It's been great!

Reaction score

Well, here we are. About one year later, and I must say one awesome year. I have met so many amazing people and this community has truly opened my eyes to Role Playing. However after a while, like anything you play/do, it gets boring. Don’t get me wrong, it can be really good fun at times, however currently I just can’t get into it. So I’m going to take a 4 week or so break, coming on around 2 times in that period to see if it becomes any more interesting. If not, then I will leave and possibly find a new community to join. I'll still be active on the forums and possibly team speak, but not server. I will always remember this community and what it has done for me, and I wish the best of luck for everyone...

I would like to list a variety of players that have been amazing during my time here:

@arron/faith - You are such an awesome, friendly and banterous guy. We had some of the best role playing experiences together, something I will never forget. I’ll be sure to keep in contact on steam so I can rek u at APB m9 cum at meh!

@Leffe – I met you through Arron as far as I can remember. We used to always base together and role play together, now not as much but still I will never forget those times.

@Blicky - Always call me a Faggot, very rude ;) I remember back in 2014 when we always based together. You’re both a great player and a great server moderator! One day I’m sure you will become an administrator :D

@Momo – Very rude man, always angry but at the same time always friendly. You will be missed :)

@AaronD1234 – Such as funny guy, always very rude when he answers the phone, but other than that extremely friendly. One day you’ll be an Enforcer, trust me :D

@Gravedinosaur – I remember when we both got minis and drove around the city like we owned the place xD You have always been a good friend and I will try to stay in touch on steam :)

@Ethan – Once you came onto teamspeak and gave my ears aids. One day, probably in like 10 years, you will be un-banned :p

@D3V – Sadly you don’t come on the server as much. You such a friendly guy and if you hadn’t had went inactive for a bit, I’m sure you would have been moderator :D

@Sky-Walker – You’re an awesome guy who, in my opinion, deserves enforcer for sure :D

@Chris – You may be friendly and all that when you’re unemployed, but when you’re LT, shit goes down :p You’re an awesome Mod mate and I will try and keep in touch through steam

@Niko – We have been good friends for such a long time, and hopefully for a bit longer ;) I’ll try and keep in touch and keep up the good streams ;)

@[NL]EVIL-POOP^1:D Smily - You don’t come on the server anymore, but when you did it was so much fun and banter. It’s a shame we don’t talk as much anymore, but anyway, I wish you good luck for the future :) btw oops i dropped me' car keys :p

@Mr. Nice – Such a friendly guy and an amazing moderator. Will never forget you repeatedly asking to test my dodge viper xD

@Inspire – Doesn’t come on the server anymore, but still, such an amazing role player! You have such a good knowledge of the rules and it’s a shame you left, you were a good community member.

@Janssoni – Such a funny guy to be around, don’t see you as much but I remember back when we used to base together :D

@Duffy – Will never forget our suicide pact xD V. Dodgy marriage proposal :p


@Robin Ljungberg - I remember when you got accepted for enforcer, and we were all sitting in slums 4. It was great to see you so happy! Its been awesome mate!

@AyJay - Once a while AyJay appeared in our team speak channel. Was a very cheeky man. Cya bro! :D

@Swiper The Fox - I remember when a shit ton of people went around shitting ourselves over the ability to sit on chairs xD You're an awesome staff member and I wish you good luck for the future :)

@Trande - Rude man is all I can say ;)

@HomerWithTopHat - Amazing role player who should defo be a future moderator! Never getting a piggyback off u again m9 ;)

If there is anyone I have missed, please tell me and I will be sure to add you…

It’s Been Amazing!


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Keep in touch mate, hope you enjoy whatever you do now.
Thought I'd be thanked jkjkjkjkjkkjlkjng . Sad to see yet another bantar king go, best of luck with your future and I hope you have a great life Buddy. Adios!
I do not have much to say here really, since i already said everything i liked about you on my goodbye post. Anyways we will keep in toutch on steam and rule the world of apb with the pufferfish roadcrew service ;).
Mr Bishop :( I remember clinging to the bonet of your car during our shotgun wedding. Then I push you off the bridge and slip and fall in with you :( Riperino.

We all know you've got a new job with the BBC on Sundays at 8 ;)
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DannyD, the sexiest baby sitter alive. Had great fun with you on the server man, wish you the best of luck in your future.
You will go far mate! Get a
Viper IRL.
Sad to see you go , at least for now . I always enjoyed playing/ messing around with you, I hope you'll join the server once in a while during your break.
Honestly Danny you've been great, everytime I saw a report coming in from you I smiled as I knew it was going to well as you were always calm, even if you hated me because of the name change a bit however still mean I gotta say; You're great. Thanks for playing here and I hope you will be back.
It's been great having you on the server Bishop! I hope to see you return but if not, farewell. Best of luck in the future!
Damn.... Bro, i don't know what to say.. We have had alot of moments bro i don't even know how many, and thanks for adding me to the bye list ;) no but for real. Hope to see you soon bro, keep in touch <3