Black Panthers

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It's pink panther I know shut up.


Black Panthers was originally founded in 1983 secretly with only 2 members. They have decided to let them be known by the public.
Black Panthers are highly skilled criminals looking to get some money and build up some action.


Godfather: The highest ranking member of the crew. He signs ally papers, and declares war on whom he chooses. He may choose the rankings of other members

Loyal and trusted man, the assistant of the godfather. He is the protection for the godfather.

Makes the plans, creates escape routes when in a tight situation, the smart thinker.

More powerful than the Soldiers, but less powerful than the Underboss. The Capo ensures the Soldiers do not break any rules. The Capo also gives orders to Soldiers.

The newly joined, they may do what they want as long as no rules or alliances are broken and no wars declared.

They are affiliated with the org, they may assist the organisation in any raids, escapes, any way to help. The more they help, the bigger chance of becoming a Soldier.


These jobs can be acquired by any rank, to do so you may contact the Godfather. The more you help, the higher chance of getting a promotion

Base Builder:
These people are the official base builders, they create barricades to defend against any break-ins. You need high amounts of props to gain this job.

Builder Supervisor: These people make sure the barricades from Base Builders are good to defend with. If a barricade is not worthy, he may order the builders to remove it and replace it with a better one.

The supplier essentially sells items to the organisation, in any category. To gain this job you need atleast: Good firearm level, the ability to sell weaponry, break-in items, safety tools, barricade items and ammunition.


Godfather: Jack Kier, Amber Luxion







Group A

Group B

Group C

Group D


Rule 1: Members in any rank do not have permission to harm another person of the organisation intentionally, doing so may result in death.

Rule 2:
Do not give any information to any government worker, doing so will result in betrayal and death.

Rule 3: When a member is in require of assistance, you must do so. If there are times when assistance can not be given, you must contact the Godfather / Underboss and give a reasonable explanation for not assisting.

Rule 4:
All members must carry bandages, if not there is a chance of demotion.

Rule 5:
Life alerts are not allowed in Black Panther territory, remove all life alerts if you'd like to come inside the territory.

Rule 6:
Stealing items from members / allies will lead to kick and death.

Rule 7:
Denying orders from a higher rank will lead to a demotion.

Rule 8:
Causing problems with other organisations that declares to war will lead to a kick from the org and a humiliation apology video to that org.

Rule 9:
When the godfather is not available, you will consider the Underboss to be the Godfather for temporary time until the original Godfather is available. If the Godfather and Underboss are not available then you will need to stay in the territory and not cause problems.


Allied organisations: The Crimson Mafia

Neutral organisations: Quality Street

Enemy organisations:

Defeated organisations:


To become a member you must either:
Call one of the Godfathers (Jack Kier 239 - 4661) or fill out the application form
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That name is pretty awful :(
Also, The Bakassi Women will go to war with this organization. There can only be one black organization. Good luck jack queer!

PS: Why the pink panther theme song when you are a black panther?
Black panthers was a revolutionary black nationalist and socialist organization. It would be nice to see some realstic criminal organizations that arnt retarded or a terrorist group.
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