Excessive force or 2.5?

Don’t worry! I waterboarded a suspect and made him scream in terror. You won’t get suspended lmao
Officer as of 4/07/2017-12/12/2018

demoted so i couldnt kill anyone anymore cause im too good thank you for boosting my ego
That was funny tbh.

Nah but if you were wanted for something then i don't see a problem with what happened. If you were being chased, or were wanted for something nasty, he'd be putting his life at risk trying to apprehend you, because you could've probably hidden behind the car and gatted him, had he given orders. If it was out of nowhere, then you need to have a look at the officer's pov to see whether he had reason to think you were a threat.

edit: ok nvm it's smo... smo has a history of this.
the fact we're crying this much about a virtual police department with virtual ranks, in a game is sad. This goes for both sides. I dont understand this thread, just make the damn IA.
you were not really shit in my eyes. Well, in the end, you were far off the grid and a bit of an asshole. However what he did was very irresponsible and stupid...
Although I disagree with the actions displayed within the video, I’d love to see a full video so we can get more context to see if it was fully justifiable for the officer to fire. Because as of now, all we have is an officer literally killing you for illegally transporting. Yes this is against policies and should be classed as a rule breakage due to the complete disregard of policies by the officer and him proceeding to shoot even after you basically asking him to stop when moaning.
No actually I was the firefighter in the dodge ram pulling up with a cop but still rdm lmao