it! This is perfect for raids, speed traps and even ad hoc meetings between the supervisors.



So, what does this actually mean for me?

  • You will no longer have 911 calls appear on your screen unless assigned to it.
  • Calls for backup should be made to dispatch unless it is an emergency, in this case you should press your panic button and talk to the dispatcher by pressing N, beginning your message with the phrase "priority, priority [unit name]. At this point the dispatcher will tell everyone to shut up and ask you to begin your message.
  • Panic buttons can still be seen by all officers and they create an incident on the dispatchers screen so officers can be assigned to it. Panic buttons are the only time that it is acceptable to respond to a call without being assigned to it
  • Supervisors can actually get on to supervising and managing the force instead of dealing with 911 calls.
  • If you come across an incident, you should radio dispatch so they can create an incident for it and assign further units if needed.
  • When you make a traffic stop, call it in so dispatch knows where you are and can create an incident if needed
  • You should let dispatch know when you have arrived on scene and dealt with the incident so they can modify the incident.
  • If you are at an incident with another unit, let dispatch know so they can link your radio channels.
  • Your patrol area and unit are shown in the bottom left corner
  • Your current call is shown in the bottom right corner
  • Dispatcher can access CCTV cameras located around the city, if you want help, just ask!

N to talk to dispatch
B to to talk to your unit and linked units in your channel.
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This update gave me a hard on. Looks so good. Great work steveO and all the testers.

Also thanks to @John Daymon for thanking me about me thanking him for good work
So that parking lot has a different name than "Parking lot opposite to the Hospital" :pompus: interesting...
I love this update already can't wait to become dispatcher, i always wanted to :D
even thought I'm still waiting to get accepted as Police Supervisor
question: how does i know which unit is a car on the map?
problem: i can see already all the unit trasmitting to the dispatch together since they can't listen to each other, and they don't know when someone else is talking. indeed IRL the dispatch has many people to recive officer's trasmissions, so how many dispatcher will there be?
Erm, you said about 911 calls not appearing on the officer's screens so what do we do if there's no dispatchers is there any way to see reported crimes? or is it all dependent on having a dispatcher.
I have to say looking at this thread looks like there has been lots of effort put into this update!
Well done to all staff members who helped!
I really like the dispatch job and how it all works but it looks like it's caused some bugs in game i am not sure if this is a bug but i have noticed when people are talking it is speaking though the radio as well i am not sure but it is a very cool addtion.
Amazing update, brings the realism to the game. This server has amazing coders, I wish I could be a dispatcher just waiting until I can apply. I'd believe it should be different to supervisor!

Ok first off let me start by saying the largest feature of this update will be released for testing by a select few as we are looking at ways to improve it before allowing others.

So let's hop to it shall we?

Police dispatcher!!!
They will have the dedicated task to organize, manage, and maintain a proper coordination among all emergency services. This includes setting of patrol areas, assigning incidents, and grouping people into units. This addition will be opened more to the public but on a separate whitelist system than the sergeant/lieutenant as it requires far more skills and training. While we tried to take some care as to make it easy to use, the current control is a bit complex and may need improvements based on what we discover with it. If you're interested in what the current control is like... Here is a preview image.
This is subject to change but as you can see, there is a lot to be had and controlled. This change introduces a new key that you are able to rebind in the F1 menu that will be important for talking directly to dispatch (default is the N key). (This update was coded mostly by @Fredy with only a few changes that I did as well)

Besides that though there are a number of other changes to be found.
  • Weather effects got a massive change and overhaul to look far better and be set up in a way we can do changes easier for it.
  • Weather/time system now reacts better to the time of year it is, so the in game date now matters more. Some very minor things included but good for the detail of realism.
  • The time/date of the in game time are now persistent and kept between sessions, so when the server restarts it will pick up where it realistically should be at. Instead of resetting to a certain date and at noon each time. This means you'll get a different experience in a sense if you regularly join the server at set times which otherwise would only happen if the server was experiencing problems.
  • Temperatures shown will no doubt be a bit off for now as I couldn't think of a proper way to do these but they aren't too bad.
  • When in a job you are now unable to craft, to help prevent jobs obtaining weapons that should not have.
  • Secret update that I have plans for but currently do not work, up to you guys/gals to find it.
  • The Nexus Fredy on screen received several changes to help keep a more consistent color scheme.
  • A weather app has been added to the phone (yes the icon is pixely until we can update content with a better icon) currently this shows you to the minute when weather will change and what to. This may receive a bit of a redo at a later date as that precision is unrealistic.
  • Emergency app no longer requires you to enter a location for quick use.
  • When your character is breathing heavily, the volume has been reduced so it isn't nearly as annoying, but people can still hear around you that you are tired.
  • Mayoral elections now show the results of all candidates of what vote count they received. There are times when two people can have the same vote count yet one is selected as mayor, this probably will be addressed when we redo the whole system around voting.
  • Jobs renamed: Fireman to firefighter, delivery man to courier, speed enforcement to traffic officer.
Unlike other update logs I will be leaving this one open for replies, if you have a question feel free to ask, and if possible I will answer you. If you're wondering how to become dispatch, you will need to wait until we finish our current testing phase and open it up for applications, which you will first be required to have the sergeant/lieutenant whitelist first.
do you have to be a sergant then to become this position?
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