My Grandma..

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Today my grandma passed away... After 5 years of waiting to go back to my country, I finally made it with my uncle giving us some money. We lived with my grandma (Me and my mom). She was always sad and had either high blood pressure or low, 2 days ago she had a heart attack , it is called insult in Russian , maybe someone can translate. Yesterday she got another "heart attack" while in the hospital, but I forgot to say that I decided to go to my uncle for 2 days just to chill, on the evening of the last day (2 days ago) my mom called my uncle and said that my Grandma is unconscious and then he and my aunt drove there basically. I've only seen my grandma for 21ish days and I've waited 5 years, I'm glad she achieved what she wanted , see me and Alice , my 1 year old sister. It's really hard for me right now, knowing how I waited for so long and stuff. My uncle and Aunt came to where we sleep, at Grandma's and we took my grandmas passport and other stuff , my mom decided to sleep tonight at my uncle's , I'm trying to not think about my grandma a lot because I'm just crying when I think about her.. I'm on phone so sorry for any mistakes .. Rest in peace ;(
I feel you man , i lost my grandfather he passed away 2 days after i went to visit him for the first time in months as he was fighting cancer and i was scared to see him like that .
It will get better with time but ofc you will always miss them , i hope u feel better soon , if u need anything msg me
Wow this is awful. I offer my deepest condolences to you and your family. Stay strong. :)
Sorry about your loss man. I have had many pass aways in my family not so long ago too and I know it's heart breaking to lose someone you love. But I'm sure she enjoyed sharing her last moments with her grandson. Im, sure she is with you now. If you want to talk or just get something off your chest just feel free let me know as my door is always open. Stay strong man. :)
Sad to hear that. I lost my grandma when I was in the 8th grade and my dad when I did my freshmen year, it sucks to lose people close to you. All I have to say is stay strong and it gets better. If you ever need someone to talk to you can add me on steam and I'll gladly talk to you.
I lost my nan to cancer a few years ago, not a nice thing to go through, honestly sorry for your loss.
I know how it feels to lose family members like that, I lost my nan around two years ago, and my grandad about a year ago, it's been very difficult for me, but even worse for my mum. It's difficult to understand exactly what she must be going through, as I can't imagine losing both my parents within two years, it'd be awful.
I'm sorry for your lost.
I've been there before. It's a very dark room and you think there's no way out. Trust me when i say there is! The pain is unbearable but you have to learn to cope with it and I'm sure you will.
Best of luck from now on and keep facing forward.
Horrible news. Lost my grandfather to bowel cancer and a series of mini strokes back in 2010.

Hope you're keeping well
sorry to hear this news mate,I lost my mum 4 months ago and my great grandmar who was 99 yrs and 11 mo old. Just keep good memories of her and then you will think about heer everyday with those good memories