Das application

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Hung Chow residence.
STEAM NAME: Ben Standish (Oioi)

IN-GAME NAME: Ben Standish-Gore

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:53827569

AGE: Dench instructor

COUNTRY: England

WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE AN ENFORCER: I have come to that time in my PERP career where I feel the constant urge to better people, this more so stems from owning a big organisation, but recently I have seen a lack in staff presence on the server, leading me to create this application. I do enjoy enforcing rules, I do miss my old staff position, I feel that I can improve the server and report standards vastly (I'm not saying that they are not currently done to an acceptable standard, it's just I can better the staff team with my rule knowledge). Overall, I want to be a member of the staff team not just to better it, but to be able to improve myself and increase the longevity of the server, its community, and my own time spent here. I do enjoy helping others; one of my main server goals is to improve the overall experience of the community.

ARE YOU ACTIVE ON THE TEAMSPEAK: I have my own channel and I openly integrate with and know the community.

DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY: I understand of my last ban, think of it as you like, what happens it up to you to think; overall, my recent time spent on the server has greatly impacted me, this is because I have become much more integrated with the community to a bigger extent than when I was an administrator, I have met many, many new players by having my organisation, this has allowed me to conduct myself in a way that lets me show empathy to other players, and aid them in progressing through the game. If you read my goodbye post, I have updated it stating why I have more time to spend on leisurable activities, I will be able to have a lot of time on the server, and my new ‘role’ will allow me to leave some spare time for the server. I don’t believe in having a super-long application, you take it as you see it.


  1. Your time played on the server must be at least one week. - 110 days.

  2. No recent in-game bans and warnings on record. - Clear for some time.

  3. You must have an extensive knowledge and understanding of the server rules and laws to the extent where you can Enforce them. - I was an admin, I know ALL of the rules to a brilliant standard.

  4. You must have access to and use a microphone. - I have a crispy little voice, yes.

  5. You must maintain an active presence on the TeamSpeak Server - Got my own Channel lad

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Ben is just an amazing Guy And even shows me Things I shouldn't do within base And everything else!
Stays cool in Every situation And handles it perfectly

Good luck with THE application And I hope to see you ingame again as enforcer!

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What can I say? Standish is perhaps the only staff member that ever has appologized to me for taking 45 minutes to respond to a report. He always had time for my badly formulated questions and to discuss rules with me, even when in a hurry. Not once have I found him disrespectful, or not helpful.
There is nothing left for me to say than +SUPPORT
Good luck.
Reaction score
Parts Unknown
Let's see...

(green because it's nice shit lol)
You were an excellent staff member previously.
You are one of the most nice and helpful guys on the server.
You're one of the most experienced individuals on the server.
You are a great guy.

(Red because it's bad shit)
You kind of fucked up due to that little slip up regarding the exploit.

(yellow because ya mum smells)
Let's be honest here. You were one of the best (if not the best) staff members
and an overall brilliant member of the community.

(blue because smell ya mum because she smells lol)
ph SuPpORT

(pink because ya eat shit)
he's also quite decent at cs go
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I reckon you deserve to be back into the staff team as you were a good administrator and all that, obviously knows rules, can control situations etc etc evidently from when you used to be a staff member. +Support
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Finally, this is a huge +Support from me, and I really miss seeing you in the staff team. You have been really active, and I know for a fact that you know the rules more than ever. I would love to see you back with the staff team again. You have an extensive knowledge of the rule, and have proved in the past that you are a great staff member. You are also the most kindest person I know. Hope to see you in the staff team again bud ;).
The 3 bosses of the Standish Family have now applied for enforcer? All that's left is you @Brinch :p.
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United Kingdom
Before you were demoted you were an excelent admin and I would love to see you back on the staff team. You always help out where you can and you have a good knowledge of the rules/laws.

Good luck,

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Although you were demoted for certain reasons, I still miss your presence within the staff team.

Me and you started as enforcers, and we'd always fight for those highway walkers :laughcry: . But no, in all seriousness, I always looked up to you for the way you handled situations, your judgement as always on point and you were fair with absolutely everyone. I couldn't wish for anything more than to have you back in the team, you have my full Support Standish.


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You've always been a fantastic staff member, you did the job well and you were a role model for others. Not many people make admin, and there's a reason you got it. The demotion didn't mean you're a bad staff member, and you have recovered your rep substantially.

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Back then when we chased down a firefighter as Enforcer's and accidentally killed him by making the FD gate close on the fire engine :rolleyes:

Your demotion is a thing of the past and I don't really care if you did. All that is important for me is that you are an excellent player still sticking with us. You definetely deserve this position, you are the most caring person that I have ever met (Same with @John Daymon ;)). It would be a shame if this application gets denied, we want you to have you back in the staff team. It's just not the same without you here, your presence cheers me up. Thanks for being here.
You still hold all of your qualities back when you were an Administrator, active, friendly, fair, everything. Never change, friend.

