Ban on non-roleplay organizations

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Hi, sorry to get back to you on this after such a long time.
Anyway, I've stated before that I've been a part of great many of these banter orgs in the past, therefore I know very well what I'm talking about. Either way, I appreciate your input on this, however, I still have to disagree with your take on this. I believe that every banter organization is a major violation of rule 2.1 and is, therefore, something that should not be allowed to exist in the first place.
Sorry to get back to you on this after such a long time.
Anyway, do you have anything of actual value to contribute to the topic at hand? If not I will ask staff to remove this, as it's redundant and contributes nothing to the discussion.
Are people not allowed their fun or something? Having a non serious org doesn't impact gameplay and having banter with the boys is something that shouldn't be forbidden.
People are allowed to have fun. For many people who are interested in roleplay servers such as this one, roleplaying is fun, among other things. Since roleplay is the main theme here, it should come without saying that not roleplaying or Fail RPing should not be allowed at all, however sadly that clearly isn't the case for some reason. Fun is also something that means different things to different people and I'm not at all against it, I just want to make sure your fun isn't actually breaking the rules and the themes and principles of the server.
I have no idea what you are talking about, we aint even do nuffin
Just let people have their own fun, you can’t just go Click and expect things to change. If you want serious Organisations then actually come on the server, make one and run it. Why would you complain about this when you’ve done nothing to change it yourself. Actions speak louder than words.

People want to have fun and don’t always want to follow strict things like an organisation normally would. People may break rules and others find different things fun and we can’t just play for everyone to have fun because that can’t happen because no one is happy.

You’re taking this too deep and I find it cringe. I’m sorry but it is. This is the way perp is and this is how it’s developed, it is fast paced and this is how people play, no one is going to change for the sake of you getting your daily fix of roleplay with the mafiozo boys.
@Kenty Even when allowing this to persist is against the very rules that you, as a moderator are supposed to uphold and enforce? It seems kinda strange to see a PH moderator actually defending FailRP.

Also did you just really say "People may break rules" as a staff member? Now that's just all kinds of wrong.
It would seem that PH has no problem becoming a GTA lobby if it earns more money. I understand that, its business. But I'm still gonna voice my opinion and say that permitting FailRP in the interest of getting more money from a wider audience of minges is wrong.

Edit: Lastly to address your argument, that you cant just go Click and expect things to change, that is btw exactly what happened when the Forum Organization Changes thread was released in 2015 and directly resulted in Roleplay organizations going extinct and allowing for FailRP/Non-RP organizations to happen.
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I'm just going to close this now.

People play and make organisations to have some fun on the server and I'm sorry that you can't see the funny side in some orgs. It wouldn't be fair or any fun to force every org to run like an army.

If you genuinely want to continue this as a suggestion for the server make a post under the rule discussions
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