It was fun! But everything actually got an end..

Reaction score

Soooo... Everyone who's been friends with me, probably already noticed, there has been a severe lack of activity from my side. For everyone, who was on not too long ago, now knows that I've decided to quit this community. For those who's confused, or just curious as to know why, I'd gladly explain.

Now.. Before someone gives me this crap "Cya in 1 week" or "2 months" or whatever. 1. I'm not saying I will be permanently gone, but at this point most likely. 2. I've given all my items away, which prior posts before this, I've never given away any items at all.

And now to the point...

For 4 years I've been part of this great community, and honestly I should've stopped long ago. I've had some really great times within this community, and I've continuesly met new people, I've gotten new friends and lost them, I've also created enemy's and just people to fight against or argue with, cause god knows I've really been arguing a lot. I started in this community after hearing about the gamemode, and somehow this was the server I decided to join, despite there probably being other servers too if I remember correct. Either way, I remember joining in, and already the first day I got myself a gun, and thought that I'd be really cool on this server.

Already the first day, I immediatly broke gunpoint(Despite I had just read through all rules, like some absolute retarded kid), and ran down to docks to pull a gun which I died. I then left the server, I tried joining back with this message "You've been banned from the server" and guess what FUCKING @John Daymon HAD BANNED ME FOR DISCONNECTING IN ADMIN SIT, never told him but Daymon. I WAS BLACKSCREENED YOU MELON, NOT IN SIT. Nah, but that was my first ever ban and impression of the community and it just sticked after that. I met some friends and they teached me the game, being that I was some edgy 15 year old dumb teenager I kept breaking rules etc, funnily enough I wasn't toxic that time. I tried getting passed, but everyone just kept raiding me, and mugging me and yeah I never really got anywhere.

That's when I met @Shaun Yeah, and befriended him, when he was a Moderator. I got in his org, and some stuff happend, which a lot of people already knows, or he attempted to atleast luckily, I was too shy that time, but still too dumb to realise what happend, so I never reported it.

I then at some point, got in trouble for ignoring /me commands by some officers I felt was breaking rules, and I became a triggered little shitbag and started to disrespect the friendliest, most lovely @LEWIS 088 Who then banned ME FOR 6 MONTHS, fairly enough I was a dumbass. These things didn't happen too far between each others. One of my best moments was when I met someone named "Soyd" on steam, his name was Brian something ingame, a Danish guy. He took me under his wing and teached me the game better, where I also met @Prepper who reached me some stuff within the police department, though that wasn't connected to Brian, but happend the same time.

Skip to a few years.

So basically, I was officer for about 2 years before I reached Senior Officer, PD has always been run in my opinion in a very weird and biased way, which still happen today. Sorry @Collier Don't get me wrong, you're a great Chief, but you got too much on your plate as SA to handle it properly. Anyways, I worked my way up and got a lot of help ESPECIALLY from @Henk And @Gimic Helped me a lot as well, Taught me how to do proper traffic stops as I was always too shy. I often had supervisors with me, but I was too shy and nervous to actually be properly, because I feared I would fuck up.

I was basically a Cop Main, but never even reached higher than the Rank Corporal, so there has been times on and off where I haven't even been on the server too. I've often lost a lot of motivation within the community on and off too, but now I simply just don't have any motivation.

Skipped to today.

So Basically after I came back from my permban by @McGlinchy and @Ayjay I've done a lot, to try to get my reputation up. I'd say I've done a pretty good job, being that I even reached to Moderator, and surprisingly enough got lots of support from it, even had people disagree with my demotion, despite I was an idiot. I still will not and will never agree to being Power hungry, because I don't feel like I was. My Reaction Score is way way way better aswell which I've managed to do. From -85 to 202 in 5 Months, isn't too bad for me at least.

It's been some really great times on this community, but as the title says everything got a proper end. I simply do not feel too welcome anymore, and it might as well be mostly my fault, I've been a huge dickhead. I don't feel welcome in anything anymore either, this includes PD, Staff, Orgs and the server in general, which is some of the main reasons I'm gonna leave the server, I don't feel like ruining anyone's fun, or just bothering others any more than I've already done. I don't think I'd be coming back, at least not any time soon, as I've also found something else to do, mostly playing CS:GO, so that's something I've started being better into, thank you for reading everyone!

