Developers and "Staffing"

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
I am fully prepared for roast replies saying how this doesn't affect me as I don't play or that I'm not grateful for what they do with their freetime, shoot ahead LOL you can try to tilt me but it won't work xx

Hi, quick thread on why this is a thing:

Why do developers have the same (if not even more) powers than Administrators? I can understand if the reasoning is due to bug testing and other stuff but isn't that what the test server is for? Why do they have it on the main server and what seems to be globally on the forums and not just the suggestions forum? Not sure if XenForo is able to do that where you can give forum users certain powers for certain sections of the forums only. The reason why this thread appeared is because of 'Samantha'. Feel free to correct me after you sneakily fix something.

I'd pull a Google definition out of my ass but I believe Developers have signed up their free time to develop for the server to create new content, not take people admin situations where it's actually the ADMINISTRATION teams job to do so, even if they have no staff taking reports with their low numbers as they are, they can still create Action Requests can they not?

This is not a attack on the other developers. Carrot is as humble as he will ever be.

I honestly have no clue if I should make a complaint, make a discussion or open up a petition on to get this changed. One of them resigned from their Moderator position for a reason but basically received all the powers back with no staff obligations. Discuss.
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all the developers are ex senior staff and can be trusted with administrating the server to an extent when there is no actual admins on, seems fine to me personally idk. id prefer they kept it to dealing with serious/blatantly obvious rule breaks such as mass rdm over things like an actual admin sit debating whether something was 3.4 or not, if you get what i mean?
The whole dynamic is a little weird, but the rank I was given had the same permissions as what were given to me at Senior Administrator so I just kept that and it looks like it's just mutated into the 'developer' role, which honestly I see no problem with. As for Developers getting involved in admin sits? Honestly just shut the fuck up crying about it. There's barely any staff on the server as it is, so someone who has the permissions and experience to solve a trivial dispute between players should be allowed to do so, if there's nobody else capable of doing so around.

If people are butthurt about the people who are offering their time and skills to aid this dying community, occasionally dealing with a couple reports, then fair enough... but it's a little sad nonetheless and I see very little argument for it.
@Code Monkey the problem is that they don't respond to reports because they're not staff members, a week ago there was a massive fuckfest on the server leading to this thread;

Samuel didn't do reports because simply; he wasn't a staff member, which sure enough is fine in my opinion that they don't do reports and stuff because that's not what they're supposed to do, but the problem comes when they do stuff like this where they categorize what they wish to deal with by seeing things infront of them, in my opinion the developers on the server shouldn't even have the powers they do have at the moment, the only reason why I believe that @StephenPuffs @Fredy and @Xquality should have these powers is simply because they're the owners of the server, so fuck it who cares what they do. However I think it's a joke that users such as @TinySlayer and @Samuel have these powers, because why do they even need these powers in the first place?

I can understand Samuel helping out while the server has very few active staff but something needs to be done about the inactive staff, the past 4 days I've seen @Kenty and @Jack P rarely with someone on to help them out. Samuel shouldn't have to be on doing reports and instead doing dev stuff.
He shouldn't have to do the reports that are left open for hours, you're right. But sadly we don't live in an idyllic world, and there's very few staff members roaming the vacant streets of Paralake. Samuel is a braver soul than me for entertaining any form of screeching children in a dispute about a virtual gun. Rather than condemning him for helping out, how about we give him an award? Here's one I made earlier:
