many people have made ideas to reduce max cop slots
Suggestion Title: Reduce max cop slots Suggestion Description: Reduce the maximum cop slots (and scale) to 18 rather than 25 Why should this be added?: - When the server is full and there are 20+ cops on, it doesnt matter how many people you are raiding with, crime is just impossible. -...
Suggestion Title: reduce the tfu and cop slots Suggestion Description: lowering the tfu slots to maxum 4 lowering the cops slots to 18 Why should this be added?: after 3PM GMT you can't raid solo its really hard even if you get 4 people at this time 24 is the maximum slots and for the...
Suggestion Title: Lower Cop Slots Suggestion Description: Currently, I feel the cops-to-player ratio is too high. The majority of times, the server is allowing 24 cops on duty at one time which is just stupid as there is normally only one major situation ongoing at a time meaning all 24 cops...
Suggestion Title: Reduce Cop Cap. Suggestion Description: Reduce cop cap to 15 even at max pop. I think its a bit ridiculous even at Max Pop I consistently able to witness 8 TFU responding to firearm incidents with 5 more cops etc. I've witnessed this my self while playing cops multiple times on...
Suggestion Title: Lower maximum cops Suggestion Description: Lower maximum amount of cops to 10 for a week or smth Why should this be added?: Cause playing solo at high pop is absolutely heartbreaking, raid a single base loudly and you'll get your butthole tickled by 30 cops (11 of which are...
all of them got denied im not sure why
so i got another Idea where cops cant go back to the same place where they die if the same situation still going on
i want to know what do you guys think