TL;DR - Basically don't feel welcome, tell a bit of my start etc, and that I wont really come back and bother people again.

Long ass list of people, cause I don't wanna forget anyone!

@Collier -
Thank you so much, for the opportunity to become a staff member. It's been great and it was really funny, I wish however you would've demoted me to Enforcer instead earlier, and let me be trained more and better. Get more Mentors and more active.. We've also talked a lot since after I was staff and meanwhile I was staff, and it's always enjoyable to talk with you.

@LEWIS 088 - Honestly, I could sit here and ramble about how great you are, and how you gave me a lot of possibility's. You helped me become staff, and was a really amazing Mentor for me, especially late evening when I needed something, or needed help you were there, and I'll be forever greatful for it and for you <3.

@SpaceShots - We used to really really not like each others, but that's been changed a lot. You're a really good friend of mine now, and I honestly hope you'd finally get further than just Moderator or Senior Moderator, especially if you'd become a bit more active. You're a great staff, and a great friend.

@blobvis 2.0 @Shay - This counts @SpaceShots in aswell. Been amazing mentors to me, when I was a staff member, and still as SpaceShots been quite good friends aswell, you 3 were basically the staff I was doing best with, and also spoke mostly with aswell. You are all great people.

@Kenty - Used to have a beef with you aswell, but I think you're a funny and good staff member, and it's great to see we have settled our differences. It has been a great time, especially when you find it funny when I rage.

@McGlinchy - Decided to lower my ban, and giving me a few days off before I was originally unbaned. Thank you a lot aswell, you've been nice talking with, and been a good Admin aswell.

@Aquaa - Used to hate the living shit out of you, but you've turned out to be someone I sometimes talk with on steam, and also a quite nice person. I'd give you that, you've been really great aswell.

@Tinky - Given some really fun times, and also helped me a lot at the same time, thank you man.

@Sossa - For giving me a chance within Slaughters, despite I left them a bit again, and you didn't wanna add me back after again :mad:. Anyways, good guy when you get to know him tbh.

@JJB - Well.. Not much to be said, were still gonna be playing a lot. CS:GO Atleast, but I still will say, this guy is a legendary retard. But he's an amazing and supportive friend, and gives a lot of motivation, he's genuinely just great.

@JackHD(I don't remember your Forum name -.-) - We've been friends for a while now, and you've helped me a lot aswell now, and I'm highly greatful for it!

@Brad(I don't remember your name either lol) - Brad's been amazing and really fucking supportive. It's funny when he tries to join LCN, he's a very loyal friend and listens, despite him often breaking rules and being a melon head, he's great I was tough towards him in the start cause I tried to teach him, but I shouldn't the way I did. He's been great every since aswell.

@CaughtRed - We used to be annoyed and pissed at each others, even before I knew about this community due to another community, though we have gotten peace, and become good friends today, and you've been funny asf aswell, so I'd give you that.

@Mina - Just a useless prick who always minges, but been funny asf together with Aidan so I forgive him on that <3

@bobo - Always been extremely welcoming to me, even when I was extremely hated. You were amazing and helped me a lot, despite being an absolute asshole myself, thank you a lot man.

@BigBenji - Honestly, for being quite funny listening to, especially your story's. You literally have a story for almost everything, and it's funny asf most the time, keep up with your great story's lmao.

@Dom_ - Tbh, I can't make this without adding you in here, I used to hate you so fucking much, but you've been quite nice, despite I don't feel you're much of a fan of me lmao. You've changed a lot with not arguing too much in OOC etc aswell, you're a great Moderator and you still should be Admin aswell.

@Cole - I haven't really seen much of you for ages, but what I know is that you're a great guy.

@TinySlayer - You're a funny guy, especially when you always find opportunity's to send your bank account number for people to send money, and done a lot of updates for the server. Together with @Samuel And @Ayjay you guys are doing a great job, for a very limited amount of money for the programming you do.

@Weazel - Massive fucking cunt, but still a quite great guy aswell.

