Olsen Drama

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Hey everybody,

As surely every single member of the community has noticed by now, some Olsen members have been community wide banned by the staff team and me recently. Understandably this has caused a lot of confusion and wild speculation and I think I should clear this up.

It all started by Husky getting banned for a completely legitimate reason. I had nothing to do with said ban but obviously husky did not appreciate this. However, I assume he then got quite pissed and was unhappy with the decision and talked to his org.

Clearly this triggered Youseff, a fellow Olsen member, to spam our forums with ARs.

Obviously I am not going to accept any member of our community spamming our forums just because they disagree with a decision of a staff member. Furthermore Youseff was always causing beef in the shoutbox and being generally toxic, and at some point I have to step in and say enough is enough. And this is that point.

After that, Soph Aspergers (Nade Alardin) was banned for another unrelated reason. He was unbanned from a previous ban under the condition that he never breaks the rules again but got a warning that day, hence he was banned by AyJay for breaking the conditions of his unban.

Some Olsen members then thought they were being targeted or something and began spamming the shoutbox arguing about how the server is nothing without their org and how perp would die without them. The two major people involved in this were Feng and Speedy.

These two have been spreading toxicity in the shoutbox and on the forums for way too long (probably several years). I am sure everyone who is being honest to themselves can admit that this has been going on for a very long time, and I personally think this had to be stopped, so I stepped in and banned the two. A decision I have thought about for a very long time, and a decision I asked several other members of staff (including senior staff) about.

Of course these are two controversial bans, and I understand that some people will disagree with my decision. However, I do not want to be a part of a community where toxic behaviour like theirs is tolerated and embraced.

What really puts the nail in the coffin however is that after the bans went up, members of Olsen have tried to retaliate against the ban IRL. For example they repeatedly called my real life phone number, which I don't really mind too much, but which clearly shows that they are going way too far and us removing them from our community was exactly the right thing to do.

The worst part however is that they then proceeded to find personal details of staff members who they thought were involved in that discussion and actually found a phone number belonging to a staff member's relative who they then told people on their teamspeak to spam call tomorrow. And exactly this is where the fun ends. You do not get to harass someone who was almost entirely not involved just to make a point and as such anyone who was community wide banned today can be guaranteed that there is no chance in hell they're ever going to be unbanned.

This behaviour is entirely unacceptable and will not be tolerated by us.

I hope I could give you some insight into today's decision and maybe I could convince some of you that what we did was just. If you have any questions regarding this situation feel free to ask and I'll try to respond.
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What really puts the nail in the coffin however is that after the bans went up, members of Olsen have tried to retaliate against the ban IRL. For example they repeatedly called my real life phone number, which I don't really mind too much, but which clearly shows that they are going way too far and us removing them from our community was exactly the right thing to do.
The worst part however is that they then proceeded to find personal details of staff members who they thought were involved in that discussion and actually found a phone number belonging to a staff member's relative who they then told people on their teamspeak to spam call tomorrow. And exactly this is where the fun ends
I agree with sentiment, nor do i condone this behaviour. But where does staff draw the line to the point where the already banned community members have their organization usurped to the point where all org ranks are removed the previous leaders are removed because certain members have "toxic" tendencies, even though i spent nearly 1½ years making this org.
I speak from experience, and honestly agree with alot of what you say about keeping the community clean but there are some places where the senior admins+ take things way too far in their efforts to do so. Shouldn't banning people just be enough? Or do staff have to interfere with org decision making as well at this point in order to make sure previously "toxic" players are not introduced into large/powerful orgs?
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The worst part however is that they then proceeded to find personal details of staff members who they thought were involved in that discussion and actually found a phone number belonging to a staff member's relative who they then told people on their teamspeak to spam call tomorrow.

This is where I'd draw the line. Contacting someone irl regarding the game is one thing, but their relatives is something way too far.
Well thanks for clearing this up, breaking the rules is one thing however harassing someones family member is just blowing the situation way out of proportion implying it hadn't been already. Felt a little sympathy for a few of them being banned, but after hearing about the phone call thing, stay banned.

found a phone number belonging to a staff member's relative who they then told people on their teamspeak to spam call tomorrow.

Hey @Photon, remember when @Garret_Pp was visiting our beloved city and you decided to call the restaurant he was in with his family and say you were his brother and got in a car accident? Me neither, good banter.
Nade alardin got banned because you told him dont break the rules and that day he got a new warning by ayjay so you decided to perm ban him? As i see most of people end their perp career with 20 total bans resulting in very very long ban or just permanent,so that means that everyone who play perp any time as much as they break the rules,they cant get back to community even they really want.
This is where I'd draw the line. Contacting someone irl regarding the game is one thing, but their relatives is something way too far.

Totally agree, can you imagine if your family found out that you play Perp? *shudders*
I think it's great to see the administration really stepping into power to stop something bad.

I think however that a lot of people would like some sort of clarification on the part about harddrives being searchable and things like that. I don't think that the majority of people think that it's something that would happen, but I'd like some official statement from @Fredy about these things, just to clarify and answer peoples questions.
Is it just me or everyone that gets into a war with The Harpers gets banned??
This should have been done earlier, they are the main toxicity of this community, the only way people defend them is say "u ar salty and u ez xdd".
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