Not gonna lie, I thought this was a big meme at first, nothing but a bad flu that would die out in time. I was fucking wrong. Holy shit this is nasty. UK is sitting at about 5,000 cases right now.
I made a prediction about two weeks ago when it was at less than a few hundred cases in the UK that it would be at about 3000 by now. I underestimated it, and we're sitting at more deaths now than cases then. In two weeks.
I reckon this is going to get very bad, very fast, and you almost can't blame the people panic buying shit like crazy. Everyone laughed at the preppers for years, now those same people are out panic buying toilet rolls and pasta at 7 in the morning every day. Panic buying now isn't foolish, but it is selfish, and it is short-sighted, but what can you expect from people who don't prepare for anything. My family is no different, no water and non-perishables stocked up, no weapons of any kind should the shit really hit the fan, nothing of any kind. The time for prepping was years ago, not now, and that's what people don't seem to realize. But you know what, I reckon once this all is over, in about eight months to a year or so, they won't learn from their mistakes.