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  1. Edisom


    First 150 people to follow the account @Luca on Tooter gets entered into a 5 million dollar giveaway! Enter now, make the max accounts to get the max chances! Giveaway will be drawn on at the end of the month.
  2. Edisom

    Refund Request (Price of Audi R8 Plus Tier 2 Damage. ($69,000 + $2500))

    Your Steam Name: Edisom Your Roleplay Name: Luca Falcone Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:47493002 What do you need refunded?: Price of Audi R8 Plus Tier 2 Damage. ($69,000 + $2500) Why should this request be considered?: Don't get me wrong 80MPH is very fast to go over a speedbump, that being...
  3. Edisom


  4. Edisom

    Lua Bug Report (Leaves disappeared after being put into chest.)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Leaves disappeared after being put into chest. How to reproduce the Bug: I just put the leaves into the chest and Cloud said they weren't in there, then thinking I got scammed I made a report and found out no one even actually pulled them out. Time...
  5. Edisom

    Refund Request (200 Coke Leaves)

    Your Steam Name: Edisom Your Roleplay Name: Luca Falcone Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:47493002 What do you need refunded?: 200 Coke Leaves Why should this request be considered?: I was selling leaves to Vina and when I put the last 200 in they didn't pop up for him, and were never taken out as...
  6. Edisom

    Server Suggestion Chatbox for Organizations

    Description of the idea: Add a tab w/ Chatbox in Organization Menu. Why should this be added? (pros): -Add a permanent option for organization messages -Relay messages to (OFFLINE) members without metagaming. What negatives could this have? (cons): -Pretty useless if your Org is just going...
  7. Edisom

    Refund Request (Glock 20 w/ Mag, Sight, and suppressor, and a Crowbar.)

    Your Steam Name: Edisom Your Roleplay Name: Luca Falcone Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:47493002 What do you need refunded?: Glock 20 w/ Mag, Sight, and suppressor, and a Crowbar. Why should this request be considered?: We would have won the raid if it wasn't for the fact that he metagamed with...
  8. Edisom


    PARALAKES FIRST OFFICAL BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT IS UNDER WAY! TEAMS OF 3 FULL COURT BASKETBALL REFEREES 10K Entry Fee for Player (30K per Team) Register your Team below to have a chance at becoming the best shooter in Paralake.... (Registration will be closed June 22 as we are hoping to...
  9. Edisom

    Server Suggestion Car Trims, Paints & Bodykits Add Value to Price when selling.

    Description of the idea: When selling vehicles, have value of Paint, Trim & Body Kits be added to sell price as well. Why should this be added? (pros): -Don't lose money that you spent on cars when selling. -Realistic, if you add any parts to a car IRL, it will add value. -Be able to sell...
  10. Edisom

    Add ammo to Gun Store.

    Description of the idea: Add ammo for sale inside the gun store. Why should this be added? (pros): Before I had the crafting level, there would be multiple nights where I literally couldn't base because I have no ammo for any of my weapons. Since there would be no one on selling ammo either...
  11. Edisom

    Crypto Currency

    Wondering if anyone is involved with investing into any Crypto, if so in what? Always looking for new pick ups. Started with it just over a year ago, been great so far learned a lot of new stuff and made some decent money off it. My Portfolio currently stands at: ETH: 40% MATIC: 40% GRT: 10%...
  12. Edisom

    Server Suggestion Reward System

    Description of the idea: Add more rewards for In Game progress and/or Events. Why should this be added? (pros): I feel that this should be added as currently there are no rewards for two weeks play time, three weeks etc. I feel that there should be a rewards for each time margin reached on...
  13. Edisom

    Server Suggestion Removing Issue with Respawning Car

    Description of the idea: Remove the feature where "You must get your car fixed before you can spawn another" when no Roadcrew is online. Why should this be added? (pros): In my opinion, it seems to me to make no sense for me to have another car, when I can't drive it when I crash one. Also...
  14. Edisom

    Poseidon Inc Car Show

    Today we hosted the first ever Poseidon Car show and I must say it was a success! We will definitely be hosting more as time goes on.... Thank you too everyone who took the time to enter! Special Thanks to @Envionic & @hotdog 6 for all the their help! and finally congrats to the winners...
  15. Edisom

