Do you work in public services or healthcare?

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Hey there everyone.
(Yes its fin)

So its been a while so why dont I give you a little update about what I have been up to. Back working in events however I am not finding it as fullfilling anymore. I always have looked back at my time when I was working in the NHS as a covid tester/vaccinator and how I found it fullfilling.

So I am currently training to be a first responder for major events in the prehospital care side of things (Concerts, football games ectera) Of course I am still going to do my lighting event stuff to pay bills but I want to do this so I can be a little bit more fullfilled with my life. The pathway for training I am going down is called the FREC pathway (First Responce Emergency care) Which is a level 3/4 qualfication however can go up to level 6.

Level 3 would qualify me as a first responder/Ambulance care assistant
Level 4 would quality me as a emergency care assistant/Slightly more advanced first aider.

Im also curious who else works in the public sector/healthcare (Police,fire, medical ectera)
I'm a policeman

I'm a registered/state-examined nurse and make too much money wiping old peoples butts by driving to their homes.

Soon I will take a education to become a supervisor in the role of supervising apprentinces on wiping said butts.
Work at a local elderly home, studying EMS and im a rescue member of the local red cross mountain rescue team!
I'm a Registered Nurse with a degree in Medical Science who work part time at a private firm.
I'm a examinated/registered nurse in an closed psychiatric detox station, before that I worked on an surgical station mainly focused on general surgery, urology and gynaecology.
I gave prescription medicines to animals a few times and I was trained in first aid for animal bites and stings as well as injuries on animals but that’s it. If your dog gets Into an archery accident or your lizard is going blind hmu I guess
I was a Combat Medic in the U.S. Army. I am currently working on getting my Bachelors Degree in Nursing. Although not a popular route to take, I plan on furthering my studies to obtain a Masters Degree in Physician Assistant Studies later down the line.
Wow guys genuinely quite intresting to see we have so many people who work in some form of public service/healthcare