
I feel as if this post was created in response to me and Daymon's interaction of you earlier on when you pulled me over for speeding and running a stop sign so you decided to cuff me. Understandably both me and Daymon were rather upset by your incompetence so we decided to call you names until a supervisor came.
1. Stop giving them a fucking reaction, I bet you're like a 3 year old kid who has lost their toys if someone is giving you shit.

2. Give it to them back, your just sitting there just makes you a little bitch. Basically take it on the chin.
I feel as if this post was created in response to me and Daymon's interaction of you earlier on when you pulled me over for speeding and running a stop sign so you decided to cuff me. Understandably both me and Daymon were rather upset by your incompetence so we decided to call you names until a supervisor came.
This is not created in retaliation to that. Ive already mentioned that in the thread.
If you're an incompetent officer you will be bad mouthed regardless of your age. Just kidding, fuck da PLPD!
Just is just one hell of a stupid thread. If someone insults you in character then you should solve it in character. If you are an police officer you can just tell them to stop if they dont ticket them or arrest them. If you are just a normal person you can either choose to call the cops and let them handle it or solve it yourself however you want if it gets too much :)

If you take any insults IC seriously OOC then you should stop playing Perpheads or maybe even stop gaming at all because everywhere you come you will probaly hear people swearing.

So next time when someone insults you IC just arrest them when youre a cop or when your not there are tons of ways to fix this.

Or maybe like others said you are just trying to be funny with this thread. I hope thats it.
If there are assholes ooc why not IC. While I do agree with you police in the UK get alot of abuse anyway however calling someone a squeaker is dependent on their voice not their character. In my opinion disrespect IC is completely fine providing that you react in a realistic manner but OOCly even if its about the quality of your mic or anything about you and not your character you know what rule it is.
Calling people's squeekers as they are an officer is not an Ic insult as you seldom find under 18 year old officers so insulting somebody based on their voice entirely is not only to me an OOC but the perfect portrayal that you can't find anything else to insult at.
its a fuckin community server with no age restriction, kids can be big g's behind the keyboard and yall shouldn't pay attention to it at all.
You cannot stop people from being stupid but u can ignore them
You're lucky Ezrider isn't around because he was 10x worse than anyone. You just gotta think, "why are they doing it?" What is more amusing to you, winding up a cop or seeing a cop not get annoyed and you waste your own time on trying to annoy a cop with no reaction. Obviously the former, just put on a monotone voice and continue as if you are speaking to a normal person.

Excuse me but what did Ezrider do that was wrong?

Just tell em to fuck off and call em’ a cunt, if you get an IA complaint, tell em to fuck off aswell

i’m joking love u ia
If your on duty as an officer and someone swears at you arrest them for 10.1 and if they make an IA on you just roast the shit out of them in a PM, simple.
Don’t you just complain in the PLPD shoutbox about how everyone is salty and makes bullshit IA’s?
This is a joke no rules are broke xoxo
Alright everyone is saying shit like "DONT WHINE SO MUCH" or "SOLVE IT YOURSELF" or anything like it. but personally I myself can understand it why he hates it. maybe he's just like I used to be, shy and afraid to step up for himself. relying on whoever steps up for him because what reason whatsoever.

no there should not be a rule against disrespect InCharacter and you should be able to say whatever you want in characterly. but if he feels like it is related to something that has to with an out of character reason then he has all the reason to complain about it...

I dont know and do not care what has been the direct cause of this, I know for a fact that this can't just have one reason, there has to be more behind it.

thing is though, internet has a general dislike to people with higher pitched voices, it's a reputation that some in this category of people created for themselves.

if u need anyone to hear out your complains hit me up in the pm's bro, maybe I can help working out a solution for it. because after all, people won't just call you names n shit like that. it comes from both sides, like there has to be some sort of cause.
I see people receiving a lot of shit in game over their voice or behaviour but most people go to the argument that it is just a game, something that I agree with for the most-part. From my understanding, there are a lot of situations where people are like this in real life, especially towards police officers so it's not that out of the question to allow it in character, most of the time. In very rare situations, you could consider someone being that much of a prick in character to be excessively negative to you, hence breaking rules. Such situations would only really occur if someone would actively follow you around for hours, giving you so much shit in character that is disrupting your role-play and actually beginning to hinder your enjoyment of the game from an OOC perspective. Of course, the most an administrator can do about such a minor infraction of 2.5 is to possibly verbally warn them to stop. If someone is seriously going out of their way to give you grief IC, with no valid reason, I would look to reporting it for 2.5 and it might stop; being overly malicious can be caused by OOC grudges so it should probably be looked into.

tl;dr: report it for 2.5 if it gets over the top