Search results

  1. CensoredExe

    CensoredExe return maybe

    Hello Some off you may recognise me, PERP used to be a pretty big part off my life when I was younger. I was known for a few aids organisations, probably being an annoying officer too, I also created a number off websites for the community like ParalakeNews, perp casino and more. My lifestyle...
  2. CensoredExe

    What happened to blue duck?

    I’ve been kinda away from the community for a while and just happened to check paralakenews out of curiosity and realised that the article I wrote, that feels like I wrote it just a month ago, giving a look at blue duck before it’s expected January release has been out for a year today After a...
  3. CensoredExe

    Your chance to manage ParalakeNews

    ParalakeNews I havent ran ParalakeNews in a while, but I still believe it has a ton of missed out potential because of my laziness and unwillingess to write articles. Please PM me on the forums if youre interested at all, you would be managing the website and discord and...
  4. CensoredExe

    Unnecessary toxicity towards minors

    I've been away from the community for a little while but have been keeping up to date on the forums and saw this post from Aaron. Im obviously not saying any of the "music" he made was good, or anywhere near it, but what baffled me is the amount of grown men replying with abuse thats insane. I...
  5. CensoredExe


    I want to bring paralakenews back to regular posts and there are news articles i'd love to be written and covered! If youre interested in earing up to 75K per article, please contact me via the forums or apply at
  6. CensoredExe


    People have probably been expecting someone to make a post like this eventually, but I really want to recommend GrandadPyjamas for being an amazing new member of the community and for his extremely entertaining streams! My limited experience with him has been all very good and I hope we get...
  7. CensoredExe

    ParalakeNews The site is finally out! Currently, we only have 2 journalists and one article on the site, so we'd really appreciate new applications! View jobs here; The first article + Exclusive ParalakeNews interview...
  8. CensoredExe

    ParalakeNews reboot [HIRING]

    Hopefully, within a few days, we'll be releasing ParalakeNews. To start with, the site will only be available from a browser, though at a later date we should hopefully be adding it to the newspaper in-game. This, in my opinion, has been done wrong a ton of times. If you look back through old...
  9. CensoredExe

    Filip Larsson

    I know he doesn't use the forums, so he probably won't see it but, this guy is one of the most genuine guys I've ever met. I've never had a bad experience with him, and he's always been extremely kind and considerate, something hard to come across on here. I hope I continue to see him in game...
  10. CensoredExe

    Burner phones and police "tracking"

    Description of the idea: Police can currently see who owns a phone number, but I propose to also be able to see the last 10 calls that phone has made, aswell as possibly texts. This would allow police to better chase down wanted suspects, and find out who they are in contact with. To combat...
  11. CensoredExe

    Opinions and suggestions on an idea

    Ive been thinking about releasing a new site, which will be somewhat similar to perpmarket (possibly a sub-section), though specialised for large orders. The current idea is as follows, Buyers can create an order, where they will give a description, and tinycalc basket data Crafters can then...
  12. CensoredExe

    Jay Hatch's ban appeal @Mim @Clarky

    Appealing for: Ban / Blacklist Appeal type: Apology Which staff member banned you: @Mimball for @Clarky How long were you banned for: 3 days Your Steam Name: jacob.hatch Your In-game Name: Jay Hatch Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:234554157 Why were you banned/blacklisted: 2.5, 3.4 - User had killed...
  13. CensoredExe

    Toilets in PD

    Type of bug: map Description of the bug: While this is less of a bug, its easily exploitable. The top of cubicles in PD toilets are open, which allows you to drop items in them, without any way of them being retrieved. This could allow for people to place bombs or other items in there that...
  14. CensoredExe

    Just came accross this gem
  15. CensoredExe

    Licence plate bug

    Type of bug: Unsure, Lua? Description of the bug: This license plate isnt showing a record How to reproduce the bug: ANPR and Search this vehicle Time stamp(s): 22:49 06/07/20 UK *Errors: None *Media:
  16. CensoredExe

