Do YOU think the server is being pushed too much with 'realism'

Do you think the server is being pushed with too much realism?

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There is nothing realistic about the entire PD being shot to shit half a dozen times a day.
Or growing drug plants indoors in 20-40min for that matter.

Just play the game and have fun :pompus:
I swear when people complained about raindancing cuz its not realistic instant yes lol
Maybe the base construction has gotten a little too strict but for fucks sake man it's against policy to shoot at a criminal who just murdered an LEO(S) and is trying to escape so yeah don't see any realism sorry
Well, I guess cancer is a real thing right?
Adding upon this though, If you play any rp server other than perp you really get to see the lack of rp perp has and the only way to make money to buy the expensive cars are buy growing drugs.
Breaking 3.4 in 2018 is literally impossible to not do. 2 months ago this wasn't 3.4, but it seems that as the staff team changes, so do the rules, and alot of newer staff seem to want the realism aspect of the server preserved over the gameplay aspect and expect everyone to be scared IRL of Virtual police men.
The "realism" is taken too when, for example, people get mad about "raindancing". In this case its a video game and thats just common in CSGO and a habit for 90% of people. Lets face it PERP is cops and robbers and people will look for any reason they can to be mad at the person that raided/killed them. Raindancing was a popular one and because "hurrr its not realistic" it was an easy excuse. Remember its a video game and people want to have fun, not have to worry about if they sidestepped too much or if some salty player can create a convoluted reason why what you did breaks some kind of rule. It was a lot simpler ages ago but rules haven't actually changed that much. The playerbase changed and turned into a toxic salty mess of who can get who banned first.

EDIT: The players are not the only "toxic" ones either. It would help if people gave reasonable explanations instead of trying to be "savage" when a player thinks they have not broken a rule.

Learn the fucking rules then come argue about them RealPleaseDie whatever your name is.
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Breaking 3.4 in 2018 is literally impossible to not do. 2 months ago this wasn't 3.4, but it seems that as the staff team changes, so do the rules, and alot of newer staff seem to want the realism aspect of the server preserved over the gameplay aspect and expect everyone to be scared IRL of Virtual police men.
I've played on this server for 4 years, the rule is literally the most simple thing ever, you just don't understand the concept of it.
The rule literally states the following; Any actions taken by a player that may put their In-Character life, freedom from imprisonment or general well being at risk must be done so in a realistic fashion and for beneficial reasons.

What you did is the most stupid and idiotic thing I've ever seen, two guys rush against a full PD with pistols and think that they're not risking their lives? Sorry what?

You quite clearly don't know the rules at all, thus I do not think you should argue what is allowed and what isn't, rather you should ask what you are allowed to do. 2 months ago the rule was exactly the same, hasn't changed one bit.

Learn the fucking rules then come argue about them RealPleaseDie whatever your name is.
I don't know what to choose really? To some extent it is getting too realistic but in some aspects it is completely unrealistic, so I guess we can call things such as "no raindancing" and "not shooting fleeing criminals" stupidity rather than too realistic. This is because when you see things such as
or even the kidnapping rule itself, it makes it seem like the gamemode is not realistic at all. You are able to kidnap someone who hasn't done anything to you in real life and you can certainly gun point someone such as the video above without being witnessed. In my opinion we never needed a kidnapping rule since it was always classified under 2.5 or 3.4 but the reason it was made is to stop people from offering rides to sweaters just to kidnap them and get their 20k starting money, which I understand. But when people start making petty AR's they themselves are the ones who start ruining the server, not the staff team nor the command. Current solution is to harass and target the fuck out of these losers hoping eventually they will leave.
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I've played on this server for 4 years, the rule is literally the most simple thing ever, you just don't understand the concept of it.
The rule literally states the following; Any actions taken by a player that may put their In-Character life, freedom from imprisonment or general well being at risk must be done so in a realistic fashion and for beneficial reasons.

What you did is the most stupid and idiotic thing I've ever seen, two guys rush against a full PD with pistols and think that they're not risking their lives? Sorry what?

You quite clearly don't know the rules at all, thus I do not think you should argue what is allowed and what isn't, rather you should ask what you are allowed to do. 2 months ago the rule was exactly the same, hasn't changed one bit.

Learn the fucking rules then come argue about them RealPleaseDie whatever your name is.

There is also a rule that says you can't use a third party application to communicate in game actions.

Hasn't been working out for ya has it lad
well, some dude shot me down the other day till i was unconcious, i got revived and molotoved him,skudist told me that is not a valid reason o_O
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Salty people and inconsistencies regarding punishments and rule clarifications from the staff team give off a perception that there is too big an emphasis on realism.
It's always been like this
There is also a rule that says you can't use a third party application to communicate in game actions.

Hasn't been working out for ya has it lad
Any and all forms of communication about any topic which affects In-Character decisions must be conducted through In-Character methods; for example, through the use of in-game voice chat.

tom are you fucking retarded????? yes tom take all that shit!!! wooo take all that shit
sorry I didn't know that Tom was just going to kill the guy we raided and run away without picking anything up, fuck!!!!!! Didn't affect any decisions in-character sooo :^)
There is nothing realistic about the entire PD being shot to shit half a dozen times a day.
Or growing drug plants indoors in 20-40min for that matter.

Just play the game and have fun :pompus:

Theres nothing fun about rp'ing all the time whats your point?

i know its a serious rp server but, you need to have some sort of fun on the server.
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The whole point of PERP, is that it's realistic.. if you don't want a very realistic server play PoliceRP.