I support this application. Best of luck.
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Israel, HaDarom
+Support, he was a very good admin and he made a mistake, but it's been a long time and let's be honest he was a great admin, he was friendly to all people and was very active on everything.
Only one thing, promise you won't exploit again ok, proooomise?
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You demotion was understandable; I do understand the situation from your point of view too, therefore i'll give my opinion based upon factors which do not link/hint towards your demotion.

A long term player and staff member; you are a prime example of a loyal and committing character within the staff team. Your position as an Administrator highlights all skills and talents you have in the area of Administration as-well as the support you have had from the community and from the majority of the staff team.

Further skills such as leadership, communication and other relevant skills have been exemplified on multiple occasions such as the leadership of entire organizations which would be beneficial. I believe you should be given a second chance as a member of the Staff team and hopefully you will be able to rise to your past position of which you performed superbly in.

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I will be providing my support for this application.

I was a Moderator back when Standish got accepted for Enforcer back in 2014.
@Standish and @Ben Lockwood we're like a duo of perfect staff members.

His activity is fine.
His knowledge of the rules is exceptional.
His Discretion is perfect.

The only obvious reason to deny him was for his demotion reason.

I would love to see Standish back on the staff team!

Deleted member 4141

I'm gonna be honest, I don't want a staff member which has previously abused their powers (Will get onto that in a second) and also exploited a bug for whatever reasons.

So time for some story time, I have no idea when or how long ago but I assume this was around September-October as I was still very noob-ish and ect. I was roleplaying as a cop and since it was late, there was not much to do so I decided to visit the regal apartments and just ask people how they were and ect. Some passive roleplay and interaction with the civilians. After I had finished that I saw two or maybe three (Not really sure but I'm 100% that there were two) and those two people which i remember were Ben and Kitty, now this isn't just them walking up the staircase to get to their apartment. This was them noclipping into the complex with guns and shooting people. He would then respawn the shot people and repeat the process with her. That is clearly him abusing his powers despite the fact that it was late. If I could I would provide a demo but as some of you may know I have problems with doing so along with the fact that this happened months ago possibly half a year ago. (Before people get at me for not making a complaint - As I said earlier on, I was still very noob-ish and didn't really know how to approach things like reports and complaints. As stupid as it sounds, that's the reality of things when it comes to me)

Then also the reason why he got demoted - exploiting a bug, if some of you are unaware. A couple of months ago a new system available for senior and above police employees to be able to press R on the person they are arresting a tab for the other person will pop up and give them the option to consent to a search then if they have any illegal items and ect it will take the items and automatically give money to the police. When this was first released there was a glitch where the said seniors could perform the search on other officers and swat I believe (They would earn money from the guns that the people get given from the job) and Ben and the other admin Ben had exploited this bug to a sum. Whatever was done with the money is none of my business but regardless the two got demoted and banned I believe for exploiting the said bug this obviously shows that the trust between those two staff and the senior administration has been broken.

So really, I rather not a staff member which has previously abused their powers and exploited a bug. I'm not gonna go into further detail but there might have been more situations where Ben had abused though as I said I'm not gonna point the finger as I had only been a witness of one situation. I will probably get a lot of disagrees and god knows what - a lot of hate but this is my personal opinion and if you're that butt hurt then bite me in the ass for it (not literally). Also I'm not trying to disrespect you Ben (You might have changed from what had happened and what not) as really through our civilization games have gave me a good impression but really this is the reality and a staff position can make a big difference on the server and if you are to do the same thing and such then I just rather have you remain as a user than be given enforcer. Sorry

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Hung Chow residence.
I'm gonna be honest, I don't want a staff member which has previously abused their powers (Will get onto that in a second) and also exploited a bug for whatever reasons.

So time for some story time, I have no idea when or how long ago but I assume this was around September-October as I was still very noob-ish and ect. I was roleplaying as a cop and since it was late, there was not much to do so I decided to visit the regal apartments and just ask people how they were and ect. Some passive roleplay and interaction with the civilians. After I had finished that I saw two or maybe three (Not really sure but I'm 100% that there were two) and those two people which i remember were Ben and Kitty, now this isn't just them walking up the staircase to get to their apartment. This was them noclipping into the complex with guns and shooting people. He would then respawn the shot people and repeat the process with her. That is clearly him abusing his powers despite the fact that it was late. If I could I would provide a demo but as some of you may know I have problems with doing so along with the fact that this happened months ago possibly half a year ago. (Before people get at me for not making a complaint - As I said earlier on, I was still very noob-ish and didn't really know how to approach things like reports and complaints. As stupid as it sounds, that's the reality of things when it comes to me)

Then also the reason why he got demoted - exploiting a bug, if some of you are unaware. A couple of months ago a new system available for senior and above police employees to be able to press R on the person they are arresting a tab for the other person will pop up and give them the option to consent to a search then if they have any illegal items and ect it will take the items and automatically give money to the police. When this was first released there was a glitch where the said seniors could perform the search on other officers and swat I believe (They would earn money from the guns that the people get given from the job) and Ben and the other admin Ben had exploited this bug to a sum. Whatever was done with the money is none of my business but regardless the two got demoted and banned I believe for exploiting the said bug this obviously shows that the trust between those two staff and the senior administration has been broken.

