Inconsistency Incarnate

Difference is that MegaFro had a lot more cover than the other guy who had to run out in the open whereas the other dude had to run through the open area of bazaar.
I mean both ran behind cover, but the other guy still made a dash. And plus, Dom did specify it's not acceptable to say "He didn't say anything" as an excuse. Thing is, it's the same report with two outcomes.
If megafro didnt have a gun then you'd have a point, but he did. The situations cant be compared.
The point is he was able to go into cover and pull his gun out safely, the guy in doms situation tried to jog away.
If you're actively trying to escape, then it's fine to run away regardless of stamina and stuff. If you make an escape and are killed in the process, then it isn't 3.4 as there was a chance.
The guy that got denied is because he ran away from my GP, would have been acceptable if i didn't peek him after he ran out the door.
So it's entirely up to the attacker, but the thing is, he got away and had a very good chance to.
So, Megafro had a gun pointed at someone, said nothing, they ran away and they broke rules.
I had a gun pointed at someone, said nothing, they ran away and didn't break rules.

You see why there's an issue here.
The only reason i didn't pop his head is because i was waiting for the owner of the shop, not some random.
He ended up snitching to police, causing at least 6 officers to die.
Then why was he banned if you made no attempt to talk to him, because both people are in the same situation.
No idea, but i think the fact that it got several civillians and 6+ cops killed has something to do with it.
The contentious issue in the denied appeal was not the accused fleeing from gunpoint. It was his following actions that infringed the rules as he risked his life by fleeing and had no chance of there being a reward proportional to this risk.

There is absolutely no issue with running away from gunpoint providing you do so within the rules but if you fail to follow up with something or make a meaningful attempt to escape the situation in its entirety it is an infringement of the rules. Had the user sprinted away from the scene I'm sure there would be no issue.

I believe this clears it up.
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