How active is the PD? Do we need it being as big as it is?

should we bring back the old PD?

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IKEA - Northern Europe

Now I might be completely wrong about this but seriously I think this is something that needs to be brought up as in how active the Police Department actually is, this was a big concern back in the days with users such as @Momo being brought up where they were put on the standard time as everyone else, now my question is does this go for every other police officer in the whole PD? As in users such as @Samuel who is Chief of Department and who is clearly is much more active in another community, which is completely fair (please note @Samuel this is not a dig at you just simply questioning wether or not the activity of the PD is enough)

Now I know that I'm not a very active player and nor is anyone on the server anymore, we do have some souls who still play everyday and bless you or whatever, but seriously with the current playerbase is it really necessary having it as big as it actually is at this point? The PD was after all built for the server being full and was given so much power simply because we had a strong playerbase back when it was initally launched at the stage it is at the moment.

In my opinion and I know that a lot of the players on the server want the PD to go back to it's roots where it was simply; LT, Sgt, Officer, something that worked and I think that most people really liked.

Also a question; Is it right that the staff team has anything to do with higher roles in the PD? Should the staff team just have a representative that simply deals with questions that the PD has with the Staff team?
A: rollback PD to previous system and remove all these silly whitelists, brink back SWAT while we're at it with the updated models and such.
B: staff are fine in PD as long as they're doing a good enough job, one rank shouldn't restrict you from another.
C: if all this is done, the now nearly non-existent PD circlejerk (as a result of low players) would be fixed.
The only system was nice, people now are going to heavily oppose any changes but the PLPD as it is is just a circlejerk. Sure there is stuff in place to prevent favoritism and the like and this isn't a dig at anyone, but this is a RP server on a averagely popular game, nobody is going to take it completely serious and are bound to focus more on the people they like. Easily shown by the fact some people can literally get from officer to LT in less then a month in some cases, I think major management roles should stay, and the rest should be reverted back to how it was, maybe having to completely a course for SWAT/TFU so that some sort of tactics still remain
Like a lot of other people said, BRING BACK SWAT.
When I was new to PERP I would often be be swat and it would be tons of fun, chilling with other guys just talking to each other, sometimes going out to buy food and shit idk it was really chill and fun, and then the good feeling of when someone presses panic and us responding ahh idk it was fun af, even tho I joined pretty late in.
I just dont get it how TFU just goes around the city with rifles and shit and idk it just doesnt feel right, its better having swat at the PD on standby rather than fucking going around the city.
+swat was something you'd call in when shit really went down, now you have TFU everywhere either patrolling or just idling in an area which is pretty annoying.

the new pd requires dedication and if you're a new player you may be dissuaded by this

whereas the old pd you could still be an officer without signing up to any third party website and have a fun time, SO+ required the same dedication as officer does now but the difference is it gave them a taste to see if they enjoyed it first
except u gotta tab out of the game go into ur browser sign in thru steam then answer the questions
I did enjoy it back in the day when you could just be a LT or SWAT as long as you had Premium. It was a more simplistic gameplay experience, less pressure.

I do enjoy the PD how it is now though. It is more realistic, there are a lot of opportunities and it makes the department get a wide audience. Back in the day the department would too easily end up disorganized and everything would go tits up quickly.
I’m seeing a plethora of replies regarding bringing back the SWAT we had before TFU was implemented so I thought I’d set it to you straight and say its not happening. The only good thing about SWAT was that all you had to do to become it was be a VIP/Premium user on the server and you can get your hands on rifles as a police officer. I had loads of fun just chilling in that Turtle room or what was unofficially known as the SWAT break room, however there was several things wrong with the fact that it was exceedingly easy to become SWAT, all you had to do was pay 65k and you’re good for a whole month.

The biggest problem was that you’d have a bunch of sweaters who have lost their VIP virginity and getting their hands on rifles and tasking them with serious and tactical tasks which they were not prepared for. I will admit that there was some amazing SWAT Officers who knew what they were doing and that is great, but wouldn’t it be better to keep the division in selection of all those people who we deem are fit by majority standards? I know some of you may think that a current TFO isn’t that good, which is granted, but if you’re not reporting a poor performance problem to Me then we can solve the problem unless we see it ourselves.

Another pattern im noticing is people who have like 0.01 hours in PD yelling bring back swat and those are the exact kind of people who wouldn’t know wtf to do in situations. I’ve made it my goal to make the process of joining TFU more inclusive and I think we have done a great job with that. Not too inclusive, but not too exclusive either. Most of the people who have failed or are repeatedly failing their TFU Apps are the ones screaming bring back old swat. I’ve written and designed several of these questions and THEY ARE NOT HARD QUESTIONS! You can go watch LivePD or Miami Swat for an hour and get an idea of how a unit like that works and pass LOL. It really isn’t hard whatsoever, it just takes some brains sooooo.......

TL;DR - Stop being absolute boomers and use your brains to pass.
most of us don't want to spend time working a virtual job on a virtual server that won't bring us anywhere just to be able to go SWAT.
I'm very certain I would know what to do as SWAT, but I am not going to grind my ass off for a server when I can spend that time elsewhere.