OrAnGe mAn BaD!

People love raiding but hate it when it goes against them, its just people being salty at the end of the day and because they lose about 20K plus, people hate this and start crying. You're enjoying yourselves and they're not because of this. Its just people being salty at the end of the day, if they killed you, they would be very gassed and would "Love" you raiding them.
I want to be honest with you, I don't care about Olsen at all in-game, but the OOC cancer is just killing the whole organisation and it's pride, you do it to piss people off and you succeed, then you're wondering why people dislike you, now, please know that I'm not saying you haven't changed because you really have, but when you have members posting this after someone dying;

or the standard old "ezpz go play minecraft kid" things you guys used to post, it obviously pisses people off and makes them not like you.

I can't get more quotes as I don't have access to the logs anymore but just because you've changed to the better Husky, doesn't necessairly mean that everyone else has. note that I know that Dai didn't actually kill the person in the "sleepytime" message but I just brought it up as an example

I also know that I myself ain't the best in OOC we in the struggle together!!!!!!
Maybe stop recruiting your competition and kick your boyfriend @Ayjay so you won't be immuned to the rules?

This community is full of impressionable children that would give their left kidney to join your org. @Bean Can @Moon @ICEKILLER_99

I have lost interest in competing with you because of your "Cant beat them, invite them" mentality. And with the low population of the server leaving me with the chimps to go against fulltime dropouts. Enjoy your competition.

At the end of the day raiding is apart of criminal RP and its the risk you take everytime you decide to put down your plant pots. so don't complain when some carrots run up in your base and dominate you