28/06/20 - Community-Wide Bans Information

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ah yes, how could i forget, the freedom of speech country known as "the americas"
Your freedom of speech ends where the freedom of speech of another person begins. Freedom of speech only protects you from the government. Not private individuals or companies.
Yeah, I thought the monthly shoutbox revolution was taking longer than expected. Finally arrived I see.
@Husky For something a lot worse might I add, spamming the shoutbox is equal to doxing someone as a group?
@Inchs Someone? Was more than one mr! The group of non players who got banned during the dark night have been a issue for sometime. So they did not just get banned for yesterday, all they do is come here and try to create issues.
@Inchs and? Does not help the player count to ban all these players trying to join with LUA injectors either, but we still do it.
I honestly don't believe it's fair to community ban people for slightly offensive things, even if they are taking the piss against staff. Ban them for a week or two or something but it makes your administration look like a joke if your developers make jokes of jews in-game, and have had no issues with swastika's being thrown around on the server in the past. People within this community are actually being bullied and made fun of, actual toxicity is being punished by 2 day bans.

Either you actually stand for something and ban everything offensive but banning people for posting the '2 guys kissing meme' is not racist nor is it homophobic. Kudo's for stopping racism guys, now please join the teamspeak and hop into general channel 2 where it's openly accepted to say.

you guys know what screenshots i'm talking about, dont warn this for slander, i have the screenshots but i dont like 'ExPoSinG' people over making a point.
@Inchs at some point someone has to stop them, we have been removing their messages, replies, memes etc... for weeks and even months. Given out forum warnings and even used /prune a few times. Now everone knows that if you go around being toxic and just creating issues, you are kicked out.
@Samuel Just forum ban them? I don't get how its so hard and banning people over minor things like spamming the shoutbox and giving them the same punishments as people who dox community members
@Inchs They were forum banned, but this behaviour does not stop at the shoutbox. Its also in OOC, LOOC, Help Chat etc... And you don't seem to read what I write, like always... It's not just spamming the shoutbox... but you seem to think that is the only reason.
@Inchs we didn’t dox anyone, I called Fredy and told him I was addicted to perp. His number was public information may I add, he also did the same to me the other day and we laughed about it.

The doxing of @Samuel and his father was done years prior to me playing by I believe Ezrider, something of which I reported. A user then called David / Patrick Mohammad decided to call the number all of which I didn’t condone.

You’re simply uneducated on the matter.
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