    Add ratings to the Ideas & Suggestions section of the forums

    Description of the idea: Add ratings to the Ideas & Suggestions section of the forums ( specifically agree and disagree ) Why should this be added? (pros): Allows developers and SA to gauge community opinion of someone's reply to a suggestion, without each one having the individually reply...
  17. CensoredExe

    Lots of game freezes

    My game keeps freezing (causing me to die often), and I know loads of other people get this. Is this server or client-side, and is there anything that can be done to fix or minimise this? inb4 get a better pc
  18. CensoredExe

    After a few sleepless nights of coding, I'm proud to present, in cooperation with @curak .... I got fairly creative with the product descriptions, and I'd love suggestions for descriptions I haven't yet filled in. How it works Deposit cash A crafter claims your order, and crafts...
  19. CensoredExe

    TFU Range Rover

    Type of bug: Texture Description of the bug: The front 'POLICE' was put on backwards How to reproduce the bug: Not really a bug, just look at the screenshot or spawn the vehicle *Media: [images/media of the issue]
  20. CensoredExe

    Any use for most this stuff? Stuff like toluene, acetone and a bunch of other chemicals in my 1k+ perp playtime ive never touched, is there any actual use for them?
  21. CensoredExe I just finished coding an online casino, exactly like the ones you see in bazaar shops, with 50/50 odds online. You can deposit money to the site by making a request and then sending the money to myself or palodhi, we offer instant withdrawals too, with absolutely no fees. The...
  22. CensoredExe


    Your Steam/In-game Name: Chris Jenson/censored.exe His/Her Steam/In-game Name:bobo/edward hustle His/Her SteamID:n/a Why Should This Player Be Punished:2.5 Evidence (Demo Required): I genuinely didn't want any toxicity from any situations that we were apart of with bobo, but tonight hes been so...
  23. CensoredExe

    Ban Dispute

    Appealing for: Ban Appeal type: Dispute (part apology) Which staff member banned you: @Dom_ How long were you banned for: 1 day Your Steam Name: censored.exe Your In-game Name: Chris Jenson Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:72160298 Why were you banned/blacklisted: 3.4...
  24. CensoredExe

    Actually do the suggestions

    Description of the idea: Staff actually process suggestions Why should this be added? (pros): There are 5 pages of suggestions waiting to be processed What negatives could this have? (cons): Sr Staff have more work to do *Other additions: Maybe process the suggestion exactly a week after its...
  25. CensoredExe

    AR on bill burton

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Chris Jenson His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Bill Burton His/Her SteamID: idk Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.5, he wont stop calling me (ive blocked his number, which is broken), following me around, breaking dumb laws infront of me while im cop etc and just trying to...
  26. CensoredExe

    AR on Sossa, Al Capone, Moon

    Your Steam/In-game Name: censored.exe/Chris Jenson His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Sossa, Al Capone, Moon, Cant remember all IC names. His/Her SteamID: N/A Why Should This Player Be Punished: 5.1 Mugging Players are not allowed to mug more than 3 times in any 60 minute period; nor can they mug the...
  27. CensoredExe

    RR From metagamers during raid

    Your in-game name: Chris Jenson Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:72160298 What do you need refunded: M4 (Comp, stock, red dot), Coke from chem table (75 avg), 2 Pyrex Dishes, 12 pots, coke from planted (avg 22 leaves) Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Got raided by people who were later banned for...
  28. CensoredExe

    RR from accepted AR

    Your in-game name: Chris Jenson Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:72160298 What do you need refunded: M4, M4 stock, Red Dot, Compensator, loaded mag. Why do you want your item(s) refunded:Lost it due to RDM Evidence: Tick:
  29. CensoredExe

    "side hustle" dude bought like 5 bazaar shops to sell and rent them out
  30. CensoredExe


    Your Steam/In-game Name: censored.exe / Chris Jenson His/Her Steam/In-game Name: N/A, not sure ( check logs to see who killed me at about 13:30 GMT ) His/Her SteamID: unsure for the aforementioned reason. Why Should This Player Be Punished: RDM, as the video shows he crowbars my shop once, and...