@Marcus Hudson - Ofc I'm not making this without fucking adding you in here, we've been friends for ages now, and it's funny to play with you especially when you're always high you stupid druggy, but you've been an amazing friend to me, and you're amazing for that.

@Racxes - Marcus' stupid ass Cousin, funny and always hillarious to talk shit to then attack him and get jailed for it, or run over or shot.

@Henk - I've known you for about 6 years now I think, atleast before perpheads times, and before you also started here. You've been the most amazing and supportive friend I've really had, and is genuinely one of my best friends, you were an absolutely amazing staff member, and Admin, honestly one of the best. I fucking miss you mate, and I fucking miss playing on Perpheads with you and your shit "A staff member thinks you're doing something wrong" on me, whenever you got the opportunity.

@Mimball - Been on and off, but mostly on. I'm happy to see you got staff, though sometimes could tune a bit down from the PD and staff, and be a bit more chill. However a good guy.

@Lucius Husky and @Zexinity - Both great people I've had some great times with, start didn't really like Lucius at all cause he was a stupid minge. He's still a stupid fucking minge, but a good Stupid fucking minge.

@A1L - Done a lot for me, especially within the PD aswell, amazing guy to talk and play with.

@filip - Stupid snake don't wanna buy me CS:GO Skins, though is a great and funny guy to play with.

@zansa - Been quite helpful in a lot of situations tbf, and also been a quite friendly guy.

@Wiki - Some weird ass fucking Scottish kid, but still quite enjoyable especially when he screams retarded sounds, to me down his microphone on Teamspeak and MassRDM's twice.

@Blue - Weirdo I apparently threatend to give me a recommendation, when I was an enforcer. Still a quite lovely and funny chap to play with. Especially when he tries to run me over, when I call his car ugly asf.

@ALOO89 - Been really useful to me, has also been a really amazing friend at the same time. Really lovely guy!

@Rayz - Always been really helpful and helped me a lot, also talked a lot at some times and just overall good person.

@t0mmy1 - Someone once asked me if we were related, because you were called Tommy Peterson and I was Jack Peterson. Then you also started cheating you dipshit so now we COULDN'T PLAY ANYMORE. Though a very amazing and funny guy, like most others, though one of those I was messing a lot around with!

@Devon Stewart - Been very loyal when I had my org, and been a good friend to me aswell. Knows what he's doing in an org and have a lot of plans, good friend overall basically.

Thanks for reading everyone, if I forgot someone, please comment below I can't remember everyone all the time, but that was it for now! Thanks for some great and bad times on perpheads, and hope you all are doing great today and in the future!
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wheres my tag fucker anyways i'll miss u bro :( hope to play csgo wtih you sometime
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who has been rdming you all these times on perp and been the mingy cop and the poorest nigga in your org huh? Fuck you
Shame to see you leave, you were a real one :( please come back in the future

I wonder if mina ever forgave you for kicking him when he was RC lmao
Thanks for the kind words Jack :) I appreciate it. You motivated me to reform like you once did!!!
aquaa reformed?
100% mate. Just a shame you weren't on as much when you were demoted, always though you were funner when you weren't staff :P
Who even cares about what people think about you, when I was staff people hated me, when I was demoted more people hated me; Do I care? No, there's no point in taking shit; It's a garry's mod community not everyone will like you :shrug:

Have a good time man! You were funny at times
I will never forgive you for banning me!!!!!!!!!!!! @Jack P

Nah jk the demotion was enough- <3
Fully forgave you even before you got demoted. I did literally scream down my mic at you. Pity i couldnt have done more minging that day :(

Hate to see you go. You were truely a nice guy. Whenever I was bored and wanted to annoy someone, I would just call you..who am I gonna call now?!?! @CaughtRed ?!?!? Nahhhhhhhh-
Won't be the same without you but I wish you well with your future and I hope to see you by our side, Minging as RC if you ever return.
Stay Safe <3
Like I said before, anyone who post makes a leaving post, isn't actually leaving... Bro gonna be on tonight under a different steam name and only type LOL.
Jokes aside don't let stupid fucks over the internet get under your skin. You got too remember what you are actually playing and why you are playing it and not take it as serious.