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  1. Bolli

    Update Log 24/10/2024 - Halloween, Weapon changes, New Report Menu, Accessories and QoL

    Update Log 24/10/2024 - Halloween, Weapon changes, Overhauled Report Menu, Accessories and QoL This is a quite a large update bundled in with the Halloween update! Report menu Reports are often poor in quality due to a lack of clear requirements for players when submitting them. To address...
  2. Bolli

    New server host

    Hello! We have migrated to a new server host to hopefully mitigate some of the stability issues we've been having. The IP address has changed, the new IP is or you can use to connect. Please update your favorites to include the new IP address. Joining the old...
  3. Bolli

    URL change for Cloudflare

    Hello Perpheads players! We recently installed Cloudflare for our website in attempt to mitigate the recent DDoS attacks, hopefully it will help but it has had some side effects. Some players choose to connect to the server by typing "connect" into their consoles, sadly this no...
  4. Bolli

    Update - 07/05/2020

    Update - 07/05/2020 The following changes will go live shortly. Bug fixes/Changes @TinySlayer, @StephenPuffs , @Madda and I have worked on include: Added the M68 impact grenade Fixed quickswap for grenades Changes for the upcoming drug update Added the help website to the F1 menu Players...
  5. Bolli

    M68 Impact Grenade

    Description of the idea: Currently we have the M68 impact grenade in the content but it was never actually added. The grenade would either detonate on impact or have a very short fuse. Why should this be added? (pros): More grenade varieties that could be utilized in different scenarios What...
  6. Bolli

    Small Update - 24/04/2020

    Update - 24/04/2020 The following changes will go live shortly. rp_paralake_city_v4 Change back to Paralake_v4 due to many community requests. Listen to this while you read because @Dom_ demands it Bug fixes/Changes @TinySlayer @Samuel and @Bolli have worked on include: Fixed broken...
  7. Bolli

    Update Log - 9/11/2019

    After an excruciating week of setting up our first map change (as voted for in the poll), we are finally done! The first map in the pool is Evocity, we hope you enjoy a little nostalgia! Please note that there may be some issues/bugs with the current map, we are aware of these and we'll be...
  8. Bolli

    Happy Halloween - 2019

    PERPHeads - Happy Halloween! Halloween Event - 31 October 6PM GMT +0 Our spooky Halloween content has been enabled. If you have a costume since last year you should be able to claim it without spending any more of your precious candy bars Growing Pumpkins Pumpkin seeds can be bought from...
  9. Bolli

    Changes to Senior Administration

    Hello, sadly @Ayjay left the team earlier this week he's done a lot of good work for the team and community and he will be missed. But today we've added a new senior administrator to the team to help me and @TinySlayer to push the staff team forward. I hope you'll join me in congratulating...
  10. Bolli

    Changes to Senior Administration

    As you may of have noticed, @MrLewis has sadly resigned from his role as Senior Administrator. We'd like to thank him for his hard work and time he has given toward the staff team and the community during his time. As a result, I've been attempting to decide who would be the right fit for the...
  11. Bolli

    A story of a mass RDMer

    A story by Cody Nearly four months ago I decided to mass random deathmatch on the best roleplay server I have played so far. My actions were absolutely awful and I have regret them a lot. I used to be a somewhat decent member of the community and played on the server every day after I got from...
  12. Bolli

    Server Events: 27/05/2018

    Server Events: 27/05/2018 - Sunday 4PM GMT +1 TIME: 4:00PM EVENT: Parker Raid Winner(s): TBD Prize: Winning team survivors receive '$25.000' each Description: Two teams, one defending and one attacking first team to win two rounds wins ______ TIME: 5:00PM EVENT: Mike Myers Winner(s)...
  13. Bolli

    Update Log - 21/05/2018

    Update Log - 21/05/2018 Hey guys, today's update is mainly focused on bug fixes and and balance changes. Many issues with the new drug system have been addressed, if you have any more suggestions please post them below. Gameplay Changes You can no longer purchase the farm due to balancing...
  14. Bolli

    Server Events - 28/04/2018

    Server Events: 28/04/2018 - Saturday 4PM GMT +0 TIME: 4:00PM EVENT: Mike Myers Winner(s): GGgames Prize: Last person alive receives '$75.000' Description: Mike Myers is located in the forest. One player will be armed with a knife and will have unlimited stamina. The rest of the players...
  15. Bolli


    Update log 16/01/2018 Sourcebans is finally gone and it's been replaced with SCAMBans (Super Cool Admin Mod). Since Sourcebans has stopped updating we decided to make our own so we could add more features in the future such as blacklist, rank editing etc. The layout on mobile is currently a...
  16. Bolli

