ah yes, why you should vote me biggest memer

Reaction score
hello my friends and today i shall explain why i am the biggest memer of 2019
thank you @e dog for the inspiration to make this post

and here are my reasons:

i influenced the shoutbox and the people of perp with this image, and the famous line "I LOVE BTS" and posted many BTS memes to a degree where many said it daily.
it showed how the people of perp came together to influence our friends and family with the godly sentence of "I LOVE BTS"

2nd reason:
we all know the armenian mafia, and the famous sentence that was stringed together by a floss and some glue from the dollar store: "i would beat the shit out of you and maybe kill you too".
this sentence had somewhat died, and then i decided to bring it back both in forum posts, discord, steam messages and the shoutbox, i was somewhat inspired by @Hazza keep in mind that i did NOT create the meme, only somewhat revive it for a short amount of time, all memes die one day

3rd reason:
as me and @Creepis looked through games, i realized we had never tried playing SCP: Secret Laboratory together, and as we played the game we realized the goldmine we struck.
the result of this was an SCP server with over 15 perp players daily (this is a good amount in the game) with PH staff janitors like @Aquaa and @Super_ and sharing of SCP memes in shoutbox almost every day
many sub-memes such as "GRAB HIS FORESKIN" and clips were created, which i shall put in this spoiler,
fuckton of clips here https://perpheads.com/threads/scp-secret-laboratory.36292/



4th reason:
me and the megaloli hoes made it known that creepis came on his pet birb as seen here
we bullied creepis and made him atone for his sins that he made on this poor birb, and memed him for like a good month, me and people like @Imperial Watch decided to make it worse by adding "NOOOOO CWEEPIS DONT" to any and every bad thing that could happen

EXTRA: some images i have created / shared have been spread out around this community, mostly in shoutbox, and my most known image is:

i have also screenshotted this legendary image:
and some others

i got hoes hooked onto games like SCP:SL, OneShot and Rocket League and shows like MHA and JoJo,
actually, now that i think about it, i might be Most Influential instead? nah whatever

this concludes my reasoning, hopefully you have been convinced of my tomfoolery and good day to you
i've told you before, i have a rare medical condition where my bones inflate with age
I voted Dono cause no way that guy isn't memeing us for reactions at this point
you were eyeing another bird on your story you disgusting fuck