Is the staff team active enough

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IKEA - Northern Europe
Please note that we're at desperate times and these are questions that have to be answered for the survival of perp.

Let's face it we all love perp to some extent as we all play it some more actively than others, however as we all know the playerbase is dropping, we're never even close to filling the server anymore, why is something no one really knows, we all have different perspectives on the issues that are on perps shoulders, one of the things we cannot leave behind us though is the activity or should I say inactivity of the staff team? Seriously at this point of time we have 15 staff members and I can only count up to like 4 who are active, barely anyone is on at night and if they come on they're on for about what; 30 min?

There are so many threads just like this where you can share your concern, why do you feel the need to make more? Just stick to one.

I do feel like staff can be more active, however the current issue is that they don't have enough staff members and if they really push staff to do reports, they might just end up pushing them all to resign or even just have to demote them.

Personally, I feel like the way staff do reports right now should be changed. My idea is, that you can have a separate rank for staff where they go 'On-Duty' a bit DarkRPish but listen. When they are on duty, they are automatically assigned to reports. Currently, there are staff that just wait around for a report like 'I'm stuck' or whatever so that they can get it over with. However, if they are assigned automatically, it would reduce this issue. When off-duty, they will still have all their powers like noclip and physgun people in case they need it, but when on duty they are able to respond to reports etc.
What makes you think they'll see this thread and be like 'OH THIS ONE! I'LL REPLY TO THIS ONE.' If they cared so much, they'd hold a more active community presence and answer our questions.
No theres your answer. Do Bolli, Tiny and Madda know this? Yes. Look at the standard of staff that have been accepted over the last year and compare it to the year before. It's obvious.
Not to sound impatient but me Stevo and a few others have been waiting 2 weeks and still haven’t had our ban apologies reviewed. There are about 9 people who have made apologies trying to get their perma ban lifted and it don’t look like no one is dealing with them
What I don’t get is with the player base so low you would think that they would be a little bit more forgiving. Think about it me shokron Stevo inchs have all been fairly active on the forums if we all got unbanned that’s 4 people on the server don’t seem much but it makes a difference because that’s more bases more people to rp
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