    Update Log - 12/12/2017

    UPDATE LOG - 12/12/2017 Weapon Changes: Fixed rifle compensators offering no benefit Flash hiders now offer similar benefits to suppressors Increased recoil on all 5.56 to be more in line with other rifles Increased spread on all shotguns Reduced recoil on some shotguns Reduced recoil on all...
  17. Bolli

    19/11/2017 - Rule Changes

    Fredy finished his crash restore system, so of course a new rule is needed. Let us know if you find any issues with the crash restore system. Rule Changes 2.4 Exchanging In-Game Items funds for Real Funds 3.28 Being Tied-up/Gagged 3.29 Bank Robbery Hostages 4.5 The Mayor Rule...
  18. Bolli

    26-08-2017 Update Log

    Bank robberies have received a complete overhaul in how they work and how much they will reward participants. You will need to speak with the drug dealer who can get you in contact with someone. After a brief period you will be texted by this person and told to wire their bank account $5000...
  19. Bolli

    24-08-2017 Update Log

    Today's update mainly focuses on the ATM and some other suggestions you guys made. This update contains a content update, so make sure you have downloads enabled to experience the new ATM fully. Thanks @AyJay for the ATM background.
  20. Bolli

    30-07-2017 Update Log

    After an even longer wait, we've released the new cars that were teased in the v4 update post. Most of the new cars use a newer configuring system and the old ones will be converted slowly, some already have. Please let us know if you find any issues
  21. Bolli

    Forum Rollback

    Yesterday @MrLewis somehow managed to delete the whole News and Announcements section and all of the posts inside. The forums were rolled back to Thursday 9:00PM, all of the posts made after that are sadly gone and need to be remade. Sorry for the inconvenience, blame @MrLewis and he is very sorry.
  22. Bolli

    Server Issues: 14/01/2017-17/01/2017

    Hello everyone, as many of you are aware the server over the past few days has experienced malfunctions, errors, and crashes very frequently. We recently purchased a new server with the latest components available, however something appears to have not worked properly, it is unknown if this was...
  23. Bolli

    A New Senior Administrator

    Hey everyone! Today is the day that I announce a new senior admin. It’s been awhile since we had one, yet I feel like another senior administrator is needed to help run the staff team. So I hope you can all congratulate @MrLewis on his new promotion. Lewis has been a dedicated staff member for...
  24. Bolli

    Halloween Update: 30/10/2016

    Halloween Update: 30/10/2016 Halloween stuff Candy bars Sick witch hat (Your personal hat will be back after Halloween) Ability to grow pumpkins (seeds are bought at the bar) New animations and models Food and drinks are now displayed in your hand when you consume it New soda model Added...
  25. Bolli

    Recent Events

    As you are all aware, many notable members of the community have been banned. These bans have been issued because they have acted in a severely disrespectful and hateful manner towards a member of the moderation team. As a result of these actions a one day ban was issued. In response to these...
  26. Bolli

    Server Events: 19/06/16 - Sunday 4PM GMT +1

    Server Events: 19/06/16 - Sunday 4PM GMT +1 We've decided to run some events next Sunday, sorry it's been a while since the last one. Hope to see you all there! __________________ TIME: 4:00PM EVENT: 6x6 Prize: Last man standing: $50,000 Description: People that participate in the event...
  27. Bolli

    April Fools; Money Packs

    Due to popular demand for a limited time only, we're happy to announce money packs to PERP (Prices listed below). Countless suggestions have been made and it's finally here so get out your wallets! Money Packs are bought through the website and you will receive a package of in-game funds to...
  28. Bolli

    Server Events: 28/02/16 - Sunday 4PM (UTC/GMT)

    Server Events: 28/02/16 - Sunday 5PM (UTC/GMT) Hello friends! So, we've decided to do some events after a long while (sorry!). The events that we've decided to host are as follows: ______ TIME: 4:00PM EVENT: Beach Derby Prize Pool: 1st place: '$50,000' @Rafxl_ @LiquifiedCactus 2nd place...
  29. Bolli

    Paralake V3

    20/12/2015 - Paralake V3 & Christmas Update Good morning all! After months of development, the Christmas update is ready to be released! There are so many changes that I'm sure you all will enjoy and more coming soon. First of all, the map has had some lovely updates, below we'll list them...
  30. Bolli

    Forum Organization Changes

    Organizations within the forums have always been a grey area where we did not monitor their behavior much other than when the Report feature was used. They were treated as a mix of both OOC and IC, however there were no specific rules in place that regulated organization posts. This has lead to...