So really, I rather not a staff member which has previously abused their powers and exploited a bug. I'm not gonna go into further detail but there might have been more situations where Ben had abused though as I said I'm not gonna point the finger as I had only been a witness of one situation. I will probably get a lot of disagrees and god knows what - a lot of hate but this is my personal opinion and if you're that butt hurt then bite me in the ass for it (not literally). Also I'm not trying to disrespect you Ben (You might have changed from what had happened and what not) as really through our civilization games have gave me a good impression but really this is the reality and a staff position can make a big difference on the server and if you are to do the same thing and such then I just rather have you remain as a user than be given enforcer. Sorry

What happened with the exploitation is up to what you think, I won't try to make a case out of it because a verdict was finalised; I didn't make any money out of it, so you can throw that one out of the window. Situations as you have stated at 4AM tend to occur with 70% of staff members, of course when the player-base online is participating in the 'event' that is going on. All of your stated points are of course valid, and it is something that will already be taken into consideration during the application process, but stating that I could have/would have used my position for personal gain in other situations is just ludicrous and quite upsetting; I took my role very seriously up until a month prior to being demoted (Personal reasons I won't delve into) It's enforcer, you can't exactly do much wrong with the role.

Deleted member 4141

What happened with the exploitation is up to what you think, I won't try to make a case out of it because a verdict was finalised; I didn't make any money out of it, so you can throw that one out of the window. Situations as you have stated at 4AM tend to occur with 70% of staff members, of course when the player-base online is participating in the 'event' that is going on. All of your stated points are of course valid, and it is something that will already be taken into consideration during the application process, but stating that I could have/would have used my position for personal gain in other situations is just ludicrous and quite upsetting; I took my role very seriously up until a month prior to being demoted (Personal reasons I won't delve into) It's enforcer, you can't exactly do much wrong with the role.
(Reason i'm quoting and not commenting is because this will be a large post and I rather not spam you with notifications)

I'm not trying to make a case out of the reason for your demotion but the fact that you got demoted for exploitation of a bug still stands. I really have no interest as to what happened to the money or what your motives with it were but the fact that you've done it makes it clear that you're capable of exploiting any other known glitches - once again, not pointing my fingers or saying that you would do that again but there is a possibility, as a matter of fact any current staff member has the chance to go exploit a bug right now. I'm not gonna throw that point out of the window reason being as it is my personal concern with you becoming enforcer and this concern does bring up many questions to my mind. Moving onto the next point, it doesn't matter if these things tend to occur with other staff members, especially if it hasn't been announced as a event (Because it hadn't. Nothing about it was said in OOC) and it could've easily upset any other players in the complex building at the time and even made them leave because of this 'event'. I know that I, personally, was quite upset and confused as to what was happening when that had happened. Gonna quickly go back to where you said about how that type of situation tends to occur with 70% of the staff. How does it make it any better to follow in their footsteps? If the situation which I gave had been called out to be an event then that would've of been fine but it hadn't as you and Kitty had randomly flown to regals and shot me and my partner then revived us, flew around where we couldn't see you or such and proceeded to do so until like around 5 to 10 minutes where you had finally went away. Which is why this is an issue and a concern for me. As I had never so abruptly stated that you used your rank for personal gain, I had simply stated what you've done before which concerned me. So in reality there's no need to get upset but you're free to feel as you please, just like i do about this application as it's my personal opinion and if you have anything you disagree or find dumb then tell me instead of rating and just going or removing the post, @Kitty @Youseff . Also here's another thing which concerns me, you said you took your role seriously (That's fine, that's not the problem) until the month prior to you getting demoted, and as I said before I have no interest in knowing the reason as I don't require it. But that fact that you've decided not to take it seriously in that time because of whatever the reasons are shows to me that you can quickly switch from taking your job seriously to messing around and possibly ruining the experience of others. Now this is another concern for me in you getting enforcer. Alright, so whilst with enforcer you can barely do anything it still means you have a rank of power and authority which is above the average user. It also takes around 1 to 2 weeks or so to get promoted to moderator if everything goes smoothly where you're given more power and authority. But regardless you're still entrusted with powers which are above an average user, so it doesn't matter if it's just enforcer as it STILL means you've got power.


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@Lucia Younty

The bottom line is that Standish could have done what he did to get banned without his staff powers: they are irrespective of each other. Senior administrators allowed him to return to the server with a second chance, and most find that he has rebuilt his trust.

edit: before someone remarks about how trust matters play a compelling part, I never said it didn't; I just highlighted that Standish's demotion wasn't actuated by abuse of powers in any way.

Nonetheless, if you still feel so traumatised by his one uncharacteristic slip up from the relatively distant past, you should probably be appealing for the ban to be reinstated rather than making irrelevant and libellous accusations (e.g. no-clip abuse allegations which require citation) on his enforcer application.
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United Kingdom
Before he got demoted for the bug abusing he was an excellent admin and he has extensive knowledge of the rules. I'd happily accept him back onto the staff team.
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