GREAT Staff team! GREAT community!

I'm also complaining about the staff team not having active members, something that has to be sorted out. Giving them pressure is a solution, getting a hold of your own community is also something important. You see people posting racial slurs in the shoutbox everyday with staff members in the conversations not doing anything about. Heck, I've even seen Senior Administrators (not you nor Collier) in the shoutbox when racial slurs have been posted.
And question is; what do you want? New people to the staff team who are hungry as fuck to do reports or simply people who are on once a week? Like, seriously if you were on today you'd be ashamed of the community.
Is this how you choose your applicants? Reactions?? Imo because you've made the staff team such a hard thing to get into (which has its benifits and negatives) people don't apply as much because they know their chances are slim of getting in. Clearly your quality of retained staff is fairly low considering half of them are inactive. Maybe take the weight of staff by putting more staff onto the team.
When I was an administrator we didn't care what people said about them, we seriously only went on what we thought about the users, if we were unsure (those times were very rare) we looked at what people said about the user on the applications.
Madda said:
Seeing as alot of our recent applicants has more negative reactions and feedback than positive, and nearly no applicants at all. This means we would have to lower the quality of our staff members, would you be fine with this?

Firstly; This is not what I'm saying, nor have I ever said something like that. What I stated in my thread is that we currently don't have a working staff team, that being said we also don't have a working community, we have people throwing racial slurs, being generally toxic against players within the community, now this is happening while there are staff members on and when there are none on.

Now if you're gonna ask me why I don't make a report or an action request regarding this issue it's simply because I don't agree with how it's dealt with, we have situations where players should definitely be given bans for their actions however they're only given a warning on their record, now please note that I'm not a staff member nor have I been one for a while so obviously the way you deal with players within the staff team has changed, however I think that the playerbase in general can all agree to the fact that we all need permanent bans towards racial slurs and people being generally disrespectful nor caring about the servers rules in general. However, when I've spoken to different moderators about the bans they've told me that they're not even allowed to give longer punishments regarding situations, this is so silly to me.

Also I think it's silly how you're not allowing staff members to reply to someones application for a staff position, if you could enlighten me with the reasoning behind this I'd be very happy, I've had current staff members explain to me that apparently it might be seen as "bias" to give someone a support, this is so silly in my opinion because then your argument regarding applications don't hold up simply because; It's a staff TEAM if a TEAM can't say what they think of someone who's applying for a team then how are they gonna express to you guys who deal with the applications what they think of them and if they fit in the staff team? Moderators at the moment are the most active staff members within the staff team at the moment who know how players act within roleplaying situations and what they do in administrative situations, something they can express in the thread.
Here's how you fix this shit show:

  1. Allow more staff in the team, do not deny applications because they have a distant past. If they meet the criteria of not being banned within the last month then why are you constantly looking back at said bans? Look are recent conduct and activity along with other things of course.
  2. Disciplinary action amongst the staff needs to change (if it hasn't already) the outdated, three warning system is ridiculous and allows for staff to walk over the community who granted the staff their powers.
  3. Allow for development as a staff member to become easier, @Dom_ was mod for over a year, running the PD and the most prolific organization (along with myself) and voted community member of the year twice, yet he was never promoted??????
  4. Restructure staff team, having Moderator, Administration, Senior Administrator is extremely outdated and probably why you are so against promoting your moderators.

Finally, to fix other issues host a community assembly via the Teamspeak. Hold them every month if you must, communicate with the player base more.
@Husky I had countless of lists on How to communicate with the players, I asked for monthly staff meetings, this was shutdown, reason; What would we even talk about? Then MrLewis came and brought bi-weekly staff meetings Which quickly died out, even though They were great!
People are only starting to realize this now? When I played, there were constant minges who did not take the server serious whatsoever (remember that it's a SERIOUS RP server) and staff having low performance on their duties or at worst absolutely nothing to fix the issues. Creating a report took so long to reply to and I don't want to go through a long process of reporting someone on the forums when it should be dealt with almost immediately in-game especially for SRP so people will actually play properly and keep the server its realistic roleplay experience.

Also not trying to cause shit since I have not been on since I'm currently banned but doesn't Bolli just sit on a roof and do fuck all staffing-wise? I never seen or spoke to the guy whatsoever.
Not saying you should start accepting everyone but lowering your standards a bit MIGHT help, you never know. Of course there may be some bad apples but you are there to deal with it as your current role. People normally have beef in this community over well and truly stupid things anyways so you shouldn’t base it too much off what reactions and posts people have said but I can see why you would.
@Super_ seen you on ur great m8 but get more active
Dude, he's on for an hour every day. What do you expect from him? To dedicate his life to PERP?

I agree, we need staff. But... We don't have applicants. And those who are applying aren't the greatest ones either.

I'd apply, but I am not willing to spend 2h of my time daily listening to people cry to me like I am their psychiatrist. I am also not a good candidate due to my general attitude.
  • Agree
Reactions: A1L
I can somewhat agree, although it seems some a few are trying to apply at the minute which is quite optimistic, and so on. Depending on how much time you dedicate is up to you, if you have a interest in becoming a Staff Member, and you'd like to help out and do reports I think they wouldn't mind spending a few hours considering they might find it fun or they might enjoy it? Only thing is with the Enforcer Requirements such as having no bans within the last 3 months, which is understandable but also for the forums? I get sometimes people like to have a joke on the forums and might get forum banned for like a few days cause they either just went too far or they just got banned for somewhat reason, but having to wait 3 months for having a forum ban is :penguin:

Considering the fact the time that it takes at the minute to do a single report, I understand staff has other things to do, or may be in role-play but sometimes it can take up to an hour just for a report to be done, at the size of the staff team now, I honestly think they should be looking for other people and should possibly look into lowering the requirements or something around the lines of that imo.