I used to play PERP a couple of years ago, not sure when exactly because I can't remember the email to my old forum account or what it was called so (I'm not sure it even exists now) I'm basically a new player as I don't have a lot of playtime despite coming in and out of the server whenever I want to give it a try again.
I used to play PD a lot back in the day, however, I've found out that it's become a tad more serious and maybe even a little bit complicated, I used to love jumping in and out and this is where I spent most of my time and whilst people might be happy with it, It's not really my cup of tea and has pushed me away from that a fair bit. I might've not been the best at it at the time, but I did learn and I did get better but the feedback was given...in an interesting way, so to speak.
I think the main issue new players have is not really having much of a direction, PERP is somewhat big and generally, there is a fair amount to keep you busy, especially with other people but if there was something that could be done to get new players and players with a lower playtime more involved somehow, or even some kind of guide or some sort of direction at the start it would be smoother experience.
I also think it would be good to get newer players, or players with low playtime into an organization either automatically or optionally offered or a similar system so people can get involved with others a little bit easier, but this needs to be done in game.
Just a few of my thoughts and first impressions.