Mixture Info

Should all mixtures appear regardless if you have the skills/genes for it or just ones you do?

  • All mixtures shown

    Votes: 19 79.2%
  • Only ones with skills/genes unlocked

    Votes: 5 20.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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This poll is fairly basic and straight forward and shouldn't require much explaining since it just happens to be something I'm doing a few things with lately.

Should all mixtures appear regardless if you have the skills/genes for it or just ones you do?

This poll will only be up for 2 days just cause there isn't much debate / discussion required. Presently it is the skills/genes unlocked way.
Deffinatly all shown, since people don't have to ask 100 times what level you need some guns.
And it will be nice for people that have to relog all of the time because the crafting level / gun apparence bug
I think they should show all the time because me as well as others would probably want to know what they will be able to craft. Because I am not exactly sure when I will unlock new mixtures, I don't want to waste time, money and effort guessing at what I might unlock next. Being able to see what you can unlock may motivate people to work to unlock the mixtures!

And I would assume you have to still have the correct skills and genetics to use the mixture?
Yes, the skill levels and amount of genes required would not be changed by this. Just simply how it is displayed.
I think they shouldn't be displayed. I think that if a players level is low for the item, then they shouldn't know how to make it. They can easily find out by asking but in my opinion they shouldn't be able to use /help to find out.
I really don't think this should be added at all, Since i am curious, But i think it is quite annoying cause i dont get suprised then if i get something new, And we always have that thing on the forums on guides where you can see mixtures, I don't really think this should be added but its your choosing :P
Right, let me get this straight, you want to RELOG to get a new mixture? Lol pls. +Support for this and all the -Supporters, look at my point.
@Crow I understand your desire to keep it a surprise of what comes next, but there then with the change lies the anticipation of actually attaining the level to create something you saw in the list that you would really want to. So not as much of a surprise perhaps but goal setting, which can be an equally powerful motivator. So I hope you still can look forward to what may be next; as by popular demand it seems people are in favor of the full list.
I understand what you mean. But It should display all mixtures and show at what level of firearms it is needed to crate that mixture. Because, there is always that one person in OOC that says 'What level firearms is needed for ...' You can fill in the blanks. Having them display will widely help with people complaining over OOC, allowing people to carry on with there role playing situations.

Or maybe, there could be another tab, displaying all the guns/mixtures and what level is needed for them. I can see the point that is also been made, motivation for crafting, but that could then link with a separate page/tab, informing you of the mixtures. Something still needs to be done, to stop confusion.