    200 Ping Ting

    Went through all my medal clips from the last month, this is what I had all together for clips so I said I'd put them together. Enjoy, some funny ones, and then some kills, sorry for the quality and no audio on some clips.
  16. Edisom

    Headglitch on Shady Street

    Description of the idea: Fix the alleyway across from Slums, to stop from headglitching. Why should this be added? (pros): I feel personally, that this particular spot has been a issue for quite some time now. It is very unfair trying to push out of slums, when people just sit in the...
  17. Edisom

    Server Suggestion Adding Burnout's

    Description of the idea: Holding 'W' & 'S' makes it so your car does a burnout, instead of revving the engine. Why should this be added? (pros): -Lots of potential for added roleplay with people doing more car related stuff. (Car Shows, etc) -Looks cool. What negatives could this have...
  18. Edisom

    Shorter option for Police Broadcast

    Description of the idea: Making '/pb' a option when writing Police Broadcasts. Why should this be added? (pros): When you have to write a Police Broadcast, usually has to be done pretty quick. Traffic incidents, raids etc. Adding this would help this process alot I would guess. What...
  19. Edisom

    Guide to Assassinating The Mayor.

    Assassinating The Mayor Guide Step 1: Fair Reasoning. You must have a fair and/or a realistic reasoning for killing the Mayor. Examples of Fair Reasoning: Taxes set ABOVE 35%. General mismanagement of City Funds & Emergency Use Vehicles. Any instance that would be justifiable by Rule 2.5...
  20. Edisom

    Action Request (Ashur)

    Your Steam Name: Edisom Your Roleplay Name: Luca Falcone Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:47493002 Player's Steam Name: Ashur Player's Roleplay Name: Ashur Something Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:214812816 Why should this player be punished?: 2.5 Excessive Negativity. I was the only person at...
  21. Edisom

    Silencers for Shotgun's

    Description of the idea: -Add specially made silencers for shotguns. Why should this be added? (pros): -Great raiding weapon. -More Attachments = More Reason to Craft. -Looks so good. What negatives could this have? (cons): -Benji suggested that they would have to add all new shotguns.. if...
  22. Edisom

    Fist Pump Description of the idea: Add a new Dance called Fist Pump. Why should this be added? (pros): -More Dances. -Great act for many situations. -Pretty Funny looking as well. What negatives could this have? (cons): -Hard to code. -Very...
  23. Edisom

    AR on Blicky

    Your Steam/In-game Name: @Edisom / Luca Falcone His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @CapalotBlickyy / Blicky Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.5 I tried to buy two boxes of Rifle Ammo off of Blicky, he tries to scam me by giving me empty boxes, so I get gun and gunpoint him to get boxes of...
  24. Edisom

    Locking Apartment Building’s Main Doors

    Description of the idea: Have the main door (front) of Slums, Regals & Projex lock. Why should this be added? (pros): - More Realistic - Stop people from hanging out on stairs. - Would greatly help with people who aren’t even involved in raids/living in apartment, not being in the area...
  25. Edisom

    Trade In Car for same value?

    Description of the idea: -Being able to trade your Car in for another Car equal of value. Why should this be added? (pros): - No longer have to sell your car for 50% when you want something cheaper or equal value. - This is a very common thing at every car dealer you will find across America...
  26. Edisom


    Your in-game name: Luca Falcone Steam ID: Steam ID: 76561198055251733 What do you need refunded: Glock Something not sure if yall can check & Crowbar Evidence:
  27. Edisom

    AR on Dimitris

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Edisom / Luca Falcone His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @Dimitris Kowalski Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.1 / 2.5 User felt he was justified to shoot me because I was the number that called his cellphone before a bobby pin broke on his front door. Him, knor his...
  28. Edisom


    my birthday cake
  29. Edisom

    AR on Chris Bronze

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Edisom His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Unknown / Chris Bronze His/Her SteamID: Unknown Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 This user wouldn't get out of his car while under clear gun point. Evidence:
  30. Edisom

    RR on Pistol 2

    Your in-game name: Edisom Steam ID: What do you need refunded: Walther P99 w/ Mag Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Cause I wouldn't have lost this item if I wasn't killed by a rule breaker. Evidence: