Big loss in players?

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Saudi Arabia
Well, we all knew that perp is going to die anytime soon, I say we should white list the cops that all I have tbh, and we need to be a little bit more nicer to the new players as the higher org will treat them like shit because they are new, and the make fun of them calling them sweater with out them knowing that they are being made fun of {Unless there are people laughing in the background}
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The civil war of Somalia
Because as i see it. when new people join they have 3 options if they want to go along with the criminal side of perp.
1: spend 20k on drugs and planters to grow, but have no guns or rifle marksmanship to defend.
2: spend 20k on rifle marksmanship but then have no gun and no money to buy drugs.
3: buy a gun and have little to no money left to do anything and no rifle marksmanship to use that gun.
4: leave because, lets face it... this server isn't friendly to newplayers.
I challenge someone to buy gmod on an alt account, go on perp for a day as a sweater WITHOUT telling ANYONE who you are. Be a nobody, and possibly record it to put on the forums to open peoples eyes a bit to what is going on.
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The Eras Tour
I challenge someone to buy gmod on an alt account, go on perp for a day as a sweater WITHOUT telling ANYONE who you are. Be a nobody, and possibly record it to put on the forums to open peoples eyes a bit to what is going on.

The thing is that old players already know the server, so they know what to do, however true sweaters are completely lost when they first arrive, so if anyone actually records that, it will be missing this part where the person has no idea what to do or who to trust.
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i started playing at October 2016, i literally knew nothing about perp. it took me only 2 months since i started playing to get in the biggest organization which was cancer minus back then, so its not impossible for new players to be successful

idk if it was that awesome org anyways since i got to join them as a sweater pretty much
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Sorry to say it but he isn't wrong. It's fine for the people who've been here for a while, built a deceent economy for themselves, but for anyone new it's near impossible to get started.

It would be lovely to think that for every new sweater that joins, someone is there to lend a helping hand and give them 20k or so to get started. That's what @Daigestive did for me when I first joined the community, but that's not a regular thing on PH anymore.

If I'm honest, if it wasn't for Dai helping me out then I probably would have left pretty quickly. For new players the community is difficult to get started on, getting your foot on the ladder is more of a chore than anything else. The criminal side of things can be tough.

Equally, who would want to spend 3 months of their life powergrowing and raiding to afford a flashy car? We all play here for the same reason, to get some entertainment and enjoyment from it. Cops aim to get higher in the PD, criminals aim to get better cars and weapons. It's how it is.
did u gave him the 20K back???

Deleted member 6228

A lot of the players that stick around are to pure luck. I would never have played if I never met thehomelessdude, cole and gallion.
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I'll put money in the summertime there will be more players, people are busy around this time of year. I've noticed the summer time is when the player count really peaks. As for new players getting shit on all the time I can vouch for that one but that's always how perp has been since day one.
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its because i stopped making videos, avergae player count has fallen since the day i stopped if you actually checked not even joking seriously, one of my vids with 6000 viewers definitely attracted a lot of people to try it out, back me up homies down with youseff he caused me to stop uiploading
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THE main reason for the big loss of players is simply, admins dont give a fuck about the players and there is no new content often
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Hello people!
Recently I've conducted a bit of research into this. Asked a few people around, stated my opinion. I am still in the process of working things out but this is what it is.

This "dying thing" started I believe around the time after the PD update. Now before I got yelled at... I wasn't there so I don't know what happened as I went inactive when the PD got whitelisted.
Why did I go inactive though? Mostly because of the PD whitelist although being a senior officer myself. It limited my friends to have the ability to participate in a virtual job in a game (definition of game: a game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a monitor or other display).
I came back for the simple reason that I wanted to do PD work again. So I did.
Now the first time I joined the most appealing part was the not having to register anywhere for anything part. All you needed was to sort out a form (Which I failed 8 times) and then you were in the club. There was no complications. PD structure was pretty simple. People were happier and more relaxed whilst on duty.
You had 3 branches inside the PD (excluding dispatch): Traffic officer (Premium), SWAT (Premium) and officer. Back then when you got bored of being a traffic cop you switched to SWAT and actually got to shoot and have fun.

Before ya'll start yelling at me: "But TFU is organised, trained hurr durr durr", I'll tell you this. Yes, they're more organised. Yes, they're more trained and yes they're better than SWAT. SWAT was a bunch of participants that wanted to have fun.
TFU will constantly win raids and still cry after losing one (Random TFU Officer: And people say TFU is OP).

I actually wanted to make a meme, but ended up being a bit serious about it here:

I bring up some points not only pointed out by me but also by other players.

Example from today why this is still the same. Mr. Petty AR maker aka @{IG} attacker1983 joined me today and we went around a bit as he's quite a good friend OOC. I saw one of my points that I have about PERP brought up by him although never speaking about this to him directly.
"PD Doesn't want to RP anymore". And to be honest... It's kinda right. When I try to roleplay to "stall" a bit, other officers get nervous as they feel they'll miss a shootout. The feeling of wanting to get relieved off that stress etc as they usually die in most raids as normal officers so they have anticipation to actually get kills. Again SWAT allowed you to relax and feel like a SWAT member.

For those whose excuse will be: "Well become a TFU". Trust me. I am trying. And me saying this kind of stuff will probably get me denied. But I, for one would like to point out some faults that I and other players have noticed. It's taking me 3 months from my stage 1 to stage 3 to be even announced. And who in the right mind is going to join a server where they need 1-2 months for cpl, 3+ months for TFU.
Don't get me wrong though. I don't think grinding is bad, it's just that 3 months?

Now next topic is the construction booklet and 2.5. Construction booklet = lowers creativity. I just think that TFU + construction booklet is the worst thing combined. Now for one you start a raid. It gives you 20s before heavily armed and armored people show up. (Before it used to take a few minutes as officers arrived on scene and then afterwards SWAT was called if needed or SWAT responded to life alerts or panics (which also allowed normal officers to shoot a bit more). The players had a bit of time before they killed the first wave of defenders before going to the last rooms. Now it's just put in such a way that raiders must get in very quickly to protect themselves against TFU.

Next topic: Code of Ethics - Professionalism. This one is a handy one. It can be used by any triggered person. I just think that nobody on PERP is acting professional as a civilian. Realistically speaking if there were a city like PERP, police officers would not be as professional as in a peaceful city as it's required for their duties.
Having fun is most of the time seen as unprofessional.

Next topic: Stress. Due to confidential reasons I will not state the exact names of the individuals. I've received information of people having panic attacks, major stress and other issues with PLPD and perp itself. Keeping up with the rules and everything is stress. Getting banned is stress. Being reported (even false) in IAs is stress.
I speak to people usually when they tell me that they have an IA on them and they're always very stressed whilst the investigation goes on. Yes it's a game, but you making them do 2 months of hard work just for it to be taken away is stupidity pure. And if you think it's their fault for taking it not too serious is just bad.

As long as you don't realize that limiting players more by either rules or physical restrictions lowers their will to do anything and their will to play, you won't get a higher player count. Garry's mod is down by the player count by 2000 players from last year. That being quite a huge number... It's still not an excuse to keep new players.

p.s. You ain't getting no TL;DR. The least you get to read is in the link. That one is specifically for SWAT.

These are mine and other player's thoughts.
If PERP is dying at least let it die in such a way that people can have fun whilst it lasts. Besides why not giving it a trial period to see if it works. If it works, point proven, back on the track. If it doesn't work it'll die either way like any game did.

People leaving dumb ratings, please leave a constructive reply as I and others I suppose are willing to discuss this topic. Discussing something isn't bad and it shouldn't be seen as stupid. Maybe you can change my mind and other's and this "stupidity" can stop.

Have a wonderful day!
Reaction score
The civil war of Somalia
Hello people!
Recently I've conducted a bit of research into this. Asked a few people around, stated my opinion. I am still in the process of working things out but this is what it is.

This "dying thing" started I believe around the time after the PD update. Now before I got yelled at... I wasn't there so I don't know what happened as I went inactive when the PD got whitelisted.
Why did I go inactive though? Mostly because of the PD whitelist although being a senior officer myself. It limited my friends to have the ability to participate in a virtual job in a game (definition of game: a game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a monitor or other display).
I came back for the simple reason that I wanted to do PD work again. So I did.
Now the first time I joined the most appealing part was the not having to register anywhere for anything part. All you needed was to sort out a form (Which I failed 8 times) and then you were in the club. There was no complications. PD structure was pretty simple. People were happier and more relaxed whilst on duty.
You had 3 branches inside the PD (excluding dispatch): Traffic officer (Premium), SWAT (Premium) and officer. Back then when you got bored of being a traffic cop you switched to SWAT and actually got to shoot and have fun.

Before ya'll start yelling at me: "But TFU is organised, trained hurr durr durr", I'll tell you this. Yes, they're more organised. Yes, they're more trained and yes they're better than SWAT. SWAT was a bunch of participants that wanted to have fun.
TFU will constantly win raids and still cry after losing one (Random TFU Officer: And people say TFU is OP).

I actually wanted to make a meme, but ended up being a bit serious about it here:

I bring up some points not only pointed out by me but also by other players.

Example from today why this is still the same. Mr. Petty AR maker aka @{IG} attacker1983 joined me today and we went around a bit as he's quite a good friend OOC. I saw one of my points that I have about PERP brought up by him although never speaking about this to him directly.
"PD Doesn't want to RP anymore". And to be honest... It's kinda right. When I try to roleplay to "stall" a bit, other officers get nervous as they feel they'll miss a shootout. The feeling of wanting to get relieved off that stress etc as they usually die in most raids as normal officers so they have anticipation to actually get kills. Again SWAT allowed you to relax and feel like a SWAT member.

For those whose excuse will be: "Well become a TFU". Trust me. I am trying. And me saying this kind of stuff will probably get me denied. But I, for one would like to point out some faults that I and other players have noticed. It's taking me 3 months from my stage 1 to stage 3 to be even announced. And who in the right mind is going to join a server where they need 1-2 months for cpl, 3+ months for TFU.
Don't get me wrong though. I don't think grinding is bad, it's just that 3 months?

Now next topic is the construction booklet and 2.5. Construction booklet = lowers creativity. I just think that TFU + construction booklet is the worst thing combined. Now for one you start a raid. It gives you 20s before heavily armed and armored people show up. (Before it used to take a few minutes as officers arrived on scene and then afterwards SWAT was called if needed or SWAT responded to life alerts or panics (which also allowed normal officers to shoot a bit more). The players had a bit of time before they killed the first wave of defenders before going to the last rooms. Now it's just put in such a way that raiders must get in very quickly to protect themselves against TFU.

Next topic: Code of Ethics - Professionalism. This one is a handy one. It can be used by any triggered person. I just think that nobody on PERP is acting professional as a civilian. Realistically speaking if there were a city like PERP, police officers would not be as professional as in a peaceful city as it's required for their duties.
Having fun is most of the time seen as unprofessional.

Next topic: Stress. Due to confidential reasons I will not state the exact names of the individuals. I've received information of people having panic attacks, major stress and other issues with PLPD and perp itself. Keeping up with the rules and everything is stress. Getting banned is stress. Being reported (even false) in IAs is stress.
I speak to people usually when they tell me that they have an IA on them and they're always very stressed whilst the investigation goes on. Yes it's a game, but you making them do 2 months of hard work just for it to be taken away is stupidity pure. And if you think it's their fault for taking it not too serious is just bad.

As long as you don't realize that limiting players more by either rules or physical restrictions lowers their will to do anything and their will to play, you won't get a higher player count. Garry's mod is down by the player count by 2000 players from last year. That being quite a huge number... It's still not an excuse to keep new players.

p.s. You ain't getting no TL;DR. The least you get to read is in the link. That one is specifically for SWAT.

These are mine and other player's thoughts.
If PERP is dying at least let it die in such a way that people can have fun whilst it lasts. Besides why not giving it a trial period to see if it works. If it works, point proven, back on the track. If it doesn't work it'll die either way like any game did.

People leaving dumb ratings, please leave a constructive reply as I and others I suppose are willing to discuss this topic. Discussing something isn't bad and it shouldn't be seen as stupid. Maybe you can change my mind and other's and this "stupidity" can stop.

Have a wonderful day!
To be perfectly honest, in my opinion i see that the reason people come together and form zergs, making people leave because they get mass raided, was because of the release of TFU, yes the old SWAT didnt have the best people, but then again you wouldnt need a zerg to defend. I see it that ever since TFU came along destroying everyone, they all fromed together to stop TFU, when SWAT used to be a thing, there would be some people not too good, but they ar e having fun, and so are the people defending with 2-4 people. Also, with the old SWAT etc, it didnt require you to come on every week to get a requirement time till you can get cpl (3 months sweating minimum), then wait for TFU apps to open. It is SUCH a long process to go through just to get a bigger gun as an officer, and even when you are on duty as TFU, you are shitting yourself to make sure you arent breaking any policies. It just isn't fun at the end of the day and isn't enjoyable to play.

Also just want to add, it encouraged people to buy premium more, at the moment all £5 a month does is give you a fucking physgun which isn’t even that needed for growing because your Zerg will have all the props put up, a squad car (if you are a SO, thats another month of sweating cop) and another drug slot. Used to give so much more opportunities.
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Reaction score
To be perfectly honest, in my opinion i see that the reason people come together and form zergs, making people leave because they get mass raided, was because of the release of TFU, yes the old SWAT didnt have the best people, but then again you wouldnt need a zerg to defend. I see it that ever since TFU came along destroying everyone, they all fromed together to stop TFU, when SWAT used to be a thing, there would be some people not too good, but they ar e having fun, and so are the people defending with 2-4 people. Also, with the old SWAT etc, it didnt require you to come on every week to get a requirement time till you can get cpl (3 months sweating minimum), then wait for TFU apps to open. It is SUCH a long process to go through just to get a bigger gun as an officer, and even when you are on duty as TFU, you are shitting yourself to make sure you arent breaking any policies. It just isn't fun at the end of the day and isn't enjoyable to play.

Also just want to add, it encouraged people to buy premium more, at the moment all £5 a month does is give you a fucking physgun which is REQUIRED for growing nowadays, a squad car (if you are a SO, thats another month of sweating cop) and another drug slot. Used to give so much more opportunities.
Again one of the same thoughts I hear all around. Yes it didn't have the best people, but they came onto perp to get relaxation from every day stress and not acquire additional stress here.
Just because something has been put a lot of effort into (like PLPD) doesn't mean it's flawless or even good. Yes it's very realistic. But that realism is appealing to a low amount of people.

As I stated... Give it a try. Things can always be reverted. (To be honest, this will probably get ignored again.)
Reaction score
Parts Unknown
Hello people!
Recently I've conducted a bit of research into this. Asked a few people around, stated my opinion. I am still in the process of working things out but this is what it is.

This "dying thing" started I believe around the time after the PD update. Now before I got yelled at... I wasn't there so I don't know what happened as I went inactive when the PD got whitelisted.
Why did I go inactive though? Mostly because of the PD whitelist although being a senior officer myself. It limited my friends to have the ability to participate in a virtual job in a game (definition of game: a game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a monitor or other display).
I came back for the simple reason that I wanted to do PD work again. So I did.
Now the first time I joined the most appealing part was the not having to register anywhere for anything part. All you needed was to sort out a form (Which I failed 8 times) and then you were in the club. There was no complications. PD structure was pretty simple. People were happier and more relaxed whilst on duty.
You had 3 branches inside the PD (excluding dispatch): Traffic officer (Premium), SWAT (Premium) and officer. Back then when you got bored of being a traffic cop you switched to SWAT and actually got to shoot and have fun.

Before ya'll start yelling at me: "But TFU is organised, trained hurr durr durr", I'll tell you this. Yes, they're more organised. Yes, they're more trained and yes they're better than SWAT. SWAT was a bunch of participants that wanted to have fun.
TFU will constantly win raids and still cry after losing one (Random TFU Officer: And people say TFU is OP).

I actually wanted to make a meme, but ended up being a bit serious about it here:

I bring up some points not only pointed out by me but also by other players.

Example from today why this is still the same. Mr. Petty AR maker aka @{IG} attacker1983 joined me today and we went around a bit as he's quite a good friend OOC. I saw one of my points that I have about PERP brought up by him although never speaking about this to him directly.
"PD Doesn't want to RP anymore". And to be honest... It's kinda right. When I try to roleplay to "stall" a bit, other officers get nervous as they feel they'll miss a shootout. The feeling of wanting to get relieved off that stress etc as they usually die in most raids as normal officers so they have anticipation to actually get kills. Again SWAT allowed you to relax and feel like a SWAT member.

For those whose excuse will be: "Well become a TFU". Trust me. I am trying. And me saying this kind of stuff will probably get me denied. But I, for one would like to point out some faults that I and other players have noticed. It's taking me 3 months from my stage 1 to stage 3 to be even announced. And who in the right mind is going to join a server where they need 1-2 months for cpl, 3+ months for TFU.
Don't get me wrong though. I don't think grinding is bad, it's just that 3 months?

Now next topic is the construction booklet and 2.5. Construction booklet = lowers creativity. I just think that TFU + construction booklet is the worst thing combined. Now for one you start a raid. It gives you 20s before heavily armed and armored people show up. (Before it used to take a few minutes as officers arrived on scene and then afterwards SWAT was called if needed or SWAT responded to life alerts or panics (which also allowed normal officers to shoot a bit more). The players had a bit of time before they killed the first wave of defenders before going to the last rooms. Now it's just put in such a way that raiders must get in very quickly to protect themselves against TFU.

Next topic: Code of Ethics - Professionalism. This one is a handy one. It can be used by any triggered person. I just think that nobody on PERP is acting professional as a civilian. Realistically speaking if there were a city like PERP, police officers would not be as professional as in a peaceful city as it's required for their duties.
Having fun is most of the time seen as unprofessional.

Next topic: Stress. Due to confidential reasons I will not state the exact names of the individuals. I've received information of people having panic attacks, major stress and other issues with PLPD and perp itself. Keeping up with the rules and everything is stress. Getting banned is stress. Being reported (even false) in IAs is stress.
I speak to people usually when they tell me that they have an IA on them and they're always very stressed whilst the investigation goes on. Yes it's a game, but you making them do 2 months of hard work just for it to be taken away is stupidity pure. And if you think it's their fault for taking it not too serious is just bad.

As long as you don't realize that limiting players more by either rules or physical restrictions lowers their will to do anything and their will to play, you won't get a higher player count. Garry's mod is down by the player count by 2000 players from last year. That being quite a huge number... It's still not an excuse to keep new players.

p.s. You ain't getting no TL;DR. The least you get to read is in the link. That one is specifically for SWAT.

These are mine and other player's thoughts.
If PERP is dying at least let it die in such a way that people can have fun whilst it lasts. Besides why not giving it a trial period to see if it works. If it works, point proven, back on the track. If it doesn't work it'll die either way like any game did.

People leaving dumb ratings, please leave a constructive reply as I and others I suppose are willing to discuss this topic. Discussing something isn't bad and it shouldn't be seen as stupid. Maybe you can change my mind and other's and this "stupidity" can stop.

Have a wonderful day!
I dont make petty AR's, ill make an AR for slander and from my experience both on duty and off all the cops like to do is drive around ignore 911 calls unless it is to do with a raid i mean shit i was sat at the intersection for a good solid 5 minutes (outta fuel) before a cop so much as attempted to come and help me (there was 2 outside the PD just stood there)
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